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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)汤姆森(Thomson,A.J.),(英)马蒂内特(Martinet,A.V.)著;黄成洲等译
  • 出 版 社:西安:陕西师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:756130563X
  • 页数:390 页

1 a/ an, one, the, this, that的用法 1

1 a /an (the indefinite article)不定冠词 1

2 a/an和one的用法 3

3 the (the definite article)定冠词 4

4 the with proper names the与专有名词连用 5

5 Omission of the the的省略 7

6 Omission of the before home, work, bed, etc.the不用于home, work, bed等词前 8

7 this /these, that /those (demonstratives)指示词的用途 10

2 Noun名词 11

8 kinds and function名词的种类和作用 11

9 Gender名词的性 12

10 Regular plural forms规则名词的复数形式 13

11 Irregular plural forms不规则名词的复数形式 13

12 Plurals ofcompound nouns复合名词的复数形式 14

13 Plural or singular?单数还是复数? 15

14 Uncountable nouns不可数名词 16

15 The possessive case: forms名词所有格:形式 18

16 The possessive case: use名词所有格:用法 19

17 of+noun for possession of+名词表示所有 20

18 Compound nouns复合名词 20

3 Adjectives形容词 22

19 Introduction概述 22

20 Adjectives of quality: form and use质量形容词:形式与用法 23

21 Adjectives of quality: position质量形容词:位置 25

22 Order of adjectives before a noun修饰名词的形容词词序 26

23 Comparative and superlative forms形容词比较级和最高级形式 27

24 Making comparisons形容词用于比较 28

25 Comparisons with than /as and auxiliaries用than /as和助动词进行比较 30

26 Adjective+one/ones形容词+one/ones的用法 31

27 the+ adjective with a plural meaning具有复数意义的the+形容词结构 32

28 Adjectives+infinitives形容词+动词不定式的用法 33

29 Adjectives with infinitives or that-clauses形容词与动词不定式或that从句的连用 35

30 far and near far和near的用法 36

31 little and few little和few的用法 38

32 many, much and a lot (of)many, much和a lot (of)的用法 39

33 elder and older elder和older的用法 40

4 Adverbs副词 41

34 What are adverbs?副词的意义 41

35 Kinds of adverb副词的种类 42

36 Adverbs ending in-ly以-ly结尾的副词 43

37 Adverbs with the same form as adjectives与形容词同形的副词 44

38 Comparative and superlative forms副词比较级和最高级的形式 46

39 Adverbs in comparisons用于比较的副词 47

40 Position of adverbs in a sentence副词在句中的位置 48

41 Adverbs of manner方式副词 49

42 Adverbs of place and direction地点副词和方位副词 50

43 Adverbs of time时间副词 52

44 Order of adverbs of manner, direction, place and time方式、方位、地点和时间副词的语序 54

45 Adverbs of frequency频率副词 55

46 Adverbs of degree程度副词 57

47 Degree: fairly and rather程度副词fairly和rather 60

48 Degree: quite程度副词:quite 61

49 Degree: hardly, scarcely and barely程度副词hardly, scarcely和barely 62

50 far, near, long and much far, near, long和much的用法 63

51 Sentence adverbs句子副词 65

5 neither, all, each, some等代词 66

52 neither, either不定代词的用法 66

53 all,each,every,everyone,everybody,everything不定代词的用法 68

54 each, both, all不定代词的用法 68

55 some, any, no, none不定代词的用法 71

56 somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody等不定代词的用法 73

57 another, other, the other, (the) others不定代词的用法 74

6 Interrogatives: wh-words and how疑问词how和uwh-词 75

58 who, whom, whose, what, which疑问代词的用法 75

59 Uses of what what的用法 77

60 Interrogative adverbs: how, when, where, why疑问副词:how, when, where, why 79

7 Possessives, and personal and reflexive pronouns物主代词、人称代词和反身代词 81

61 Possessives and personal pronouns: forms物主代词和人称代词:形式 81

62 Possessives: use物主形容词和物主代词:用法 81

63 Personal pronouns人称代词的用法 83

64 Uses of it it的用法 84

65 The indefinite pronouns you, one and they不定代词you, one和they 87

66 Reflexive and emphasizing pronouns反身代词和强调代词 87

8 Relative pronouns and clauses关系代词和关系从句 89

67 Defining relative clauses限制性关系从句 89

68 Defining relative clauses about people关于人物的限制性关系从句 90

69 Defining relative clauses about things关于事物的限制性关系从句 92

70 Infinitives and participles instead of relative clauses动词不定式和分词代替关系从句 94

71 Non-defining relative clauses非限制性关系从句 95

