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李白诗选  图文典藏本  中英文本
李白诗选  图文典藏本  中英文本

李白诗选 图文典藏本 中英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:许渊冲译
  • 出 版 社:石家庄:河北人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7202037084
  • 页数:109 页
《李白诗选 图文典藏本 中英文本》目录

峨眉山月歌  2

The Moon over Mount Brow  3

渡荆门送别  4

Farewell beyond the Thorn—gate Gorge  5

望庐山瀑布  6

The Waterfall in Mount Lu Viewed from Afar  7

望天门山 8

Mount Heaven's Gate Viewed from Afar 9

长干行 10

Ballad of a Trader's Wife 11

金陵酒肆留别 12

Parting at a Tavern in Jinling 13

夜下征虏亭 14

Passing by the Triumphal Tower at Night 15

静夜思 16

Thoughts on a Tranquil Night 17

黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 18

Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower 19

长相思 20

Endless Longing 21

蜀道难 22

Hard is the Road to Shu 23

行路难 26

Hard is the Way of the World 27

春夜洛城闻笛 28

Hearing a Bamboo Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang 29

清平调词(三首) 30

The Beautiful Lady Yang(Three Poems) 31

将进酒 32

Invitation to Wine 33

下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 36

Descending Zhongnan Mountain and Meeting Husi the Hermit 37

关山月 38

The Moon over the Mountain Pass 39

春思 40

A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring 41

怨情 42

Waiting in Vain 43

玉阶怨 44

Waiting in Vain on Marble Steps 45

长门怨(二首) 46

Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace(Two Poems) 47

子夜吴歌 48

Midnight Song 49

赠孟浩然 50

To Meng Haoran 51

夜泊牛渚怀古 52

Thoughts on Old Time from a Night—mooring near Cattle Hill 53

客中作 54

While Journeying 55

三五七言 56

Yearning 57

月下独酌 58

Drinking Aione under the Moon 59

白云歌送刘十六归山 60

Song of White Cloud—Farewell Song to Liu the Recluse 61

戏赠杜甫 62

Joking with Du Fu 63

梦游天姥吟留别 64

Mount Skyland Ascended in a Dream—A Song of Farewell 65

登金陵凤凰台 68

On Phoenix Ter race at Jinling 69

劳劳亭 70

Pavilion Laolao 71

苏台览古 72

The Ruin of the Wu Palace 73

越中览古 74

The Ruin of the Capital of Yue 75

越女词 76

Song of the Southern Maiden 77

闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄 78

To Wang Changl ing Banished to the West 79

听蜀僧浚弹琴 80

On Hearing a Monk from Shu Playing His Lute 81

山中问答 82

A Reply 83

自遣 84

Solitude 85

独坐敬亭山 86

Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting 87

宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云 88

Farewellto Uncle Yun,the Imperial Librarian,at Xie Tiao's Pavilion in Xuanzhou 89

送友人 90

Farewell to a Friend 91

秋浦歌 92

My White Hair 93

赠汪伦 94

To Wang Lun 95

早发白帝城 96

Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn 97

与夏十二登岳阳楼 98

Ascending the Tower of Yueyang with Xia the Twelfth 99

夜宿山寺 100

The Summit Temple 101

庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 102

Song of Mount Lu—to Censor Lu Xuzhou 103

宿五松山下荀媪家 106

Passing One Night in an Old Woman's Hut at the Foot of Mount Five Pines 107

哭宣城善酿纪叟 108

Elegy on Master Brewer Ji of Xuancheng 109
