- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:闵永林主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787547834046
- 页数:207 页
Section One Firefighting Equipment 3
Broadband multimedia digital trunking communication equipment in firefighting command 3
Analysis on frame of hydraulic-driven smoke exhaust fan based on FEA 8
High power lighting in emergency and rescue services 13
A novel height information decision mechanism for indoor pedestrian navigation of firefighter 17
Research on dangerous tanker vehicle leakage,fire & explosion accidents prevention and emergency disposal technology 27
Wearable power-assisted devices for firefighting application 32
Domestic and foreign study on fire service life safety belt 38
Research on the improvement of standard for hydraulically operated rescue tools 41
A novel motion control method of a freman-assistive transportation mobile robot 47
Application of frefighting robot in actual combat 53
Technical design analysis for key nodes of firefighting remote water supply system 57
Brief introduction of fire rescue equipment and technology in China 64
Water rescue protective helmet design 68
Research on the fire safety obstacles to electric vehicle progress 72
Section Two Fire Science and Technology 81
Study on identifying the properties of copper conductor molten mark based on laser Raman method 81
Study on influence of high temperature on elevator evacuation 86
Fire statistics collection methods based on web crawler:introduction and application 90
Review of occupant evacuation behaviors research 94
Application analysis and development suggestion of organophosphate degrading enzymes in emergency rescue 98
The application of AHP multi-expert decision-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in large-scale events safety risk assessment 104
Research on feeling improvement of virtual fire environment 109
Application of grand platform to firefighting and emergency evacuation 114
Study on the application of fire extinguishing agent for lithium-ion batteries in pure electric vehicles 119
Design and application of modified equipment to determine fireman's protective clothing's deicing force 122
Comparison analysis of evacuation efficiency of stair and elevator 127
The research process of extinguishing agents fighting Li-ion battery fires 131
A preliminary analysis on the reliability characteristics for the automatic fire alarm system 136
Analysis on fire control video reconnaissance systems for rescue at disaster scene 139
Physical and chemical extinguishing agents mixed spray technology—a new method to greatly improve the fire-extinguishing efficiency 142
Section Three Fire Service 149
Establishment of perception-based urban fire control support system in the new era 149
Design on repair and maintenance system of firefighting equipment based on the Internet of Things 152
Application of big data in fault diagnosis system of firefighting facilities 157
Analysis of firefighter fitness management and current situation in China and overseas 161
Suggestions for fire protection publicity and education work in China 167
Emergency rescue status for accidents in road transportation of hazardous chemicals 177
Review of current state of application big data on fire protection 180
Shanghai emergency industry current situation and future development 184
Study and application of fire risk assessment on existing high-rise residential buildings 189
Statistic analysis and fire safety countermeasure on oil and gas pipelines accidents 195
Analysis on fire risk and fire prevention in coal chemical industry 200
Suggestions on fire emergency rescue standard system in China 203
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