博通英语 知识篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:江文清主编
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7533733657
- 页数:337 页
什么是音标? 1
旧英语国际音标与新英语国际音标有何区别? 1
目次 1
第一部分 语音 1
一、音标 1
什么是前元音? 2
什么是元音? 2
二、音素 2
什么是音素? 2
元音字母a,e,i,o,u在非重读音节中怎样读? 3
元音字母a,e,i,o,u在重读音节中怎样读? 3
什么是中元音? 3
什么是后元音? 3
什么是清辅音,什么是浊辅音? 4
什么是辅音? 4
什么是双元音? 4
什么叫做元音重出? 4
什么叫做不完全爆破音? 5
英语辅音中有哪些是爆破音? 5
清辅音在什么情况下要发成浊辅音? 5
什么叫做辅音连缀? 5
三、发音方法 5
英语辅音中有几个鼻音?它们在发音时有何要求? 6
什么叫做摩擦音? 6
如何给英语单词划分音节? 7
什么是音节? 7
四、音节 7
什么是成音节?如何划分成音节? 8
什么是闭音节? 8
什么是开音节? 8
在什么情况下双音节单词的第一个音节重读?在什么情况下第二个音节重读? 9
什么叫做单词重音? 9
五、读音规则 9
什么是读音规则? 9
在什么情况下不重读的虚词在句子中也要重读? 10
以-ic,-tion,-sion结尾的单词重音在哪个音节上? 10
双音节单词加了前缀或后缀后的重读音节是否有变化? 10
多音节单词中哪一个音节重读? 10
什么样的词可以有双重音? 10
什么是句子的意群和停顿? 11
什么是连读?末尾有字母r的词如何连读? 11
复合词的重音有何规律? 11
在句子中哪些词要重读?哪些词要轻读? 11
什么叫做音的同化? 12
规则动词的过去式的词尾读音有何规律? 12
哪些辅音字母在字母组合中是不发音的? 12
-ow在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 13
-ure在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 13
ai,ay,ey在非重读音节中怎样读? 13
ar,er,ir(yr),or,ur在非重读音节中怎样读? 13
ia,ou,or在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 13
io,iou在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 13
[l]的发音形式有哪两种?它们之间有何区别? 13
-ture在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 13
英语句子降调的特点是什么? 14
什么是语调? 14
-sure在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 14
-tion,-sion,-shion在非重读音节中的读法有何规律? 14
六、语调 14
英语句子升调的特点是什么? 15
名词分哪几类? 16
二、名词 16
第二部分 语法 16
一、词性 16
英语单词有哪些词性? 16
可数名词复数形式的构成有哪些规律? 17
如何区分可数名词与不可数名词? 17
名词作定语时一定要用单数形式吗? 18
名词所有格有哪几种形式? 19
以字母s结尾的名词是否都是复数形式? 19
英语动词可分为哪几类? 20
英语动词和汉语动词有何区别? 20
三、动词 20
什么是及物动词?及物动词有哪几种用法? 21
什么是主动词或实义动词?主动词有哪几种形式? 21
带形容词作表语的系动词有哪些? 22
什么是系动词? 22
什么是不及物动词?不及物动词有哪几种用法? 22
什么是规则动词?规则动词有哪几种变化形式? 23
英语中的主动词有几种时态变化? 23
主动词按词义如何分类? 23
哪些行为动词后面可以带双宾语? 24
不规则动词的变化规则有哪些? 24
什么是半助动词? 25
什么是基本助动词? 25
什么是助动词? 25
助动词be的用法有哪些? 26
助动词shall的用法有哪些? 27
助动词have的用法有哪些? 27
助动词do的用法有哪些? 27
什么是情态助动词或情态动词? 28
什么是半助动词? 28
助动词will的用法有哪些? 28
情态动词can与could有哪些用法? 29
情态动词有哪些基本意义? 29
哪些动词是情态动词? 29
情态动词may与might有哪些用法? 30
情态动词must有哪些用法? 31
情态动词shall有哪些用法? 32
情态动词will有哪些用法? 32
情态动词dare该如何使用? 33
情态动词need该如何使用? 33
“情态动词+have done”该如何理解? 34
情态动词used to该如何使用? 34
什么是动词时态?动词时态有哪些基本形式? 35
一般现在时与现在进行时有何区别? 36
一般现在时仅仅表示现在经常发生的动作或存在的状态吗? 36
一般现在时主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词该如何变化? 36
现在进行时仅仅表示现在正在发生的动作吗? 37
be to+do与be going to+do之间有何区别? 38
一般将来时will/shall+do与be going to+do结构有何区别? 38
过去完成时和一般过去时的区别何在? 39
现在完成时的特殊用法有哪些? 39
什么是动词语态?动词语态有几种形式? 40
不及物动词在什么情况下才可以有被动语态形式? 41
被动语态有哪些用法? 41
英语中的被动语态共有多少种?它们的构成如何? 41
什么情况下句子只能用主动语态? 42
哪些谓语动词的主动语态含有被动的意义? 42
被动结构能否表示主动的意义? 42
什么是动词的非谓语形式?它有哪些种类? 43
句子I am interested in English是否属于被动语态的句子? 43
动词不定式在句中有哪些作用? 44
动词不定式的构成形式有哪些? 44
动词不定式的进行式在句中起什么作用? 45
动词不定式的一般式在句中起什么作用? 45
动词不定式在什么情况下可以出现省略形式? 46
动词不定式的完成式在句中起什么作用? 46
哪些动词可以带动词原形作宾语补足语? 47
哪些行为动词后面如果跟动词,必须跟动词的不定式形式? 47
哪些动词不定式的主动结构表示被动的意义? 48
主语或表语何时用动名词,何时用动词不定式? 49
动名词在句中有哪些作用? 49
哪些行为动词后面既可以跟动词不定式也可以跟动名词? 50
宾语何时用动名词,何时用动词不定式? 50
动名词的一般式和动名词的完成式在使用时有何区别? 51
动名词的复合结构和动词不定式的复合结构有何区别? 52
现在分词和过去分词之间有何区别? 53
分词在句中有哪些作用? 53
独立结构或独立主格结构有哪些构成形式? 54
什么是独立结构或独立主格结构? 54
英语中的语气分哪几种? 55
独立结构在使用上要注意的问题有哪些? 55
为什么句子It is necessary that the boy does it at once.是错的? 56
虚拟语气在条件句和主句中的构成形式是怎样的? 56
虚拟语气在条件句和主句中的时间构成必须一致吗? 57
句子If my parents were with me at this time.为什么可以成立? 57
形容词在句中有哪些作用? 58
四、形容词 58
哪些动词后面的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气? 58
常用作表语的形容词有哪些? 59
常用作定语的形容词有哪些? 60
什么样的形容词表示被动意义? 61
什么样的形容词表示主动意义? 61
表示主动意义的形容词与表示被动意义的形容词有何区别? 62
多个形容词修饰名词时,它们的排列顺序有何规律? 63
怎样使用复合形容词? 63
形容词何时位于被修饰的名词之后? 64
英语中的代词有哪些种类? 65
