- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:伍梦岚主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7313042434
- 页数:371 页
Chapter 1 见面 告别 2
1.Hello! 2
2.Hello!My name is Tao Hong 4
3.Nice to meet you 6
4.How are you doing? 8
5.Fine,thank you 10
6.Hi,let me introduce myself 12
7.Frank,this is my friend,Lucy 16
8.What do you do? 20
9.Nice weather,isn't it? 22
10.See you! 24
11.I'll miss you 26
Chapter 2 致谢 道歉 30
12.Thank you.That's very kind of you 30
13.Thank you for your nice present 32
14.You're welcome 34
15.I'm sorry I'm late 36
16.Please forgive/pardon me 38
17.I didn't mean to 40
18.It doesn't matter 42
19.I lost my way 46
Chapter 3 求助 请求 46
20.Help!Help! 50
21.Would you do me a favor,please? 52
22.Could you speak a little slower? 54
23.Would you mind waiting a moment? 56
24.Can I use your bathroom? 58
25.Can I give you a hand? 60
26.Can I give you a lift? 62
Chapter 4 邀请 提供 66
27.Are you doing anything this evening? 66
28.Would you like to attend my birthday party? 68
29.How about staying for dinner? 70
30.Could I buy you a drink? 72
31.Lunch is on me 74
32.Oh,I'd love to 76
33.I'm terribly sorry,but I can't make it 78
34.What time would be convenient for you? 80
35.Can we make it a little later? 82
Chapter 5 宴会 聚会 86
36.It's a pleasure to welcome you to the party 86
37.I'd like to propose a toast to our guest of honor 88
38.Would you care for a drink? 90
39.Would you like something to eat? 92
40.You're an excellent cook! 94
41.Would you like to dance? 96
42.We had a good time 98
43.Please take care going home 100
Chapter 6 恭喜 祝福 104
44.Congratulations! 104
45.A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! 106
46.You two are a perfect match! 112
47.Happy birthday to you! 116
48.May all your dreams come true! 120
Chapter 7 称赞 忠告 124
49.What a beautiful skirt! 124
50.You are in high spirits today 126
51.Well done,well done! 128
52.You'd better go on a diet 130
53.You shouldn't drive after drinking 132
54.Watch your step,it's slippery 134
55.Control yourself! 136
56.Excuse me,where is the rest room? 144
Chapter 8 询问 疑问 144
57.How do I get there? 146
58.How long will it take? 148
59.What's the time,please? 150
60.What day is today? 152
61.What's the date today? 154
62.What's the weather like? 158
63.When are you going to go to work? 160
64.How much is it? 162
65.How did you know? 164
66.What are you going to do? 166
67.Who's the girl in blue skirt? 168
68.What do you think of the match? 170
69.What do you like? 172
Chapter 9 态度 观点 176
70.Good idea! 176
71.I absolutely agree 178
72.I think so,too 180
73.Fine with me 182
74.I'll do my best 184
75.Are you sure? 186
76.I guess so 188
77.I doubt it 190
78.No comment 192
79.I'm afraid I can't accept it 194
80.I don't care 196
81.I didn't mean that 198
Chapter 10 情绪 情感 202
82.I've never been so happy 202
83.I prefer classical music 204
84.I can't believe it! 206
85.Are you Okay? 208
86.I'm sorry to hear that 210
87.Don't worry too much about it 212
88.I'm disappointed 214
89.I should have cherished her more 216
90.This is too much 218
Chapter 11 打电话 接电话 222
91.Hello.May I speak to Michelle,please? 222
92.Hello,Michelle.This is Tao Hong 226
93.I'm calling about the appointment 228
94.May I leave a message? 230
95.Could you tell me when he'll be back? 232
96.Can you hear me? 234
97.Hello.Good morning.Whom are you calling? 236
98.This is she/he speaking 238
99.Hold on,please 240
100.He/She is on another line 242
101.Could I take a message for you? 244
102.Would you mind calling again later? 246
103.I'm afraid you have the wrong humber 248
104.May I have orange juice,please? 252
Chapter 12 交通 出入境 252
105.I'm a bit airsiek 254
106.Will we arrive on time? 256
107.The flight's quite smooth 258
108.Here's my passport 260
109.I don't have anything to declare 262
110.I'd like to check this baggage 264
111.Where can I claim my bags? 266
112.Does this bus go to the railway station? 268
113.Taxi! 270
114.Two first-class round-trip tickets toBoston.please 272
115.I'd like to rent a compact car 274
Chapter 13 在餐厅 278
116.I'd like a reservation 278
117.We have a reservation 280
118.We don't care for this table 282
119.Menu,please 284
120.What do you recommend? 286
121.I'll have this and this,please 288
122.A medium Sirloin Steak for me,please 290
123.My order hasn't come yet 292
124.Could I have the check,please? 294
Chapter 14 在酒店 298
125.Check in,please 298
126.What's the rate for a suite? 300
127.Can I deposit my valuables? 302
128.Room service,please 304
129.Here's the tip for you 306
130.The hot water doesn't come out 308
131.Check out,please 310
132.I'm looking for some cosmetics 314
Chapter 15 在商场 314
133.Show me this one,please 320
134.Size 6,please 322
135.May I try it/them on? 324
136.What's the material? 326
137.Is this duty free? 328
138.Any discount? 330
139.I'll take it/them 332
140.Could you alter the length? 334
141.I'd like to pay by credit card 336
142.I'd like to refund/return it 338
Chapter 16 日常生活 342
143.Please exchange this RMB into dollars 342
144.Small change,please 344
145.Cash a traveler's check,please 346
146.Send this letter by express,please 348
147.I'd like to send this parcel to China 352
148.I'd like a haircut 354
149.I want to have some films developed 356
150.Excuse me,I want to register 358
151.I've got a terrible headache 360
152.Do you have cough drops? 368
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