- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常俊跃,夏洋,赵永青主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787301165485
- 页数:235 页
Unit 1 The Birth of a Nation 1
Text A The Ancient Briton and Invasions 2
Text B Anglo-Saxon England 9
Text C King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table 11
Text D The Venerable Bede(673—735) 12
Text E William and the Conquest 13
Unit 2 The Normans 19
Text A The Norman Monarchs 20
Text B William the Conqueror 26
Text C Feudalism after the Norman Conquest 27
Text D The Doomsday Book 28
Unit 3 The Early Plantagenet 32
Text A The Rule of Law 33
Text B The Feudal Way of Life 38
Text C The Canterbury Tales 39
Text D The Crusades 42
Unit 4 The House of Plantagenet 47
Text A The Birth of Parliament 48
Text B The Magna Carta 54
Text C King John 56
Unit 5 The 14th-century England 60
Text A The Hundred Years'War 61
Text B The Black Death and Wat Tyler Uprising 62
Text C A Horrible Disease—The Black Death 65
Text D Wat Tyler and His Revolting Peasants 66
Text E Joan of Arc—Maid of Orleans 68
Unit 6 The House of Lancaster and York 73
Text A The Wars of the Roses 74
Text B The Mystery of the Princes in the Tower 79
Text C The Middle Ages 80
Unit 7 The Tudor Age 83
Text A The Tudor Monarchy 84
Text B The Reformation in England(1517—1563) 85
Text C King Henry Ⅶ 90
Text D Henry Ⅷ and His Marriage 92
Text E Thomas More and the Utopia 94
Unit 8 The Elizabethan Age 97
Text A The Reign of Elizabeth Ⅰ 98
Text B Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ 104
Text C Entertainment in Elizabethan Age 106
Text D Defeat of the Spanish Armada 107
Unit 9 The House of Stuart 112
Text A The Age of Revolution 112
Text B King James Ⅵ and Ⅰ 119
Text C The English Civil War 121
Text D Oliver Cromwell 123
Unit 10 The House of Hanover 127
Text A The Hanoverian Monarchs 128
Text B Napoleon Bonaparte(1769—1821) 134
Text C King George Ⅲ 136
Unit 11 The Industrial Revolution 139
Text A The British Industrial Revolution 140
Text B Machines for the Industrial Revolution 144
Text C The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution 146
Unit 12 The Victorian Age(1837—1901) 150
Text A Queen Victoria and Her Reign 151
Text B Everyday Life in Victorian England 157
Text C Charles Dickens(1812—1870) 159
Text D Florence Nightingale(1820—1910) 160
Unit 13 The World at War 164
Text A The Great Britain in the World Wars 165
Text B Causes of World War Ⅰ 170
Text C Winston Churchill 172
Unit 14 Towards the New Millennium 180
Text A House of Windsor 181
Text B Long Live the Queen! 185
Text C Margaret Thatcher 188
Text D The Growth of Great Britain in Americans'Eyes 190
Unit 15 Wales,Scotland and Ireland 194
Text A The English Conquest of Wales 195
Text B The Story of Scotland 196
Text C The Ties between Ireland and the Great Britain 201
Text D History of Wales 203
Text E Duncan and Macbeth 204
AppendixesAppendix 1:Kings and Queens of England and Britain 209
Appendix 2:Genealogy of the Monarchs of England 220
Appendix 3:Keys to the Exercises 222
主要参考文献和网站 235
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