六、代词 65
五、副词 65
表示时间的副词一般处于什么位置? 65
指示代词有哪些特殊用法? 66
代词作主语时是否一律用主格? 66
反身代词有哪些用法? 67
介词一般可分为哪几类?它们各是哪些? 68
七、介词 68
句子I don't know the reason that he hasn't arrived here on time.中that引导的从句是定语从句还是同位语从句? 68
介词后面必须跟名词或代词作宾语吗? 69
定冠词有哪些基本用法? 70
什么是冠词? 70
八、冠词 70
不定冠词有哪些基本用法? 71
词组中使用不定冠词a(an)和定冠词the有何差别? 72
哪些情况下不用冠词? 72
词组中使用不定冠词a(an)与不使用冠词有何差别? 73
专有名词中的定冠词如何使用? 74
词组中使用定冠词the与不使用冠词有何差别? 74
序数词前面是否一定要用定冠词the? 75
damage与damages该怎样区别使用? 77
句子Advices from China shows that China is developing very fast.中的advices能用复数吗? 77
第三部分 词与词组 77
一、名词与名词词组 77
change作名词时是单数还是复数? 78
difficulty与difficulties如何区别使用? 78
difference与differences有何不同? 78
句子The old man has a very good ear for music.中的an ear是否要改为ears或two ears? 79
名词deer的单数和复数形式一样吗? 79
句子Ten dollars is enough for this dictionary.中的is为什么不能改为are? 79
look作名词时如何使用? 80
要表达“3条鱼”应该用three fish还是three fishes? 80
life什么时候才能用复数形式? 81
water和waters在意思和用法上有何区别? 81
work作“著作”解时只能用复数形式,对吗? 81
句子There are fifty peoples there.是否正确? 82
a part of+n.作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式还是复数形式? 82
one and a half后面的名词是用单数还是用复数? 82
hair作“头发”讲时有复数形式吗? 82
句子Cattle are kept on the hillside over there.中的谓语为什么要用复数形式? 83
句子The bread and butter was good.中的was是否要改为were? 83
句子The animal moves from places to places every year.错在哪? 83
audience等集体名词作句子的主语时,谓语动词用单数形式还是复数形式? 84
the majority作句子主语时,谓语动词是用单数还是用复数? 85
句子A series of books has been published.中的谓语动词为什么用了单数形式? 85
“a collection of+复数名词”作句子主语时,谓语动词为何不用复数形式? 85
句子Ten minutes are enough for my homework.错在哪儿? 86
句子Every means has been tried.中的has为什么不能改为have? 86
单词amount,number与quantity在用法上有何区别? 87
当couple作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数? 87
cloth,clothes与cloths三者有何区别? 88
cost与price都可以作名词表示“价钱”,两者有区别吗? 88
base与basis有何区别? 88
England与Britain有何区别? 89
clothes与clothing都可以表示“衣服”,它们可以互换吗? 89
floor与stor(e)y都可以表示“楼层”,两者的区别何在? 90
experience与experiences的区别何在? 90
home,house和family三者的区别是什么? 91
holiday,leave和vacation在用法上有何区别? 91
technology与technique有何区别? 92
problem与question作“问题”解时区别何在? 92
work与job用于指“工作”时有何区别? 92
名词travel,journey,trip,tour,voyage如何区别使用? 93
term与semester都含有“学期”的意思,为什么美国人很少用term? 93
a boy of a girl的意思是“一个女孩气的男孩”还是“一个男孩气的女孩”? 94
fare,fee与tuition的区别何在? 94
at the end,by the end与in the end有何区别? 95
in the east,on the east与to the east有何区别? 95
one day与some day在意义和用法上有何区别? 95
lose heart与lose one's heart有何区别? 96
on foot与on one's feet之间有区别吗? 96
a lot of,lots of,many,much,a good many,a large amount of,a large quantity of,plenty of,a great deal of以及a number of都可以表示“大量”“很多”的意思,它们有何区别? 97
responsibility of,responsibility for,responsibility to三者有何区别? 97
take a chair与take the chair有区别吗? 99
the cause of sth.与the cause for sth.有何区别? 99
in business与on business有何区别? 99
句子He has a good eye for beauty.中的a good eye是否要改为good eyes? 100
with child与with a child意思一样吗? 100
到底应说in the corner还是at the corner? 100
a dust表示什么意思? 100
fire与a fire有何区别? 101
success和a success都对吗? 101
rain与a rain有何区别? 101
in office与in the office一样吗? 102
all teachers与all the teachers两个词组的意思一样吗? 102
句子Look!The villageis onthefire.中的on the fire为什么应改为on fire? 103
out of question与out of the question所表达的意思有何差异? 103
in place与in the place有何区别? 103
in black词组中间可不可以加定冠词the? 104
in bed与in the bed在意思上有何区别? 104
by day与by the day有何区别? 104
Tom and Jack's room与Tom's and Jack's rooms两种表达方式有何不同? 105
Dickens's book与Dickens'book哪一个对? 105
a Smith,the Smith与the Smiths之间有何区别? 106
the top of the tree与the tree's top之间有何区别? 106
in a day到底是表示“一天之后”还是“一天之内”? 107
英语中的日期该如何表达? 107
in order to与so as to两者有何不同? 108
half of+n.作句子主语时,谓语动词是用单数形式还是复数形式? 108
要表达“半个小时”应当用half an hour还是a half hour? 108
