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  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:戴光前主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人事出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7801895258
  • 页数:740 页

开幕词 中华人民共和国人事部副部长王晓初 1

Opening Address by Wang Xiaochu,Vice Minister of Ministry of Personnel of the People's Republic of China 4

欢迎致辞 广西壮族自治区常务副主席郭声琨 8

Welcoming Address by Mr.Guo Shengkun,Executive Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 10

Address by Michael Duggett,International Institute of Administrative Sciences(IIAS) 13

致辞 国际行政科学学会总干事迈克尔·达戈特 17

致辞 中国行政管理学会会长郭济 20

Address by Mr.Guo Ji,President of Chinese Public Administration Society 23

主题报告:中国行政改革视野下的政务透明 国际行政科学学会副主席 戴光前 28

Keynote Speech:Transparency of Government Affairs in China in the Perspective of Administrative Reform Mr.Dai Guangqian,Vice President of IIAS 35

主报告人在国际行政科学学会第三届地区国际会议的报告 (巴基斯坦)阿塞夫·巴克哈利(中国)吴江 48

Conference of IIAS Asif Buckhari(Pakistan)Wu Jiang(China) 62

General Rapporteurs'Report on the Third Regional International 62

亚洲公共行政改革:开放性、透明性、责任性——“国际行政科学学会亚洲公共行政改革论坛”观点综述 中国人事科学研究院公共管理研究室 83

Public Administration Reform in Asia:Openness,Transparency and Accountability——Summary of Asian Public Administration Reform Forum Department of Public Administration,China Academy of Personnel Science 90

专题一 政务透明与建立责任政府 105

Panel Session Ⅰ:Public Administration Transparency and Accountable Government 105

Reinventing South Korea's Bureaucracy toward Open and Accountable Governance Dongsung Kong,South Korea 105

改革韩国的官僚制 度实行政治公开和问责 (韩国)孔东升 128

Results Based Management in Thai Public Sector Darat Boripanthakul,Thailand 131

泰国公共部门结果管理实践 (泰国)塔瑞特·玻瑞潘莎库 150

Performance Accountability Report as an Instrument for Transparency and Accountability in Public Sector Management Sudiman Bin Dalim,Indonesian 153

把绩效问责报告作为公共部门管理透明度和问责制的手段——印度尼西亚案例 (印度尼西亚)苏迪曼·宾·达林 171

Public Administration Reform in India S.K.Rao,India 173

印度公共行政改革 (印度)西瑞普拉普·科沙瓦·饶 180

Public Administration Reform toward Building Government of Transparency and Accountability in Vietnam Vo Kim Son,Vietnam 183

实行公共行政改革 建立透明、负责的政府 (越南)武山锦 199

积极推进广西人事行政领域的政务透明 (中国)李康 201

On the Advance of Transparency of the Personnel Administration in Guangxi Ms.Li Kang,Director of the Personnel Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 206

网上政务公开及相应政府责任 (中国)张锐昕 215

Open Government Affairs on Internet and the Corresponding Responsibilities of Government Zhang Ruixin,China 225

责任政府的法治基础与政治构架 (中国)陈国权 徐露辉 239

The Political Structure and Legal Foundation of Responsible Government Chen Guoquan and Xu Luhui,China 250

论信息公开视角下责任政府的构建 (中国)谢昕 王翠 253

On Establishment of Responsible Government under the View of Information Publicity Xie Xin and Wang Cui,China 260

官员问责的透明需求 (中国)攸笛 郑吉萍 264

Transparency Requirements for Official Accountability You Di and Zheng Jiping,China 271

公共部门绩效的科学评估与建立责任政府 (中国)刘树信 275

Scientific Performance Evaluation of Public Administration and Building Responsible Government Liu Shuxin,China 283

政务公开促进建设责任政府——中国深圳市政府的实践与启示 (中国)傅小随 289

Government Transparency Promotes the Construction of Responsible Government:Practice and Inspiration of China's Shenzhen Municipal Government Fu Xiaosui,China 296

专题二 政务透明与转变政府治理方式 303

Panel Session Ⅱ:Public Administration Transparency and Changing Patterns of Governance 303

The National Program Of Administrative Reform Serving People Better Chhuon Chham,Cambodia 303

国家行政改革方案——更好地为人民服务 (柬埔寨)淳恰 333

Civil Service Reform in Indonesia…Prijono Tjiptoherijanto,Indonesia 335

印度尼西亚的公务员制度改革 (印度尼西亚)普若觉罗·提普黑瑞江托 343

Reforming Public Administration in Nepal Bihari Krishna Shrestha,Nepal 345

尼泊尔的公共行政改革 (尼泊尔)比哈瑞·科里斯南·什雷斯塔 361

Public Administration Transparency Public Participation:Singapore'Experience Tan Tian Hong,Roger 364

公共行政管理:透明度和公众参与——新加坡的经验 (新加坡)陈天宏 382

Transparency as a Competition Tool:Hospital Reforms in Singapore M Ramesh,Singapore 384

