- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)帕迪利亚(Padilla,M.J.)著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江教育出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7533869834
- 页数:181 页
Electricity and Magnetism 12
Nature of Science:An Electrical Engineer in Outer Space 12
Chapter 1 Magnetism and Electromagnetism 16
1 The Nature of Magnetism 18
2 Integrating Earth Science:Magnetic Earth 28
3 Electric Current and Magnetic Fields 34
4 Electromagnets 42
Chapter 2 Electric Charges and Current 48
1 Electric Charge and Static Electricity 50
2 Circuit Measurements 60
3 Series and Parallel Circuits 68
4 Integrating Health:Electrical Safety 72
Chapter 3 Electricity and Magnetism at Work 80
1 Electricity,Magnetism,and Motion 82
2 Generating Electric Current 88
3 Using Electric Power 96
4 Integrating Chemistry:Batteries 103
Chapter 4 Electronics 114
1 Electronic Signals and Semiconductors 116
2 Electronic Communication 124
3 Computers 132
4 Integrating Technology:The Information Superhighway 142
Interdisciplinary Exploration:Edison—Genius of Invention 150
Reference Section 156
Skills Handbook 156
Think Like a Scientist 156
Making Measurements 158
Conducting a Scientific Investigation 160
Thinking Critically 162
Organizing Information 164
Creating Data Tables and Graphs 166
Appendix A:Laboratory Safety 169
Glossary 172
Index 176
Acknowledgments 180
Inquiry Activities 17
Opportunities for long-term inquiry 17
Chapter 1:Electromagnetic Fishing Derby 17
Chapter 2:Cause for Alarm 49
Chapter 3:Electrical Energy Audit 81
Chapter 4:Bits and Bytes 115
Exploration and inquiry before reading 18
What Do All Magnets Have in Common? 18
Can You Use a Needle to Make a Compass? 28
Are Magnetic Fields Limited to Magnets? 34
How Do You Turn a Magnet On and Off? 42
Can You Move a Can Without Touching It? 50
How Can Current Be Measured? 60
Do the Lights Keep Shining? 68
How Can You Blow a Fuse? 72
How Does a Magnet Move a Wire? 82
Can You Produce Electric Current Without a Battery? 88
How Can You Make a Bulb Burn More Brightly? 96
Can You Make Electricity With Spare Change? 103
Can You Send Information With a Flashlight? 116
AreYou Seeing Spots? 124
How Fast Are You? 132
How ImportantAre Computers? 142
Sharpen your Skills 20
Practice of specific science inquiry skills 20
Observing 20
Measuring 29
Classifying 38
Drawing Conclusions 52
Calculating 64
Predicting 70
Classifying 91
Observing 99
Communicating 121
Calculating 134
TRY Tuis 24
Reinforcement of key concepts 24
How Attractive! 24
Spinning in Circles 31
Sparks Are Flying 54
Down the Tubes 63
Keeping Current 90
What a Web You Weave 144
Skilla Lab 58
In-depth practice of inquiry skills 58
The Versorium 58
Electricity Grows on Trees 108
The Penny Computer 140
Real-World Lab 26
Everyday application of science concepts 26
Detecting Fake Coins 26
Build a Flashlight 40
Constructing a Dimmer Switch 66
Building an Electric Motor 86
Design a Battery Sensor 123
Interdisciplinary Activities 100
Science and History 100
The History of Electric Power 100
The Development of Computers 136
Science and Society 110
Disposing of Batteries Safely 110
When Seeing ISN'T Believing 146
Connection 32
Language Arts 32
Social Studies 74
Social Studies 84
Music 118
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