句子Please make room for the old man.中的room是指房间吗? 109
sir这个单词该怎么用? 109
public school是否指“公立学校”? 109
句子The watch is the color of jade.对不对? 109
句子He has made the decision of giving up smoking.为什么是错的? 110
will作名词用时,表示什么意思? 110
句子We accepted the proposal that the boy would be sent to school.对吗? 111
短语right from wrong中,wrong是形容词,能放在介词from之后吗? 111
appreciate后面的宾语一般是什么形式? 112
appear后面可以跟名词吗? 112
二、动词与动词词组 112
如何理解I caught the boy waiting for the bus.的汉语意思? 113
单词attend既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,究竟应如何使用? 113
句子I could help him.中的could表示的是过去、现在还是将来? 114
consider后面可以跟动词不定式形式吗? 114
为什么句子I demand that she comes to see a doetor as soon as possible.是错误的? 115
decide后面可以跟哪些词类,不能跟什么? 115
当depend为不及物动词时,句子It just depends how to do it.为什么又是对的呢? 116
deny与refuse表示“拒绝”时,在用法上有何区别? 116
dislike后面为什么不可以跟to do结构作宾语? 117
句子The old man died a miserable death.中的die后面可以带宾语吗? 117
deserve后面如果跟动词,是跟动词不定式还是跟动名词呢? 117
句子doubt后面的从句该用whether/if引导还是用that引导? 118
句子He does speak English well.中的does起什么作用? 118
句子Look,his schoolbag was hanged on the wall.错在哪里? 119
enter后面可以直接带宾语吗? 119
如果理解dream a terrible dream中的两个dream? 119
句子The man had the light burned all night long.对吗? 120
句子I insist that everyone obeys the school rules.对吗? 121
imagine可以跟什么样的动词形式作宾语? 121
句子I hope you to pass the coming examination.中有错吗? 121
句子My brother has joined the army for three years.对吗? 122
make后面可以带什么形式的宾语补足语? 123
单词leave既有“离开”又有“留下”的意思,对此如何理解? 123
mind后面只能跟动名词形式吗? 124
句子I only mean to give you some help.可以改为I only mean giving you some help.吗? 124
句子He has married for five years.对吗? 124
句子Tom will pay the ticket for us.中的pay为什么应改为pay for? 125
need作情态动词与作行为动词有何区别? 125
must作情态动词,它的否定形式只能是needn't吗? 125
句子I prefer to have apples to bananas.对吗? 126
句子This picture reminds me my childhood.是否正确? 127
regret后面往往跟动词的什么结构? 127
句子Chairman Mao says:“Study hard and make progress every day.”中的says是否要改为said,因为Chairman Mao已经去世了呀? 128
句子I require that my sister goes to school in time.对吗? 128
句子He replied me that he would help me if possible.对吗? 128
require后面可以跟动名词形式吗? 128
句子Should he come here,I'll tell you.中,should不是否定词,当它放在句首为什么要用倒装句? 129
句子Dickens'books sell well.是否应改成Dickens'books are sold well? 129
句子His smile suggests that he is happy.中的is要改为should be吗? 130
句子All of us suggested to go there at once.对吗? 130
speak究竟是及物动词还是不及物动词? 130
句子I don't suppose that he likes English.后面的附加疑问形式是何种结构形式? 131
句子Let's suppose we flew to the moon.中从句的谓语动词为什么要用过去时态? 131
句子I took three days to finish reading the book.对吗? 132
survive是及物动词还是不及物动词? 132
有时want后面怎么可以跟动词的-ing形式? 133
句子I thought it was going to rain.中的thought是什么意思? 133
句子Grass will turn green when spring comes.中的will是表示将来时吗? 134
句子If I were you,I would not do that.中,从句的主语是单数,为何谓语却用了were? 134
句子You are welcome to our school.中的welcome是否要改为welcomed? 134
动词wish后面可以带什么样的结构作宾语补足语? 135
句子I wish I knew the answer to the question.中,从句的谓语动词knew为什么用过去时态? 135
句子If you will help me,I'll help you.的条件句中,为什么用了将来时? 135
句子I wonder if he will come here tomorrow中,if可以改成that吗? 136
句子We expressed the wish that he visit our hometown again.中,从句的谓语动词为什么不用第三人称单数形式visits? 136
call sb.到底如何解释? 137
怎样正确使用had better? 137
be coming是“正在来”还是“将要来”? 138
句子We cannot work too much for the people.该如何理解? 138
句子He could have worked out the problem.中的could have done该如何理解? 139
come to do在英语句子中表示什么意思? 139
go without表示的是什么意思? 140
句子The boy was not finished on time.中的was finished应如何理解? 140
英语词组dream of后面可以跟从句吗? 140
isn't it可以用于答语中吗? 141
词组happen to中的to是不是介词? 141
It is a very pleasant week with no rain to speak of.中的to speak of是什么意思? 142
