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亲近母语  日有所诵  英文诵读  第四级
亲近母语  日有所诵  英文诵读  第四级

亲近母语 日有所诵 英文诵读 第四级PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王小庆编著
  • 出 版 社:桂林:广西师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787549541140
  • 页数:148 页
《亲近母语 日有所诵 英文诵读 第四级》目录

上卷 2

Unit 1 阳光雨露 2

Week 1 2

The Sun Is Sinking 2

The Things That Remind Me of Spring 3

The Wind 4

Week 2 6

Fog 6

Twinkle Toes 7

The Rainbow 8

Week 3 10

A Gift 10

Snowflakes 11

Months 12

Week 4 13

The World Is a Rainbow 13

When Clouds Appear 14

At the Seaside 15

Unit 2 彩虹与梦 18

Week 1 18

Friend 18

The Echoing Green 19

If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking 21

Week 2 23

A Red,Red Rose 23

The Rainbow 24

If I Could Write Words 26

Week 3 27

Goodbye SS 27

A Dream Is a Wish You r Heart Makes 28

When and Why 29

Week 4 31

Terrible Dream 31

Snowball 33

Eat,Eat,Eat 34

Unit 3 探询生活 38

Week 1 38

Early to Bed,and Early to Rise 38

Fairy Bread 39

Bed in Summer 40

Week 2 42

On Your Birthday 42

(No Title) 43

Waking 45

Week 3 46

A Thought 46

What Makes You Laugh? 47

Dirty Socks 49

Week 4 51

Chore 51

The Swing 53

Hide and Seek 54

Unit 4 人言兽语 58

Week 1 58

Missing(Selection) 58

A Fish 59

Zebra Question 60

Week 2 62

Wonderful Nose 62

Peter Rabbit 63

Peter Piper 64

Week 3 65

Furry Bear(Selection) 65

For Want of a Nail 66

Runny Babbit 67

Week 4 68

Itsy Bitsy 68

Willoughby Wallaby Woo 69

The Loser 70

下卷 74

Unit 5 学校趣事 74

Week 1 74

Perfect 74

Class Pest 75

I Brought My Grandma's Teeth to School 77

Week 2 78

I wish I Was Much Bigger 78

My Girlfriend 79

I'm Building a Rocket 80

Week 3 83

Better Late Than... 83

Home for the Day 84

Take Me out of the Classroom 85

Week 4 87

Outside the Headmaster's Study 87

My Robot Does My Homework 89

There Is No Frigate Like a Book 90

Unit 6 思考与品味 94

Week 1 94

Dust of Snow 94

The Worth of a Smile 96

Will There Really Be a Morning? 97

Week 2 99

Zero To Hero 99

Nothing Gold Can Stay 100

A Man of Words 101

Week 3 103

Now the Day Is Over 103

Not Knowing When the Dawn Will Come 105

Fire and Ice 106

Week 4 108

Words like Freedom 108

The Value of Time 109

The Road Not Taken 111

Unit 7 远方的世界 116

Week 1 116

Humpty Dumpty 116

April Rain Song 117

When? 118

Week 2 119

Christmas Herald 119

Ghost of Tom 120

White Christmas 121

Week 3 123

The Beech Tree 123

The Butterfly Song(Selection) 124

She Went as Quiet as the Dew 125

Week 4 126

My Spring Garden 126

Autumn Is Orange 128

A Holly Jolly Christmas 130

Unit 8 永远的歌声 134

Week 1 134

Magpie 134

The Caterpillar 135

Christ Is in Christmas 136

Week 2 137

Lambs 137

Early Learning 139

Autumn 140

Week 3 141

To Love Thee,Year by Year 141

Winter Time Poem 142

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 143

Week 4 145

Wind on the Hill 145

Child's Song 147

Answer to a Child's Question 148
