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  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:高鹏,戴卫平,张学忠主编;郭青,高艳红副主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7561128983
  • 页数:692 页

一、社交辞令 1

1.开场白Opening Conversation Gambits 2

2.姓名称谓Names and Titles 4

3.问候用语Greetings 7

4.自我介绍Self Introduction 9

5.结交朋友Making Friends 13

6.左邻右舍Neighbours 16

7.街头偶遇Running into Someone 19

8.安排约会Making an Appointment 22

9.取消约会Cancelling an Appointment 25

10.拨打电话Making a Telephone Call 28

11.走亲访友Paying a Visit 31

12.发出邀请Invitation 33

13.朋友聚会Party 35

14.社交礼仪On Social Occasions 39

15.祝贺生日Birthday Celebration 42

16.分手离别Parting 45

17.潇洒舞会Balls 47

二、生活场景 51

1.银行业务At the Bank 52

2.借阅图书Atthe Library 55

3.投宿旅馆At the Motel 58

4.邮寄信件At the Post Office 61

5.到杂货店Drugstore 63

6.超市购物Supermarket 66

7.旧货市场FleaMarket 69

8.开办公司Company 72

9.法庭诉讼Court 74

10.走进剧场Theatre 77

11.购买副食Groceries 79

12.光顾快餐Fastfood Snack 80

13.去夜总会Nightclub 83

14.通关报关Customs 85

15.海港码头Seaport 88

16.机场见面Airport 89

17.火车站里Railway Station 92

18.公园游玩Park 94

19.汽车加油站Gas Station 97

20.洗衣服务Cleaner's 99

21.酒吧小叙Bar 102

22.品味咖啡Coffee Shop 104

23.茶馆侃谈Tea House 106

三、餐饮文化 109

1.享用中餐Chinese Food 110

2.评价食品The Favorite Food 113

3.英美食物British and American Food 115

4.意大利面Pasta 118

5.甜食与饮料Desserts and Beverages 120

6.饮酒文化Alcoholic Drinks 123

7.烹饪技术Cooking 125

8.外出就餐Dining Out 128

9.预订餐桌Reservation for a Table 130

10.餐厅礼节Restaurant Dos and Don'ts 132

11.结账埋单Payingthe Bill 135

四、时尚服饰 138

1.说明要求Explaining the Requests 139

2.询问尺寸Inquiring the Measurement 141

3.修改衣服Altering Clothes 144

4.抱怨裁缝Complaining about the Tailor 147

5.流行样式Fashion Clothes 149

6.颜色匹配Color Matching 152

7.服装搭配Clothes Matching 154

8.佩带领带Wearing aTie 157

9.称赞衣着PraisingtheClothes 160

10.护肤化妆Cosmetics 162

11.珠宝首饰Jewelry 165

12.眼镜学问Glasses 168

五、开心购物 171

1.迎对顾客Serving the Customer 172

2.购物须知Going Shopping 174

3.推荐服装Recommending Clothes 177

4.讨价还价Bargaining 180

5.打折促销Discount 183

6.退货保修Refunding 185

7.女装世界Ladies'Wear Department 188

8.潇洒男装Men's Clothing Department 191

9.精品服饰Classic Goods Stores 194

10.鞋帽天地Shoes & Hat Department 197

11.收银付款Check-out Counter 201

12.房屋出售Buying a House 203

13.家具购置Buying Furniture 206

14.选购新车Buying a New Gar 209

六、消遣娱乐 213

1.娱乐活动Entertainment 214

2.娱乐圈内Show Biz 216

3.卡拉OK KTV 219

4.电子游戏Electronic Games 222

5.电影新潮Movie 225

6.电视节目Television 230

7.报刊杂志Newspaper and Magazine 232

8.网络情结Online Chatting 234

9.开心幽默Humor 238

10.学绕口令Tongue Twisters 240

11.星座趣谈Astrological Sign 243

七、爱好与兴趣 246

1.业余爱好Hobby 247

2.音乐欣赏Musical Enjoyment 251

3.听音乐会Concert 254

4.弹奏乐器Musical Instrument 257

5.说唱音乐Music 259

6.歌曲学唱Song 262

7.摄影爱好Photography 265

8.绘画艺术Painting 268

9.吸烟有害Smoking 271

10.养鱼窍门Feeding Fish 274

11.学打桥牌Bridge 276

12.棋类游戏Chess 279

13.艺术门类Art 282

14.珠宝与工艺品Jewelry and Crafts 285

八、户外运动 288

1.运动有益Sports 289

2.球类一瞥Balls 292

3.迎接奥运Olympic Games 296

4.强身健体Building up your Body 300

5.话说锻炼Exercises 303

6.滑雪运动Skiing 306

7.极限运动Extreme Sports 309

8.外出郊游Outing 311

9.饭后百步Walking 314

10.享受日光Sunbath 317

九、生活花絮 320

1.瘦身减肥Goingon a Diet 321

2.失眠的苦恼Insomnia 323

3.保健常识Keeping fit 325

4.风俗习惯Customs 328