“要求某人做某事”在英语中是“require sb.sth.”还是“require sth.of sb.”? 142
look as if...从句中的谓语必须用虚拟语气吗? 142
make sb.do sth.变成被动形式之后要加to吗? 142
动词accuse和blame都含有“责备”的意思,两者是否有区别? 143
句子What I can do is help my father on the farm.中help前是否省略了to? 143
arouse与rouse都有“引起”的意思,它们有无区别? 144
arise与rise都可以表示“升起”的意思,两者有区别吗? 144
affect与effect有何区别? 144
动词assure与ensure都含有“确信”之意,两者可以混用吗? 145
become,get和turn都可以作连系动词,它们的具体区别何在? 146
beat与win是否可以替换? 146
bring,carry,fetch和take该如何区别使用? 147
born与borne都是bear的过去分词,它们有何区别? 147
can与could有何异同? 148
burnt与burned都是burn的过去分词,它们在用法上是否有区别? 148
choose,elect与select的区别何在? 149
disable与unable都是able前面加上否定的前缀,它们的区别何在? 150
cost,spend与take都含有“花费”的意思,它们在用法上有何区别? 150
come与go后面都可以跟形容词,它们在用法上有什么区别? 150
cause,drive和make都表示“使……怎样”,它们在用法上有何区别? 151
hope和wish有何区别? 152
learn和study都可以表示“学习”,它们有何区别? 153
include的现在分词including与included在用法上有何区别? 153
look,read,see和watch都可以表示“看”,四者如何区别使用? 154
lie与lay的过去式形式、过去分词形式和现在分词形式各是什么? 154
pay,spent与cost三者有何区别? 155
passed与past读音相同,意思也差不多,在用法上有何区别? 155
seat作动词时与sit有何不同? 156
句子Some strange men robbed her wallet yesterday.中的rob结构用得对吗? 156
raise与rise有何区别? 156
tell,speak,say与talk这4个词有什么不同? 157
suit与fit在表示“适合”的意思时可以互换吗? 157
be about to do和be going to do有何区别? 158
对一般疑问句Would you pass me the book?的回答是Yes,I would.还是Yes,I will.? 158
agree to,agree on与agree with之间有何区别? 159
apply for与apply to有何区别? 160
answer for something和answer to something是否都能表示“……的答案”? 160
ask about,ask after,ask for,ask off之间有何区别? 161
argue sb.与argue with sb.有哪些区别? 161
be careful与do be careful之间有何区别? 162
词组be able to do与can do之间有何区别? 162
The spring is gone.中的is gone是否可以换成has gone? 163
be to do与be to have done有何区别? 164
be going to do,be to do与will do有何区别? 164
I believe not.与I don't believe so.意思是否一样? 165
have been to sw.与have gone to sw.有何区别? 165
call at与call on的意思有何不同? 166
God bless you!和God blesses you!两句哪句正确? 166
The child is to be blamed.和The child is to blame.这两个句子哪句正确? 166
cannot but,can not help与can not help but在用法上有何区别? 167
can but与cannot but的意思一样吗? 167
catch sb.by the hand可以用catch one's hand来代替吗? 168
care for与care about的意思一样吗? 168
can not have done与could not have done有何区别? 168
compare A to B与compare A with B的意思一样吗? 169
come of与come off之间有何区别? 169
die of与die from的区别何在? 170
怎样才能区别使用dare not与doesn't dare? 170
feel sb.do sth.与feel sb.doing sth.在意思和用法上有何区别? 171
句子Do you feel well today?中的feel well是否要改为feel good? 171
get to sw.,arrive at(in)sw.和reach sw.三者在用法上有何区别? 172
get done与be done的区别何在? 172
has gone to sw.与has been to sw.有何区别? 173
go to bed与go to sleep的意思一样吗? 173
get used to与used to在意思和用法上一样吗? 173
hate to do结构与hate doing结构有何区别? 174
go on doing sth.,go on to do sth.和go on with sth.三者有何区别? 174
句子The population of China has increased very fast.中的has increased是否要改为has been increased? 175
had hoped to do sth.与hoped to have done sth.有区别吗? 175
look at sth.,look into sth.,look through sth.,和look to sth.这4个词组如何区别? 176
let's do sth.与let us do sth.所表示的意思一样吗? 176
name after,name for与name as三者有何区别? 177
be made of,be made from,be made up of和be made in sw.有何不同? 177
ought to do sth.与ought to have done sth.有何不同? 178
drink or drive与drink and drive有何区别? 178
report sb.与report to sb.有区别吗? 179
pretend not to do sth.与do not pretend to do sth.所表示的意思是否一样? 179
owe...to...与attribute...to...有何区别? 179
句子See to it that you are here on time tomorrow.中的see to it是什么意思? 180
see sb.do sth.与see sb.doing sth.有何区别? 180
search the village for the man与search the man in the village哪个对? 180
shout to sb.与shout at sb.有何区别? 181
seem to do sth.与seem to have done sth.有何区别? 181
句子I could not seem to keep quiet at that time.中的not seem如何理解? 181