72 Non-defining relative clauses about people关于人物的非限制性关系从句 96

73 Non-defining relative clauses about things关于事物的非限制性关系从句 98

74 Connective relative clauses连接性关系从句 99

75 The importance of commas in relative clauses关系从句中逗号的重要性 100

9 Prepositions介词 101

76 Position介词的位置 101

77 Prepositions with indirect objects: to and for同间接宾语连用的介词:to和for 101

78 Verbs of communication with or without to带有介词to和不带介词to的交际动词 103

79 Time: at, on, in表示时间的介词:at, on, in 104

80 Time :by, before, after表示时间的介词:by, before, after 105

81 Time: from, till/until, to, since, for, during 表示时间的介词:from, till/until, to, since, for, during 107

82 Travel and movement:from, to, by, on etc.表示移动和运动的介词:from, to, by, on 109

83 Giving directions指出方向 111

84 Place: at, in, into, on, onto表示地点的介词:at, in, into, on, onto 112

85 Prepositions /adverbs介词/副词 113

86 Place: above, over; below, under表示地点的介词:above, over;below, under 114

87 Place: beside, between, behind, in front of, opposite表示地点的介词:beside, between, behind, in front of, opposite 116

88 Some uses of with with的一些用法 117

89 But and except but和except的用法 119

90 Prepositions after adjectives and verbs形容词和动词之后的介词 119

10 Introduction to verbs动词概述 121

91 Ordinary verbs and auxiliary verbs普通动词和助动词 121

92 Affirmative contractions of auxiliaries助动词的肯定缩略式 122

93 Negatives助动词的否定式 123

94 Interrogatives: form疑问句:形式 125

95 Interrogatives: use疑问句:用法 126

96 Negative interrogatives否定疑问句 127

97 Modals and semi-modals情态动词和半情态动词 128

98 Auxiliaries in short answers etc.简略回答中的情态动词 129

99 Short answers简略回答 129

100 Agreement and disagreement with statements与陈述一致和不一致的答复 130

101 Question tags反意疑问句的附加疑问部分 132

102 Additions to remarks附加句 133

11动词be 134

103 Form动词be的形式 134

104 be as an auxiliary verb be用作助动词 135

105 be as an ordinary verb be用作普通动词 137

12动词have 141

106 Form动词have的形式 141

107 have as an auxiliary verb have用作助动词 142

108 have as an ordinary verb have用作普通动词 144

13动词do 148

109 Form动词do的形式 148

110 do as an auxiliary verb do用作助动词 149

111do as an ordinary verb do用作普通动词 150

14 Permission: can and may 表示许诺的情态动词can和may 152

112 Forms情态动词can和may的形式 152

113 can or may can与may的辨异 153

114 Requests for permission征求允诺 154

115 allow allow的用法 156

15 Possibility: may /might and can /could表示可能性的情态动词:may/might和cna/could 157

116 may/might may/might的用法 157

117 may/migth+have done等的用法 158

118 could instead of may /might用could代替may/might 159

119 can的用法 160

16 Ability: can andbeable表示能力的词:can和be able 161

120 Forms can和be able的形式 161

121 Use can和be able的用法 162

122 could+ have done etc.could+ have done结构的用法 163

17 Obligation: ought to,shoult, must, have to and need表示义务的情态动词:ought to, should,must,have to和need 64

123 ought to and should: form sought to和should:形式 164

124 ought to and should: use ought to和should:用法 165

125 ought to /should have done etc.ought to /should have done等结构的用法 166

126 must: form must:形式 167

127 must or ought to /should for obligation must或者ought to /should用来表示义务 167

128 haveto:form haveto:形式 167

129 must or have to? must与have to辨异 168

130 need: forms need:形式 170

131 must not and need not must和need的否定式 171

132 Absence of obligation无义务的表示方法 172

133 need, must and have to in the interrogative need, must和have to用于疑问句 173

134 needn't have done结构的用法 174

18 Deduction and assumption推测和假设 175

135 must and can't /couldn't for deduction must和can't /couldn't用来表示推测 175

136 will and should for assumption will和should用来表示假设 177

19 dare and used dare和used的辨异 179

137 dare的用法 179

138 used to的用法 180

139 be used to and to use be used to和to use的辨异 182

20 The present tenses现在时 182

140 Present continuous: form现在进行时:形式 182

