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新潮大学英语实用听说教程  第1册
新潮大学英语实用听说教程  第1册

新潮大学英语实用听说教程 第1册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:罗德芬主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787309059083
  • 页数:225 页
《新潮大学英语实用听说教程 第1册》目录

Unit 1 Life on Campus 1

Part A Phonetic Practice 1

Sound Recognition 1

Word Stress 1

Rhythm 2

Part B Listening Practice 2

Short Statements 2

Short Conversations 3

Long Conversations 3

Conversation 1 Registration 3

Conversation 2 What to Do? 3

Passages 4

Passage 1 The Campus Tour Starts Now! 4

Passage 2 Announcement of the Final Exam 4

Part C Speaking Practice 5

Colorful College Life 5

Unit 2 Music 7

Part A Phonetic Practice 7

Sound Recognition 7

Word Stress 7

Rhythm 8

Part B Listening Practice 8

Short Statements 8

Short Conversations 9

Long Conversations 9

Conversation 1 My Favorite 9

Conversation 2 Please Join Us! 10

Passages 10

Passage 1 Jazz and Jazz Musicians 10

Passage 2 Black Art 11

Part C Speaking Practice 11

Singing for Listeners 11

Unit 3 Family 14

Part A Phonetic Practice 14

Sound Recognition 14

Word Stress 14

Rhythm 15

Part B Listening Practice 15

Short Statements 15

Short Conversations 16

Long Conversations 17

Conversation 1 Take It or Not? 17

Conversation 2 Can You Wash the Plates? 17

Passages 17

Passage 1 Changes in Family Life 17

Passage 2 Families in the U.S. 18

Part C Speaking Practice 18

New-typed Family Life 18

Unit 4 Appearance 21

Part A Phonetic Practice 21

Sound Recognition 21

Vocalization and Voiceless Letters 21

Rhythm 22

Part B Listening Practice 22

Short Statements 22

Short Conversations 23

Long Conversations 24

Conversation 1 What a Charming Restaurant! 24

Conversation 2 Look at These Boys 24

Passages 25

Passage 1 What a Vain Man! 25

Passage 2 The Couple and the University 25

Part C Speaking Practice 25

Changing Fashion 25

Unit 5 Animals 28

Part A Phonetic Practice 28

Sound Recognition 28

Contraction 28

Rhythm 29

Part B Listening Practice 29

Short Conversations 29

Long Conversations 30

Conversation 1 Frogs and Me 30

Conversation 2 The Ape-woman 31

Passages 31

Passage 1 Sharks 31

Passage 2 The Asian Elephant 32

Part C Speaking Practice 32

Sow Adopts Tiger Cubs 32

Unit 6 Festivals and Customs 35

Part A Phonetic Practice 35

Sound Recognition 35

Sentence Stress 35

Rhythm 36

Part B Listening Practice 36

Short Conversations 36

Long Conversation 37

Thanksgiving and My Family 38

Passages 38

Passage 1 The Arbor Day 38

Passage 2 The Cocktail Party 39

Passage 3 Halloween 39

Part C Speaking Practice 39

China Ready for Lantern Festival 39

Unit 7 Aspects of American Life 41

Part A Phonetic Practice 41

Sound Recognition 41

Loss of Plosion and Incomplete Plosion 41

Rhythm 42

Part B Listening Practice 42

Short Conversations 42

Long Conversations 43

Conversation 1 At a Gas Station 43

Conversation 2 I Want to Hire a Car 44

Passages 45

Passage 1 Weddings in the U.S. 45

Passage 2 Mother’s Day and Father’s Day 45

Part C Speaking Practice 46

Christmas Day 46

Christmas Stress 47

Unit 8 Places to See in Britain 49

Part A Phonetic Practice 49

Sound Recognition 49

Head Consonant Clusters 49

Rhythm 49

Part B Listening Practice 50

Short Conversations 50

Long Conversations 51

Conversation 1 What to See in the Morning 51

Conversation 2 What to See in the Afternoon 51

Passages 52

Passage 1 Our Visit to London 52

Passage 2 Bookshops in London 52

Part C Speaking Practice 53

Pubs 53

Unit 9 Past Experiences 55

Part A Phonetic Practice 55

Sound Recognition 55

Tail Consonant Cluster 55

Rhythm 56

Part B Listening Practice 56

Short Conversations 56

Long Conversations 57

Conversation 1 I Have Been Chased by a Bull! 57

Conversation 2 My Past Experiences 57

Passages 58

Passage 1 I Had a Puncture 58

Passage 2 My Work 58

Part C Speaking Practice 59

A Narrow Escape 59

Unit 10 Library 61

Part A Phonetic Practice 61

Sound Recognition 61

Liaison 61

Rhythm 62

Part B Listening Practice 62

Short Conversations 62

Long Conversations 63

Conversation 1 On the Library Check List 63

Conversation 2 Articles on Reserve 64

Passages 65

Passage 1 The Largest Library in the World 65

Passage 2 System of Library Cooperation 65

Part C Speaking Practice 66

Oxford University Library 66

