英语 10 教师教学用书 三年级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨晓钰主编
- 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7562436649
- 页数:219 页
一、教学目标 1
二、教材编写的指导思想 1
三、教材的主要特点 3
四、教材概述 5
Teaching Skills 技能教学 10
Focus on Listening 10
Focus on Speaking 15
Focus on Reading 18
Focus on Writing 22
Teaching Notes for Each Unit 单元教学建议 24
Unit 1 About English 24
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 24
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 25
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 26
Unit 2 Life as a Poem 49
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 49
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 50
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 51
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 75
Unit 3 Mass Media 75
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 76
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 77
Unit 4 Manners 103
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 103
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 104
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 105
Unit 5 Speaking Skills 133
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 133
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 134
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 135
Unit 6 Beauty of Nature 164
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 164
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 165
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 166
Appendices 附录 192
Ⅰ Translation of the reading texts 课文译文 192
Ⅱ English affixes ranked by frequency of occurrence 英语常用词缀 200
Ⅲ The positive degree,the comparative degree and the superlative degree 形容词、副词的原形,比较级和最高级 206
Ⅳ English classroom language 常用课堂教学用语 211
Ⅴ Remarks of an announcer at an English evening 英语晚会报幕员用语 218
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