把透明度作为竞争手段——新加坡的医院改革 (新加坡)拉米什 399

Public Sector Transparency and Corporate Financial Disclosure in Asia Wu Xun,Singapore 401

亚洲公共部门的透明度和企业财务状况的披露 (新加坡)吴迅 424

Reforms on Public Personnel Management in Japan Tsuneo FUJIWARA,Japan 427

日本的公共人事管理改革 (日本)藤原恒雄 430

中国政府提高政府财政透明度增强国家国际竞争力的实践 (中国)许正中 433

The Practice of Chinese Government on Increasing the Fiscal Transparency and Improving the International Competitiveness of the State Xu Zhengzhong,China 449

政务公开制度与公共治理——一种研究视角的创新 (中国)何贻纶 林婷 474

The System of Bringing The Government's Affairs into Open and Public Governance:Based on A New Visual Angle He Yilun and Lin Ting,China 483

论服务型政府的理论基础——兼论政府治理方式的转变 (中国)刘俊生 485

Theory Basis of Service Oriented Government and Changing Patterns of Governance Liu Junsheng,China 491

区域公共管理视野下的区域政策创新——兼谈欧盟区域政策的经验 (中国)陈瑞莲 杨爱平 495

Policy Innovation in Regional Public Administrations Chen Ruilian and Yang Aijping,China 508

行政透明与遏制腐败的辩证关系思考 (中国)许铭桂 曾繁娟 513

A Reflection on the Relations between Administrative Transparency and Elimination of Corruption Xu Minggui,Zeng Fanjuan China 523

中国政务透明的实践及其启示 (中国)蒋玉林 527

On the Practices of Government Transparency in China Jiang Yulin,China 533

专题三 政务透明与加强公众参与 537

Panel Session Ⅲ:Public Administration Transparency and Public Participation 537

Accountability,Transparency and Public Participation:Some Remarks on the Underlying Theory-In-Use and a Wider Approach to Influencing Bureaucratic Behavior Lim Hong Hai, Malaysia 537

问责、透明及公众参与——对基本实用理论及影响官僚行为的更广泛途径的几点看法 (马来西亚)林洪海 544

Public Administration Transparency and People's Participation:A New Paradigm for Social Justice Sushma Yadav,India 547

公共行政透明度和公民参与:社会公正的新范式 (印度)苏什玛·雅达午 553

Public Administration Roform in Lao PDR Mr.Khammoune VIPHONGXAY,Lao PDR 556

老挝的公共行政改革 (老挝)卡蒙·韦蓬辛 576

Public Administration Reform for Engaging Participation of the People in Governance Hoang Dung,Vietnam 579

公共行政改革:在政府治理中引入公众参与 (越南)黄永 590

试论我国公民评议政府的制度建设——对南京市万人评议政府活动的分析 (中国)吴江 593

On the mechanism of Appraising Government by Citizens in China:Analysis on Citizens Appraising Their Government Performance in Nanjing Wu Jiang,China 605

公众参与地方政府绩效评价:中国大陆实践状况的分析 (中国)吴建南 610

Citizen Participation in Performance Evaluation for Local Governments:Practice of the Mainland China Wu Jiannan,China 616

提高政府采购透明度 加强公众监督 建设阳光政府 (中国)尚晓汀 徐永胜 634

Improving the Transparency of Government Procurement by Strengthening Public Supervision to Build A Sunshine Government Shang Xiao Ting and Xu Yongsheng,China 638

政策制定中的公众参与:中国地方政府的实践(摘要) (中国)王满船 646

Public Participation in Public Affairs Management:Practice in Local China Wang Manchuan,China 648

服务型政府建设:中国行政改革的崭新实践 (中国)高小平 659

Service-oriented Government Building:New Practice of Chinese Administration Reform Gao Xiaoping,China 668

公民参与决策:基于两种视角的思考 (中国)林少敏 游海疆 670

Public Participation in Policy-making:the Reflection Based on Two Perspectives Lin Shaomin and You Haijiang,China 680

政府决策中公众参与的调查与分析 (中国)赵立波 684

Investigation and Analysis of Public Participation in Public Decision-making Zhao Libo,China 691

公开性、公众参与与公共责任——中国西部一个乡的改革经验 (中国)刘熙瑞 697

Openness,Public Participation and Public Responsibility:the Reform Experience of a County in Western China Liu Xirui,China 704

论我国行政知情权中的法治理念——行政知情权缺失的理性思考 (中国)林修果 林安红 708

The Concept of Rule of Law and the Citizens'Right to Know in Public Administration in China:Reflection on the Lack of Citizens'Right to Know in Public Administration Lin Xiuguo and Lin Anhong,China 715

政府透明度与公民知情权——广州市政府政务公开现状分析思考 (中国)林子英 720

Government Transparency and the Citizen's Right to Know:Government Openness Pursued by Guangzhou Municipal Government Lin Ziying,China 726

进一步完善乡镇政务公开制度——以福建长乐市乡镇政务公开为例 (中国)郭泽保 730

Further Improving the Openess and Transparently of Township Government Affairs:Case study of Changle City Guo Zebao,China 737