Unit 11 Youth 68

Part A Phonetic Practice 68

Sound Recognition 68

Weak Form 68

Rhythm 69

Part B Listening Practice 69

Long Conversations 70

Conversation 1 A Radio Interview 70

Conversation 2 My Ideal Job 70

Passages 71

Passage 1 Yuppies 71

Passage 2 Teenagers and Their Problems 71

Passage 3 What Youth Means 72

Part C Speaking Practice 72

Keep Yourself Young Forever 72

Unit 12 Movies 74

Part A Phonetic Practice 74

Sound Recognition 74

Assimilation 74

Rhythm 75

Part B Listening Practice 75

Short Conversations 75

Long Conversations 76

Conversation 1 The Movies I Like 76

Conversation 2 Renting Movies 77

Passages 77

Passage 1 Success of the English Patient 77

Passage 2 The Early Days of Movie Making 78

Part C Speaking Practice 78

An Unexpected Success 78

Unit 13 Education 81

Part A Phonetic Practice 81

Sound Recognition 81

Sense-Groups and Pauses 81

Rhythm 82

Part B Listening Practice 83

Short Conversations 83

Long Conversations 84

Conversation 1 I Want a Bachelor’s Degree 84

Conversation 2 The Trouble with Education in Britain 84

Passages 85

Passage 1 Changes in Colleges and Universities 85

Passage 2 Education and Schooling 85

Passage 3 Schools in the U.S. 86

Part C Speaking Practice 86

School Education 86

Unit 14 Foreign Universities 88

Part A Phonetic Practice 88

Sound Recognition 88

Onomatopoeia 88

Rhythm 89

Part B Listening Practice 89

Short Conversations 89

Long Conversations 90

Conversation 1 Can I Change My Major? 90

Conversation 2 Exam Anxiety 91

Passages 91

Passage 1 Cambridge 91

Passage 2 Education in the U.S. 92

Part C Speaking Practice 93

Oxford University 93

Unit 15 Food and Drinks 95

Part A Phonetic Practice 95

Sound Recognition 95

Tongue Twister 95

Rhythm 96

Part B Listening Practice 96

Short Conversations 96

Long Conversations 97

Conversation 1 A New Snack Food 97

Conversation 2 Nothing to Eat 98

Passages 98

Passage 1 Foreign Foods 98

Passage 2 Their Favorite—Hamburgers 98

Part C Speaking Practice 99

Eating out in England 99

Unit 16 Table Manners 102

Part A Phonetic Practice 102

Sound Recognition 102

Tongue Twister 102

Rhythm 103

Part B Listening Practice 104

Short Conversations 104

Long Conversation 105

Look at What He’s Done! 105

Passages 105

Passage 1 Your Manners at the Table 105

Passage 2 Who Pays for the Meal? 105

Passage 3 Tipping 106

Part C Speaking Practice 107

Mind Your Manners 107

Unit 17 Weather and Climate 109

Part A Phonetic Practice 109

Sound Recognition 109

Initialism 110

Rhythm 110

Part B Listening Practice 111

Short Conversations 111

Long Conversations 112

Conversation 1 There’s Going to Be a Shower! 112

Conversation 2 Snowflakes 112

Passages 113

Passage 1 Storms 113

Passage 2 Greenhouse Effect 113

Part C Speaking Practice 114

El Nino 114

Unit 18 Transportation 116

Part A Phonetic Practice 116

Sound Recognition 116

Acronyms 117

Rhythm 117

Part B Listening Practice 118

Short Conversations 118

Long Conversation 119

Did They Have Traffic Then? 119

Passages 119

Passage 1 What Cars Mean to Americans 119

Passage 2 Truck Drivers 120

Passage 3 Driving in the U.S. 120

Part C Speaking Practice 121

Vehicles 121

Scripts and Keys 123

Unit 1 123

Unit 2 127

Unit 3 131

Unit 4 136

Unit 5 142

Unit 6 146

Unit 7 151

Unit 8 156

Unit 9 161

Unit 10 165

Unit 11 170

Unit 12 174

Unit 13 180

Unit 14 185

Unit 15 190

Unit 16 195

Unit 17 199

Unit 18 203

Appendix I Basic Functional Patterns in Everyday Conversation 209

1.Greeting and Introduction 209

2.Invitation and Hospitality 209

3.Food and Meals 210

4.Shopping 211

5.Making a Call 211

6.Finding a Job 212

7.Appreciation and Apologies 212

8.Congratulations 213

9.Suggestions and Advice 213

10.Agreement and Disagreement 214

11.Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction 214

12.Likes and Dislikes 215

13.Sympathy and Consolation 215

14.Criticism and Praise 215

15.Annoyance and Disappointment 216

16.Preference and Choice 216

17.Similarity and Difference 217

18.English on Campus 218

Appendix Ⅱ Letter Groups and Their Pronunciations 219

Appendix Ⅲ American Pronunciation and British Pronunciation 222

Appendix Ⅳ Festivals and Holidays 224

1.Festivals and Holidays in China 224

2.Festival and Holidays in the USA 224