as if引导的从句是否一定要用虚拟语气? 181
be supposed to do sth.与be supposed to have done sth.有何区别? 182
start to do sth.与start doing sth.有何区别? 182
spend...in...与spend...on...有何区别? 182
try to do sth.与manage to do sth.有何区别? 183
think of与think about意思一样吗? 183
used to do sth.,be used to do sth.与be used to doing sth.如何区别使用? 184
try to do sth.与try doing sth.有何区别? 184
allow与allow of有何区别? 185
admit和admit of在意思和用法上有何不同? 185
句子He used to get up late...?中,反意疑问句应是usedn't he还是didn't he? 185
believe与believe in是否可以混用? 186
await与wait for有何区别? 186
dress,put on,have on和wear都可以表示“穿”的意思,它们之间有何区别呢? 187
build与build up有何区别? 187
happen,occur与take place三者有何区别? 188
句子Can you find out a better pen for me in this room?中的find out为什么应改为find? 188
hear,hear from和hear of有何区别? 189
have to与must有何区别? 189
reach是及物动词,为什么有时却出现reach to这样的表达方式? 190
join,join in和take part in有何区别? 190
句子We decided to go there and get it ready.中为什么to go和get结构不一样? 191
shoot与shoot at有何区别? 191
read与read of有何区别? 191
句子He is capable to do something difficult.为什么是错误的? 192
三、形容词与形容词词组 192
afraid与frightened意思相同,都可以表示“害怕”的意思,两者间有区别吗? 193
句子I saw a somewhat afraid girl staying in the corner of the room.对吗? 193
为什么Modern young people,alike their parents,are hard-working.这一句子是错误的? 194
afraid of doing与afraid to do是否有区别? 194
alive,live(adj.),living与lively四者之间如何区别和使用? 195
单词angry可以与介词about,at,with等介词连用,它们各自的意义是什么? 196
alone与lonely可以通用吗? 196
annoyed后面常常跟介词at,about,with,by等,它们之间该怎样使用? 197
another与词组the other有何区别? 198
another后面可以跟复数名词吗? 198
句子He is taller than any student in his class.错了吗? 199
句子There is any water in the cup.为什么是错的? 199
单词asleep与sleeping都是形容词,两者有何异同? 200
英语词组as good as仅仅表示“和……一样好”吗? 200
both与all有何区别? 201
Catholic与catholic有何区别? 202
busy doing sth.与busy with doing sth.有何区别? 202
my both dictionaries与the both dictionaries为什么都是错误的表达方式? 202
content与contented作形容词时在用法上有何区别? 203
considerable与considerate有何区别? 203
childish与childlike有何区别? 203
precious作形容词时能否用costly来代替? 204
continual与continuous的异同何在? 204
delighted at,delighted with与delighted to do三者有何区别? 205
credible与creditable有何区别? 205
句子This question is quite difficult to answer.中的to answer可以改为to be answered吗? 206
delightful与delighted有何区别? 206
each and every与each and all有何区别? 207
each与every有何区别? 207
drunk与drunken有何区别? 207
educational与educative在意思和用法上一样吗? 208
economic与economical有何区别? 208
old的比较级到底是elder还是older? 209
efficient与effective有何区别? 209
句子English is more conservative than American.是错误的吗? 210
electric与electrical有何不同? 210
句子It is essential that a child be polite.中的be是否要改成is? 211
be equal to与be equal with有何区别? 211
enough有哪些用法? 211
falling与fallen在使用时应当如何加以区别? 212
everyday与every day在意思和用法上有何区别? 212
句子The boy had every reason to be helped.中的every应如何理解? 212
every表示“每一个”,它后面怎么能和复数名词连用呢? 212
farther与further有何区别? 213
如何区别使用familiar to与familiar with? 213
few与little可以换用吗? 214
a few与few所表示的意思有何不同? 214
gold与golden为什么不一样? 215
句子He smiled at me friendly and then left.为什么是错的? 215
historic与historical有何区别? 216
good与well都可以表示“好”,它们有什么不一样? 216
imaginable与imaginative有何区别? 217
句子I asked the ill woman to take my seat.错在什么地方? 217
last和latest都可以表示“最近的”,两者有何区别? 218
句子He is the last man to say it.中的last是什么意思? 218
句子It's impossible that he goes to school at 6 a.m.有错吗? 218
no less than与not less than有何区别? 219
less与fewer有何区别? 219
句子My wallet was missing中的missing为什么不能改成missed? 220
句子Many a student have been to Huangshan Mountain.为什么错了? 220
当more than one+n.作句子主语时,后面的谓语动词是用单数还是用复数? 221
no more than与not more than有何区别? 221
句子I want some more milk.中的more是什么意思? 221
句子The boy was sitting near to his mother.中的to是否可以省略? 222
most之前必须加the吗? 222
