英语诵读文萃 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:芦苇主编
- 出 版 社:银川:阳光出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787806207499
- 页数:120 页
金色年华 2
1.A bag of potatoes 2
2.A boy's wish 5
3.An unforgettable experience 8
4.Plant the seed 11
5.The importance of parents'conducts 14
人在旅途 18
6.Miss the boat 18
7.The four seasons of life 21
8.Prayer for my mother 24
9.We are on ajourney 27
10.Believe in yourself 30
11.Just be happy 33
12.How the Americans view friendship 36
13.Happiness is a journey 40
14.A chapter of life 44
15.What to do when you feel lonely 47
16.Good will be rewarded with good 50
17.Live a life of love 54
18.The country mouse and the city mouse 56
19.A reflection of life 59
菁菁校园 64
20.Growing older and growing up 64
21.My life at school 67
22.The hand 70
23.Mr.Washington 74
24.The important things life teaches you 78
青春风采 82
25.Why we study English 82
26.My summer vacation 84
27.Protect enviroment 86
28.Hobbies 90
29.Please don't waste money any more 92
30.We need... 95
31.My dream 97
32.The way to stay healthy 100
33.The Spring Festival 103
心灵之约 106
34.Thirty things a boy believes—by tarak Mclain 106
35.Mother 109
36.Living life over 112
37.Don't quit 115
38.Proud of you—By FionaFung 117
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