澳大利亚研究 第十四届中国澳大利亚研究国际学术研讨会文集 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:梁中贤,(澳)戴维·卡特,韩锋主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787313137098
- 页数:289 页
Culture: 1
1.The Great War:Anzac Legacies and Memories and the Making of National Identity&Stephen Garton 1
2.Australian Children's Cultures of Play and Creativity:Historical,Contemporary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives&Kate Darian-Smith 9
3.Fringe to Famous:Bohemians,Entrepreneurs,Audiences and the Enabling State&Tony Moore&Mark Gibson 20
4.A Forgotten Scholar of Sinology:Liu Ts'un-yan's Contributions to Promoting Chinese Culture in Australia&Su Tiping 35
5.FitzGerald's Interpretations of the Growth of Chinese History&Fan Lin 41
Linguistics and Translation: 50
6.Interpersonal Metadiscourse in Typological Perspective&Lou Qi&Jiang Hui 50
7.A Comparative Study on the Key Words in Australian English&Wu Li 58
8.Enlightenment from the Australian Experience in Constructing a Professional Translator and Interpreter Training System&Sun Haiyi 66
Literature: 73
9.Patrick White Studies in China:A Review and Some Reflections&Chen Zhengfa 73
10.Australian Literature:A Perspective of the Ecology of Literature&Diao Keli 79
11.Nature Writ Large:Eco-Interpretation of Patrick White's Novels&Xiang Lan 86
12.Elizabeth Jolley's Life Experience's Influence on Her Literary Creation&Zhang Geping 98
13.Interpretation of Academic Fiction in Britain,America and Australia&Zhang Rongsheng&Ding Wei 102
14.On Australian Dream and Difficulties for Australians to Realize it Take the Movie Crocodile Dundee(1986)as a Case&Wei Xutao 110
15.“Their Own Voices”——on the Hybrid Construction of Aboriginality in Carpentaria&Zhan Chunjuan 117
16.Becoming Indigenous:A Comparative Analysis of Patrick White's A Fringe of Leaves and Gail Jones'Sorry&Xing Chunli 123
17.From Conquest to Collapse:Ecological Thoughts in the Depiction of Wheatbelt in Cloudstreet and Dirt Music&Xu Xianjing 132
Politics and Economy: 146
18.The Emerging Politico-Economic Australia-China Relationship with Tony Abbott as Prime Minister&Colin Mackerras 146
19.A Probe into the Prospects for Sino-Australia Cooperation on Development Economics Research&Huang Meibo&Liu Sirun 154
20.Will Australia be a RMB Offshore Centre?&Yang Quan 168
21.A Brief Analysis of the Economic Performance of Howard's Government(1996-2007)&Shi Yilin 175
22.Approaching Spatial Justice:Perth's Low-Carbon Urban Paradigm&Wu Xuan 188
23.An Overview of Sino-Australian Energy Technology Collaboration&Yang Peihua 200
24.On Taiwan's“Economic Aid Diplomacy”toward the Island Nations of the Oceania&Ju Changmeng 211
25.The Chinese Newzealanders'Contribution in Sino-Newzealand Realations&Wang Juan 218
26.The Comparative Analysis of Construction Patterns of Smart Cities between Ipswich and Singapore&Tao Na 229
Appendix 1 Congratulation Letter to the 14th Australian Studies Conference in China&Huang Yuanshen 240
Appendix 2 Conference Program 241
Appendix 3 Abstracts of the Thesis Presented 244
Appendix 4 Titles of the Posters Competition Contest of the Postgraduates 285
Directors'Curriculum Vitae 288
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