num.+times as many as与num.+times more than有何区别? 222
句子It's a nice and big classroom.可以理解为“它是一个既好又大的教室”吗? 223
next与the next的用法有何区别? 223
other与the other有何区别? 224
句子He usually goes to sleep with the windows open.中的open为什么不改成opened? 224
句子I'm a poor liar.中的poor是何意? 225
句子I have been there three times in the past years.中,in the past years表示过去时间,为什么能与现在完成时态连用? 225
own后面要不要带名词? 225
在词组the present situation与the people present中present的位置为何不同? 226
句子I will complete the task as soon as possible.中的possible为什么不改为possibly? 226
句子He is possible to come today.符合英语习惯表达法吗? 226
respectable与respectful有何不同? 227
regrettable与regretful有何区别? 227
quick的比较级是quicker,那么quickly的比较级能否写成quicklier? 227
satisfactory与satisfied有何不同? 228
the same book as...与the same book that...有何不同? 228
What you said is more right than Tom.中的more right是否应改为righter? 228
some表示“一些”时,可以用在疑问句中吗? 229
she和he用来修饰动物时表示何意? 229
sensible与sensitive有何区别? 229
句子She is strange to me.表示谁对谁不熟悉吗? 230
句子The fat man sleeps sound every night.中的sound是什么意思? 230
句子There are some twenty students in the classroom.中的some是什么意思? 230
句子Some the students are reading English in the classroom.对吗? 230
uninterested与disinterested有何区别? 231
tall与high有何区别? 231
be sure of sth.与be sure about sth.有何区别? 231
副词一般放在句子的什么位置? 232
四、副词与副词词组 232
valueless与priceless的意思是否一样? 232
句子Let's read the text from the very beginning.中的very为什么可以用来修饰名词? 232
怎样辨别副词和介词? 233
almost与nearly两词的意思相近,它们在用法上有何不同? 234
ago与before在表示“一段时间之前”时该如何区别使用? 234
already与yet意思相同,可以互相替换吗? 235
already与all ready意思和用法一样吗? 235
always放在一般现在时当中与它放在现在进行时当中的区别是什么? 236
back在表示时间时应当译为“以前”还是“以后”? 237
awhile与a while的区别何在? 237
表示过去意义的before为什么不和过去时连用? 238
badly的比较级究竟是worse还是more badly? 238
not a bit与not a little之间有什么不一样? 239
before long与long before有何区别? 239
deep与deeply都可以用作副词,它们有何区别? 240
当clear作副词用时与clearly有何区别? 240
both作副词时在句子中处于哪个位置? 240
fairly与rather都可以表示“相当地”,它们可以混用吗? 241
either与too都表示“也”,它们在用法上有何区别? 241
hardly是hard的副词形式吗? 242
finally与at last有何区别? 242
如何理解hardly...when...句型的含义? 243
juat与just now在用法上有何区别? 244
immediately可以用来连接一个句子吗? 244
high作副词与highly的意思一样吗? 244
much too与too much有何不同? 245
句子He has much more books than I.中的much为什么要改为many? 245
no在什么情况下可以理解为“是的”? 246
never与ever应用在句中的什么位置? 246
nearly与almost有何区别? 246
no longer与no more有何异同? 247
no与not都可以用于否定句中,它们有何不同? 247
not at all可以拆开使用吗? 248
句子Not a single word did he say at the meeting.中为什么要用倒装形式? 248
位于句首的nor在什么情况下引导的句子不用倒装? 248
句子Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what you can do for your country.是否要改为Don't ask...but ask...结构? 249
句子I don't teach because teaching is easy for me.应如何理解? 249
在not...until这个词组中,until是作介词还是作连词? 250
not to say与to say nothing of有什么区别? 250
句子Not everyone is in the classroom.应如何理解? 250
once究竟有哪些用法? 251
句子Not until 1949 was new China founded.是否可以改为New China was not founded until 1949? 251
句子Only in this way you can work out the problem.错在哪里? 252
only在英语句子中应放在什么位置上? 252
词组rather than有哪几种意思? 253
句子What you said is quite right.中的quite能否改成very? 253
too...to...结构究竟表示否定意义还是非否定意义? 253
recently究竟要与什么时态连用? 254
you'd rather do sth.与you'd better do sth.有何区别? 254
short与shortly同为副词时有何区别? 255
句子Seldom did I go there.中为什么用倒装形式? 255
until recently中的recently难道不是副词吗?它为何能放在介词后面? 255
recently与lately都有“最近”的意思,两者的用法有何区别? 255
so位于句首修饰形容词或副词时,句子的语序是怎样的? 256
so does he与so he does之间有何区别? 256
so...that...与such...that...有何不同? 257
句子I was doing my homework when my father came in.中的when作何解释? 258
sometime,some time,sometimes与some times四者有何不同? 258
句子When I arrive at Beijing,I'll visit my teacher.中,when引导的从句表示将来的动作,为什么却用一般现在时? 259
句子The boy walks to school when he might take a bus.中的when表示的是“当……时候”吗? 259