5.食物与癌症Food and Cancer 331

6.魅力人生Body Building 334

7.时尚一族Fashion 337

8.长寿秘诀Secrets of Longevity 340

9.梦的解析Dream 343

10.冒险精神Taking Risks 346

11.理发修面Haircut 349

12.梳妆打扮Dressing Up 351

13.美容美发Hairdressing 354

14.谈情说爱Love 358

15.家庭琐事Family 360

16.婚姻大事Marriage 363

十、家居 366

1.寻找房源Looking for a house 367

2.房屋出租Renting a House 369

3.合租公寓Apartment 372

4.学生宿舍Dorm 375

5.乔迁之喜Movingto a new House 378

6.客厅布置Living Room 380

7.卧室装点Bedroom 382

8.厨房用具Kitchen 385

9.花园剪影Garden 387

10.水、电、煤气费Utilities 389

11.配备家具Furnishing the House 391

12.室内装璜Interior Decoration 394

13.修理管道 Repairig the Piping 396

14.二手房屋Second-Hand House 399

十一、旅行与交通 402

1.旅行计划Trip 403

2.外出度假Going out on Vacation 405

3.出国旅游Going Abroad 407

4.签证与护照Visa and Passport 410

5.世界各地Around the World 413

6.观光游览Sightseeing 416

7.乘坐飞机Taking a Plane 418

8.乘坐火车Taking a Train 421

9.乘坐轮船Aboard a Ship 423

10.乘出租车Taking a Taxi 426

11.问路指路Asking the Way 428

12.找卫生间Looking for the Toilet 430

13.交通堵塞Transportation 432

十二、旅游住宿 435

1.客房服务Hotel Service 436

2.预定房间Booking a Room 439

3.说明要求Explaining the Requirements 441

4.询问服务Inquiring Service 444

5.接受预定Accepting Reservation 446

6.登记入住Checking In 448

7.结账离店Checking Out 450

十三、求职与职业 454

1.临时替班Relaying/Part-time Job 455

2.谈论职业Talking about Job 457

3.寻找工作Job Hunting 459

4.申请工作Applying for a Job 462

5.求职面试Interview 465

6.出席会议Conference 468

7.老板与秘书Secretary/Boss 470

十四、家庭用品 474

1.私人汽车Personal Car 475

2.个人电脑Personal Computer 477

3.家用电器Home Appliance 480

4.饮水思源Drinking Water 482

5.酷爱读书Books 484

6.手机新潮Mobile Phone 486

7.传真用途Fax 489

十五、商务服务 492

1.报税纳税Tax Declaration 493

2.消费者投诉Complaining 495

3.电子银行Electronic Banking 497

4.电信服务Telecommunications Service 500

5.商务谈判Business Negotiation 503

6.世贸组织WTO 505

7.电子商务E-Commerce 508

8.商业贸易Trading 510

9.广告宣传Advertisement 512

10.股票市场StockMarket 514

11.大众传媒Mass Media 516

12.保险业务Insurance 518

13.录像出租Video Renting 521

14.天气预报Weather Forecast 523

15.法律咨询Consulting a Lawyer 525

16.洗印照片Film Processing 527

十六、时间与季节 530

1.天气无常Weather 531

2.季节变换Seasons 534

3.日期说法Date 537

4.时间表达Time 539

十七、节假日 542

1.中西节日Festivals 543

2.快乐假日Holidays & Vacation 546

3.欢庆节日Festival Celebrations 549

4.周末愉快On Weekends 551

5.节日宴会Festival Feast 554

十八、医疗服务 557

1.求医看病Seeing a Doctor 558

2.心理咨询Psychological Consult 560

3.谨慎服药Taking Medicine 563

4.打针吃药Injection 565

5.远离艾滋AIDS 567

6.癌症杀手Cancer 570

7.急救常识Emergency 573

8.非典故事SARS 575

十九、科教兴国 578

1.宇宙探索Cosmos 579

2.高新技术High Technology 582

3.遗传基因Genes 586

4.虚拟世界Intemet 590

5.电子邮件E-mail 594

6.电脑黑客Hackers 599

7.信息公路Information Highway 604

8.文化课程Courses 608

9.挑灯夜战Examinations 611

10.英语学习English 615

11.毕业典礼Graduation 618

12.出国留学Going Abroad 622

二十、社会问题 627

1.男女平等Equality between Men and Women 628

2.社会伦理Social Ethics 632

3.社会风俗Social Customs 635

4.宗教信仰Religion 639

5.法律与秩序Law and Order 643

6.下岗与再就业Reemployment 647

7.社会面面观Kaleidoscope 650

8.互惠女工Au Pair 654

9.经济全球化Globalization 659

10.追星一族Idols 663

11.话说代沟Generation Gap 667

12.吸毒致命Drugs 670

13.受袭与自卫Assault and Self-Defence 673

14.城市与农村City and Country 677

15.环保意识Environmental Protection 680

16.环境污染Pollution 685

17.绿化家乡Afforestation 688