141 Present continuous:use现在进行时:用法 184

142 Verbs we don't normally use in the continuous tenses通常不用于进行时态的动词 185

143 Present simple: form一般现在时:形式 187

144 Present simple: use一般现在时:用法 188

21 The past and perfect tenses过去时态和完成时态 190

145 Past continuous: form过去进行时:形式 190

146 Past continuous: use过去进行时:用法 190

147 Past simple: form一般过去时:形式 192

148 Past simple: use一般过去时:用法 193

149 Present perfect: form现在完成时:形式 195

150 Present perfect: use with just for a recently complete action现在完成时与just连用表示最近完成的动作 196

151 Present perfect: use for past actions whose time is not definite现在完成时:用来表示发生在过去某个不确定时间的动作 196

152 Present perfect: use with this morning etc.现在完成时与this morning等时间状语连用 198

153 Present perfect: use with ever, never, always现在完成时:与ever, never, always连用 199

154 Present perfect: use for an action which lasts throughout an incomplete period 现在完成时:用来表示一种一直在一个不完整的时间片断延续的动作 200

155 Present perfect: use with for and since现在完成时:与for和since连用 202

156 Present perfect continuous: form现在完成进行时:形式 203

157 Present perfect continuous: use现在完成进行时:用法 204

158 Present perfect or present perfect continuous现在完成时与现在完成进行时辨异 204

159 Past perfect:form过去完成时:形式 206

160 Past perfect: use as a past equivalent of the present perfect过去完成时:作为现在完成时的过去时等式 206

161 Past perfect: use as a past equivalent of the past simple过去完成时:作为一般过去时的过去时等式 207

162 Past perfect continuous: form and use过去完成进行时:形式和用法 208

163 Past perfect or past perfect continuous?过去完成时与过去完成进行时辨异 208

22 The future将来时 209

164 Future forms将来时的形式 209

165 Present simple+a time expression一般现在时+时间短语 210

166 Present continuous+a time expression现在进行时+时间短语 211

167 be going to 212

168 be going to for premeditated intention be going to表示事先计划 212

169 be going to or will for prediction be going to与will表示预言的辨异 213

170 Future simple一般将来时 214

171 Future simple:use一般将来时:用法 215

172 will for unpremeditated intention will用来表示非事先安排的意图 217

173 will or be going to for intention will与be going to表示意图的辨异 218

174 will or want /wish /would like will与want/wish/would like的辨异 220

175 Future continuous将来进行时 220

176 Future perfect将来完成时 222

177 Future perfect continuous将来完成进行时 223

23 would+infinitive would+动词不定式结构 224

178 would+present infinitive would+动词不定式原形结构的用法 224

179 would for “future in the past”would表示“过去将来时” 224

180 would/ would not for past intention would /would not表示过去的意图 225

181 would for a past routine would表示过去多次性动作 225

182 would+perfect infinitive would+动词不定式完成式的用法 226

24 Conditional sentences条件句 226

183 Introduction条件句概述 226

184 Conditional sentences, type 1条件句类型1 227

185 Conditional sentences, type 2条件句类型2 229

186 Conditional sentences, type 3条件句类型3 231

187 Special uses of won't and would in if-clauses if从句中won't和would的特殊用法 233

188 Other conditional expressions其他条件表达法 233

189 in case and if in case和if的辨异 235

25 The infinitive动词不定式 236

190 Infinitive forms and uses动词不定式的形式与用法 236

191 Infinitive as subject of a verb动词不定式作主语 237

192 Verbs followed by the infinitive后边可跟动词不定式的动词 238

193 Verbs followed by how/what/when etc.and the infinitive后边可跟how/what/when等+动词不定式的动词 239

194 Verb (+object)+ infinitive 动词(+宾语)+动词不定式 240

195 Verb+object+infinitive 动词+宾语+动词不定式 241

196 Infinitive represented by its to 由to代替的动词不定式 242

197 too/enough+adjective /adverb+infinitive too /enough +形容词/副词+动词不定式 243

198 The continuous and perfect infinitives动词不定式的进行时与完成式 245

26 The gerund动名词 247

199 Form and use动名词的形式与用法 247

200 Gerund as a subject of a verb动名词作动词的主语 248

201 Gerunds after verbs动词后的动名词 248

202 Gerunds after prepositions介词后的动名词 250

203 be used to+noun /gerund and used+ full infinitive(=used to)be used to+名词/动名词和used+完整的动词不定式 (=used to)的辨异 251

