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英语阅读  文化、技巧与实践  第2册
英语阅读  文化、技巧与实践  第2册

英语阅读 文化、技巧与实践 第2册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李清平,黄永安主编
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7543843862
  • 页数:182 页
《英语阅读 文化、技巧与实践 第2册》目录

Unit Five Cultures 1

Reading Skills Word Skills(Ⅴ)---Word Analysis(Ⅲ) 1

Lesson Seventeen 3

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 3

Text A The Lost World of the Maya 4

Text B Maya Civilization 11

Lesson Eighteen 14

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 14

Text A The Story of the Bible 15

Text B The Story of Noah's Ark 23

Lesson Nineteen 24

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 24

Text A Yoga 26

Text B Yoga and Ayurveda:Children of the Vedic Teaching 32

Lesson Twenty 35

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 35

Text A Age of Pyramids 36

Text B Pyramids 41

Unit Six Human Civilization 45

Reading skills:Sentence Skills:Types of Difficulties(Ⅰ) 45

Lesson Twenty-one 47

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 47

Text A People of the Pleistocene Epoch in Eastern Asia 48

Text B Rituals in Primitive Religion 53

Lesson Twenty-two 56

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 56

Text A Food Preservation 57

Text B European Agrarian Society:Manorialism 61

Lesson Twenty-three 64

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 64

Text A The Transport Infrastructure:Canals and Roads 66

Text B The"Protestant Work Ethic" 70

Lesson Twenty-four 74

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 74

Text A A Brief History of the Internet 75

Text B On line Fraud 81

Unit Seven Political Systems 85

Reading Skills Sentence Skills---Types of Difficulties(Ⅱ) 85

Lesson Twenty-five 87

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 87

Text A The American Presidency 88

Text B Bureaucracy 95

Lesson Twenty-six 98

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 98

Text A Who Rules in America 99

Text B Characteristics of Federalism 104

Lesson Twenty-seven 107

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 107

Text A The Decline of Royal Power 109

Text B The War and the Royal Family 114

Lesson Twenty-eight 118

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 118

Text A The American Republican Party 119

Text B The Origins of Revolutionary Warfare 126

Unit Eight Famous Speeches 130

Reading Skills Sentence Skills---Types of Difficulties(Ⅲ) 130

Lesson Twenty-nine 132

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 132

Text A John F.Kennedy,Excerpt from"Address on Civil Rights" 133

Text B Inaugural Address of John F.Kennedy 139

Lesson Thirty 144

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 144

Text A Boutros Boutros-Ghali,"A Need for Full Awareness of Planet's Fragility 145

Text B A Speech on the Eleventh Global 2Biodiversity Forum 150

Lesson Thirty-one 155

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 155

Text A The Poet and the World 157

Text B Ralph Waldo Emerson Commemorates the Centennial of Robert B 165

Lesson Thirty-two 169

Preliminary Vocabulary Test 169

Text A Noah Webster's Declaration of Linguistic Independence 170

Text B National Identity,Language,and Nationalism 177

References 182