句子Why not come here and ask me the question?是否要改为Why don't you come and ask me the question? 260
when与while都可以引导时间状语从句,它们可以互换吗? 260
when与what time有何区别? 260
当all用作句子主语时,谓语动词到底是用单数还是用复数? 261
五、代词与代词词组 261
wide和widely在作副词时有何区别? 261
句子This is the reason why I was late.中的reason后面的why是否应改为that? 261
all that与all what是否可以通用? 262
all not与none的意思是否一样,如果不一样,其区别何在? 262
anything but有几种意思? 264
anything是否只能用于疑问句或否定句中? 264
as引导定语从句时和which引导定语从句一样吗? 265
anything like与like anything一样吗? 265
either与neither的意思和用法一样吗? 266
either与both的区别何在? 266
“each of+复数名词”作句子主语时,其谓语动词是用单数还是用复数? 266
词组any one与单词anyone有何区别? 267
neither,none,all与both四者有何区别? 267
句子Neither of my parents have been to Beijing.中的have为何要改为has? 267
代词he可以作定语从句的先行词吗? 268
everyone与every one在意思和用法上如何区别? 268
someone与some one所表示的意思有何不同? 268
代词it可以用来指人吗? 269
I,you,he并列出现时如何表达? 269
no one与none有什么区别? 270
句子Most the students are working hard at it.为什么是错误的? 270
句子It's never too late to learn.为什么不说成To learn is never too late? 270
句子It is I who am the only one to have passed the examination.中的am能否改成is? 270
如何理解句子It was none other than my father.中的none other than? 271
当none作主语时,后面的谓语动词是用单数形式还是复数形式? 271
句子Nobody but him has finished reading the book.中的him可以改为he吗? 271
one后面为什么能够加s变成复数? 272
nothing but do sth.与nothing but to do sth.有何区别? 272
one of+n.与the only one of+n.有何不同? 273
one's+n.的含义是什么? 274
当one作宾语从句先行词的时候,后面的关系代词是用who还是用that? 274
句子The house looks something like a church.中的something like作何解释? 275
句子The boy is going to be somebody.中的somebody作何解释? 275
that与one在替代句子前面出现的单数名词时在用法上有何区别? 276
英语中是something strange对还是strange something对? 276
that与which都可以引导定语从句,它们在用法上有何区别? 277
句子I could not understand what he said at that time.中的what可以换成which吗? 278
what能表示汉语意思“多少”吗? 278
句子Air is to man what water is to fish.中的what该如何理解? 278
which与who在引导定语从句时有何区别? 279
which引导非限制性定语从句有哪些特点? 279
What is he?与Who is he?有何区别? 279
定语从句中的介词在什么时候应提到关系代词之前? 280
为什么说My father,that works abroad,came back yesterday.中的that用错了? 281
who引导的宾语从句的语序是怎样的? 281
whoever与whomever有何区别? 282
句子Whoever comes to our school will be welcome.中的whoever为什么不能改为who? 282
句子Who is it who wants to see me?中是否多了一个who? 282
句子The question of who first discovered the American continent is quite clear in the history.中的who为什么不能换成whom? 282
It is no use doing sth..是否可以改为It is no use to do sth..? 283
whose作疑问代词和关系代词有何区别? 283
汉语“你和谁一起到那里去?”的“谁”,英译时应如何表达? 283
It's time to do sth.与It's time for sth.有何区别? 284
句子It's time that I have supper.对吗? 284
句子It's no wonder that he has got the first place in the match.中that为什么不能改为if或whether? 284
单词although与though的意思和用法一样吗? 285
单词although的意思与汉语的“虽然”能完全对应吗? 285
六、连词及连词词组 285
and作为连词,它所连接的前后结构必须一样吗? 286
句子Tired as he was,he went to bed early.中。为何只能用as而不用though? 287
as与like都有“像”“按照”的意思,它们可以相互替代吗? 287
as...as与so...as的用法有何异同? 288
应用as...as句型,第二个as后面的动词省略与否有何异同? 288
as if后面只能跟句子吗? 289
as it were与as it is用法相同吗? 290
as it is放在句首与放在句末所表示的意思一样吗? 290
英语词组as soon as与no sooner...than...,hardly...when...,scarcely...when...有区别吗? 291
as long as仅仅表示“和……一样长”吗? 291
as well as是否表示“和……一样好”? 292
as usual可以作状语吗? 292
because,as,for和since的使用有何异同? 293
句子Both of my parents are not at home now.是完全否定句吗? 294
but与however在意义和用法上有何区别? 295
句子Not a person but was moved to tears at that story.中的but如何理解? 295
never...but...表示的是双重否定含义吗? 296
but作介词时,后面是跟do sth.,还是跟to do sth.? 296
if引导的从句中都是用一般现在时表示一般将来时吗? 297
every time是副词词组,后面为什么能连接一个从句? 297
句子Either John or his brothers likes singing.中的谓语为什么是错的? 297
if和whether在用法上有何区别? 298
if only与only if有何区别? 299
句子If only you had worked harder in the past!中的if only是什么意思? 299