27 Gerund or infinitive动名词与动词不定式辨异 252

204 Verbs followed by either gerund or infinitive既可跟动名词也可跟动词不定式的动词 252

205 Verbs fo llowed by gerund or infinitive without change of meaning后跟动名词或动词不定式都不改变意思的动词 253

206 Verbs followed by gerund or infinitive with change of meaning后跟动名词或动词不定式意思发生变化的动词 254

28 The present participle现在分词 257

207 The present participle: form and use现在分词:形式和用法 257

208 The present participle or bare infinitive after verbs of sensation感观动词后的现在分词与无to动词不定式辨异 258

209 The present participle after certain verbs 某些动词后的现在分词 259

210 A participle phrase giving the reason for an action说明行为原因的现在分词短语 261

211 A participle phrase instead of a sentence or main clause分词短语代替一个句子或主句 262

29 The passive被动语态 264

212 Active and passive forms主动语态和被动语态的形式 264

213 Passive sentences被动句 264

214 Infinitive constructions after passive verbs动词被动式后的动词不定式结构 267

215 Uses of the passive被动语态的用法 268

30 The subjunctive虚拟语气 269

216 The present subjunctive一般现在虚拟语气 269

217 The past subjunctive (unreal past)过去虚拟语气 269

31 Commands, requests, invitations, advice and suggestions 命令,请求,邀请,劝告,建议 271

218 Commands命令 271

219 Requests请求 272

220 Invitations邀请 274

221 Advice劝告 275

222 Suggestions建议 276

32 Verbs of liking and preference表示喜好的动词 278

223 care for, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer爱好,喜欢,不喜欢,爱,恨和偏爱的用法 278

224 would care for/would care(negative and interrogative),would like/love/hate/prefer would care for /would care(用于否定和疑问式),would like/love/hate/prefer结构的用法 279

225 would like and want would like和want的用法辨异 279

226 would rather/sooner and prefer would rather/sooner和prefer的用法 281

227 wish +subject+would wish+主语+would的用法 283

228 wish +infinitive, wish+noun, wish+past tense wish+动词不定式,wish+名词,wish+过去式的用法辨异 284

33 Reported speech间接引语 285

229 Direct and reported speech直接引语和间接引语 285

230 Pronouns, adjectives and adverbs间接引语:代词,形容词和副词的变化 286

231 Statements: tenses间接引语:叙述中的时态 289

232 Subjunctives, modals and conditionals间接引语:虚拟语气、情态动词和条件句 291

233 Infinitive and gerund constructions间接引语:动词不定式和动名词结构 294

234 Say, tell and other introductory verbs间接引语:say, tell和其他引导性动词 295

235 Questions间接引语:疑问句 296

236 Questions with shall I/we?间接引语:带有shall I/we?的疑问句 297

237 Requests for permission with can /could I?may/might I?间接引语:用can /could I?may/might I?表示对许可的请求 298

238 Offers and invitations 间接引语:提供帮助与邀请 299

239 Commands, requests and advice间接引语:命令、请求和劝告 300

240 Suggestions间接引语:建议 302

241 let's in reported speech let't在间接引语中 303

242 Exclamations and yes and no 间接引语:感叹句以及yes和no 303

243 Reported speech: mixed types间接引语:混合型 304

34 Linking words连接词 306

244 连接词and, but, or, neither…nor, either…o r,both…and 306

245连接词besides, however, otherwise, so, therefore,still, yet 307

246连接词though /although和in spite of/despite 310

247 while, when and as used for time连接词while, when以及as用来表示时间 311

248连接词as=when /while和as=because 313

35 Purpose目的 314

249 Infinitives of purpose表示目的的动词不定式 314

250 Clauses of purpose and alternative forms目的从句以及选择形式 316

36 Subordinate clauses从句 319

251 What is the subordinate clause?从句的意义 319

252 The sequence of tenses insubordinate clauses各类从句时态的一致 319

37 Clauses of reason, result and time原因,结果和时间状语从句 320

253 Clauses of reason introduced by because or as由because或as引导的原因状语从句 320

254 Clauses of result introduced by such /so…that由such /so…that引导的结果状语从句 321

255 Time clauses时间状语从句 323

38 Noun clauses名词从句 325

256 Noun clauses after ad jectives/participlesand nouns 形容词、分词和名词之后的名词从句 325

257 Noun clauses after verbs动词后的名词从句 326

258 so and not instead of noun clauses so和not代替名词从句 328

39 Phrasal verbs短语动词 329

259 Forms短语动词的形式 329

260 Examples of common phrasalverbs常用短语动词的范例 331

40 Numbers, dates and measurements数字、日期和度量的表示方法 333

261 Cardinal numbers基数词 333

262 Ordinalnumbers序数词 334

263 Dates日期 336

264 Measurements度量 337

41 Spelling rules拼写规则 338

265 Doubling the consonant before a suffix在后缀前双写辅音字母的规则 338

266 Omission of a finale before a suffix 在后缀前省略词尾e的规则 338

267 Words ending in ce and ge 以ce和ge结尾的词的拼写规则 339

268 The suffix ful后缀ful的拼写规则 339

269 Words ending in y以y结尾的词的拼写规则 340

270 ie and ei ie和ei的拼写规则 340

271 Hyphens连词符号的用法 340

272 Capitalletters大写字母的用法规则 341

273 Abbreviations缩略语的用法规则 341

Key to exercises练习答案 343

Index索引 374

Irregular verbs不规则动词 388
