- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钟翠平等主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7532382303
- 页数:424 页
Table of Contents 1
Chapter 1 Introduction of Histology 1
1.1 What is Histology and Why should Medical Students Learn it 1
1.2 Main Histological Techniques and Methods 3
Chapter 2 Epithelial Tissue 16
2.1 Origins of Epithelia 17
2.2 Classification of Covering Epithelia 17
2.3 Membrane Specialization of Epithelia 21
2.4 Glandular Epithelia 27
2.5 Replacement and Repair of Epithelium 30
Chapter 3 Connective Tissue 31
3.1 The Development of Connective Tissue 32
3.2 Loose Connective Tissue 32
3.3 Types of Connective Tissues 44
Chapter 4 Cartilage and Bone 48
4.1 Cartilage 49
4.2 Bone 57
4.3 Bone Development and Growth 66
Chapter 5 Muscular Tissue 73
5.1 The Development of Muscle Tissue 74
5.2 Skeletal Muscle 75
5.3 Cardiac Muscle 84
5.4 Smooth Muscle 88
5.5 The Regeneration of Muscle Tissue 90
Chapter 6 Nervous Tissue 92
6.1 The Development of Nervous Tissue 93
6.2 Neurons 94
6.3 Synapses 100
6.4 Neuroglia 103
6.5 Nerve Fibers and Nerve 108
6.6 Nerve Endings 112
6.7 The Regeneration of Nervous Tissue 117
Chapter 7 Nervous System 119
7.1 General Understanding 120
7.2 The central Nervous System 121
7.3 The Peripheral Nervous System 126
7.4 Meninges 128
Chapter 8 Circulatory system 131
8.1 The Development of Cardiovascular System 132
8.2 Capillaries 133
8.3 Artery 137
8.4 Vein 142
8.5 Heart 145
8.6 Lymph Vascular System 151
Chapter 9 Blood and Haemopoiesis 154
9.1 Erythrocyte 155
9.2 Leukocytes 156
9.3 Platelets 162
9.4 Composition of plasma 164
9.5 Hematopoiesis 165
9.6 Maturation of Blood Cells 169
Chapter 10 Immune System 173
10.1 The Introduction of Immune System 174
10.2 Thymus 181
10.3 Lymph Nodes 187
10.4 Spleen 193
10.5 Tonsils 199
10.6 Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue(MALT) 199
Chapter 11 Digestive Tract 201
11.1 The Development of Digestive Tract 202
11.2 General Structure of Digestive Tract 203
11.3 Oral Cavity 206
11.4 Pharynx 210
11.5 Esophagus 210
11.6 Stomach 211
11.7 Small Intestine 217
11.8 Large Intestine 221
11.9 Immunological Properties of Digestive Tract 222
11.10 Endocrine Cells 224
11.11 Vessels and Nerves 225
Chapter 12 Glands Associated with the Digestive Tract 227
12.1 Salivary Glands 228
12.2 Pancreas 230
12.3 Liver 234
12.4 Gallbladder and Biliary Ducts 241
12.5 The Development of the Liver and Biliary Apparatus 242
Chapter 13 Respiratory System 244
13.1 The Development of the Respiratory System 245
13.2 The Nose 246
13.3 The Larynx 250
13.4 Trachea and Main Bronchi 251
13.5 The Lungs 253
Chapter 14 Urinary System 266
14.1 The Early Development of the Urinary System 267
14.2 Kidney 268
14.3 Ureters 280
14.4 Urinary Bladder 280
Chapter 15 Endocrine System 282
15.1 Thyroid Gland 283
15.2 Parathyroid Gland 286
15.3 Adrenal Gland 287
15.4 Hypophysis 291
15.5 Pineal Gland 298
Chapter 16 Eye 299
16.1 The Development of the Eye 300
16.2 The Eyeball 300
16.3 Contents of the Eye 314
16.4 The Ocular Adnexa 316
Chapter 17 Ear 319
17.1 The Development of the Ear 320
17.2 External Ear 320
17.3 Middle Ear 321
17.4 Internal Ear 322
Chapter 18 Skin and its Appendages 331
18.1 Epidermis 332
18.2 Dermis 337
18.4 Skin Appendages 338
18.3 Subcutaneous Tissue(Hypodermis) 338
18.5 Blood Vessels,Lymphatics and Nerves of Skin 341
Chapter 19 Male Reproductive System 343
19.1 Testes 344
19.2 Genital Ducts 355
19.3 Accessory Glands 358
19.4 The Penis 361
Chapter 20 Female Reproductive System 362
20.1 The Development of Female Reproductive System 363
20.2 Ovaries 364
20.3 Oviduct 372
20.4 Uterus 373
20.5 Vagina 378
20.6 Mammary Gland 379
20.7 Endocrine Regulation of the Female Reproductive Organs 381
Appendix Vocabulary 383
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