句子The boy is not reading or writing.中的or是选择关系吗? 300
not only...but also...连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词应与哪一个保持一致? 300
句子Neither we or my father is going to do that farm work.中的or是否要改成nor? 300
句子The man goes to work in time since he bought the bike.中,since引导的时间短语为何不是与完成时态连用? 301
句子He had nothing other than a piece of bread this morning.中的other than是什么意思? 301
in order that与so that两者有何区别? 301
so as to与so...as to有何区别? 302
though与but可以连用吗? 303
句子He writes better than I.与He writes better than me.哪句正确? 303
句子They did much better than expected.中,than expected是什么意思? 303
till与until有何区别? 304
though与despite在表示“尽管”之意时有何区别? 304
above,on和over在表示方位时有何区别? 305
about和on在作“关于”讲时有何区别? 305
七、介词与介词词组 305
句子According to me,what you said is not exact.对吗? 306
above all和first of all都有“首先”之意,两者可互换吗? 306
after与in在表示“在……之后”上有何区别? 307
among与between均可用以表示“之间”的意思,它们之间有区别吗? 308
after time与after a time所表示的意思一样吗? 308
at a time,at one time与at the time三者的区别何在? 309
apart from,besides,but与except四者之间有何区别? 309
at all可以用在陈述句中吗? 310
at times与at all times的区别何在? 311
at the beginning与in the beginning意思一样吗? 311
before与until在用法上有何区别? 312
before与in front of的用法有何不同? 312
below与under在用法上有何区别? 313
before与after的用法有何区别? 313
beside与besides有何区别? 314
but for必须与虚拟语气的句子连用吗? 315
between you and I与between you and me孰是孰非? 315
all but,anything but和nothing but三者在意思上有何区别? 316
but,but for和but that三者该如何区别使用? 316
by与until(till)有何异同? 317
被动语态当中的by后面跟的是什么? 317
“by+时间”只能与完成时态连用吗? 318
on the contrary与to the contrary在用法上有何区别? 319
considering是介词还是现在分词? 319
except与except for有何区别? 320
except后面的动词为何结构不一样? 320
in和after在与时间连用时有何区别? 321
from与since都可以表示“从……”,它们有何区别? 321
句子Take your umbrella with you in case it should rain.中的should该如何理解? 322
句子Help me in case I make a mistake.中的in case应如何理解? 322
in time与on time有何区别? 323
in case of与in the case of有何不同? 323
in case和if引导的条件从句有何区别? 323
on与in在表示“在……上面”时有何区别? 324
形容词之后何时用of sb.何时用for sb.? 324
句子I like to read the story of Shakespeare.应如何理解? 324
out of与outside有什么不同? 325
句子On seeing the policeman,the thief ran away quickly.中的on是什么意思? 325
句子He went to school early on the afternoon of last Monday.中的on要改为in吗? 325
over究竟表示什么意思? 326
句子He went up the street to the hospital.中,副词up后面怎么能直接跟宾语? 327
through与across都可以表示“通过”“穿过”,两者有何区别? 327
如何理解句子Only those who are over the hill can appreciate the importance of good health.中的over the hill? 327
regarding,in regard to与with regard to三者有何异同? 327
句子It's kind of you to come and see me.能否改为It's kind for you to come and see me? 328
by the way,in the way与on the way在意思上有何区别? 328
the teacher and writer与the teacher and the writer有何区别? 329
八、冠词 329
句子Man is stronger than woman.中的man和woman前为什么不加a? 330
句子The spring of this year was quite pleasant.中spring前面为何加the? 330
为什么the culture of China中有定冠词,而在Chinese culture中则无定冠词? 330
为什么可以说I am a Chinese,而不能说I am an English? 331
hospital,school,bed等名词什么情况下前面加定冠词the? 331
school有时用定冠词,有时前面又没有,这是为什么? 331
“乘公共汽车”用by a bus为什么是错误的? 332
句子We had a heavy snow yesterday.中的不定冠词a用得对吗? 333
何时用breakfast,何时用the breakfast? 333
dog-eat-dog是否与汉语中的“狗咬狗”相对应? 334
句子What you said does not hold water.中的does not hold water如何理解? 334
句子All of us were in high spirits.中的spirits为何用复数形式? 334
九、成语 334
成语get off on the wrong foot是什么意思? 335
成语gain the upper hand表示什么意思? 335
be from Missouri是否表示“来自密苏里州”? 335
成语still wet behind the ears是什么意思? 336
成语play a lone hand是什么意思? 336
never say uncle是否表示“决不叫叔叔”? 336
句子He is the black sheep of his family.中的the black sheep应如何理解? 337
tell the sheep from the goats是什么意思? 337
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