第二届宝钢学术年会论文集 第1分册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谢企华,徐乐江主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术文献出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7543929473
- 页数:424 页
Carbon Steel and Its Process 1
1.Discrete Particle Simulation Applied to Blast Furnace Modelling&A.B.YU et al 1
2.COREX?and FINEX?Technology——Process Updates 2006&D.SIUKA et al 8
3.Practice of Perfecting Burden Preparation in Baosteel Blast Furnace&ZHU Renliang et al 17
4.Desulfurization and Deoxidation of Molten Iron with in Situ Produced Magnesium Vapor&YANG Jian et al 22
5.Two-Dimensional Study of the Effect of Solid Descent on Gas-Powder Flow in a Blast Furnace&X.F.DONG et al 27
6.A Simulation Study of the Transient Multiphase Flow Phenomena in a Blast Furnace&Z.Y.ZHOU et al 33
7.Structural Change of the Iron Ore Sintering Bed and its Control&Eiki KASAI 39
8.Main Technical Refinement to the COREX 3000 under Construction in Baosteel(in Chinese)&SUN Yiwen et al 45
9.Retrospect and Reflect on Twenty Years'Coking Coal Usage at Baosteel(in Chinese)&CAO Yinping 49
10.Technical Progress of the Preparating Pulverized Coal system of the 750m3 BF Pulverized Coal Injecting(in Chinese)&CHEN Jixiang 54
11.Realization of Less-cost Strategy in Xuansteel's No.8 BF(in Chinese)&LI Guiyang et al 58
12.Research on Permeating Mechanism of Lead in the Blast Furnace(in Chinese)&YANG Xuefeng et al 63
13.Reaction Mechanism between Solid CaO and Slag in the Hot Metal Dephosphorization Process&Tasuku HAMANO et al 67
14.The Direct Measurement of Inclusions in Liquid Steel&Richard F.CONTI et al 72
15.Slag-Metal Interface and its Impact on Inclusion Removal in Ladle Treatment&DU Sichen et al 80
16.The Need for Fast Refining Process&Eloy MARTINEZ 92
17.Thermodynamics of MnO-SiO2-"TiO2"-"Ti2O3"System with Consideration of Inclusion Formation in Mn-Si-Ti Containing Steels&Youn-Bae KANG et al 97
18.Progress of Steelmaking Technology of Automobile Sheets at Baosteel&ZHI Jianjun et al 103
19.Application and Maintenance of TBM Combined Blowing Technology in Meishan Converter&ZHAO Guoguang et al 107
20.Mechanism of Hook and Oscillation Mark Formation in Ultra-Low Carbon Steel&Brian G.THOMAS et al 112
21.Influence of Casting Speed Variation during Continuous Casting on Non-Metallic Inclusions in IF Steel Slabs&ZHANG Qiaoying et al 118
22.Operational Results of Increasing Casting Speed for Medium Carbon Steel Grades&Seung-Heon LEE et al 125
23.A Study of the Effect of Mold Flux Crystallization on Radiative Heat Transfer Rate&W.WANG et al 129
24.Inclusion Control and Long Sequence Casting&Marc BURTY et al 134
25.Study on the Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of Slab Continuous Casting Mold&LIU Xudong et al 139
26.Behavior of Tramp Elements in Steel——Poison or Medicine?&Shozo MIZOGUCHI 149
27.Effects of Inclusions on the Microstructure and Toughness of HAZ of HSLA Steels&ZHENG Qing et al 154
28.Theory and Practice of FC Mold in Slab Continuous Casting Process&Hongliang YANG et al 160
29.Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Solidification Structure of Steels&LIU Qingmei et al 164
30.Present Situation and Prospects of Steelmaking Technology in Baosteel(in Chinese)&LU Zhixin 168
31.The development of the Home-made SEN of thin slab casting and the technology optimization(in Chinese)&YANG Jie et al 174
32.Analysis and Application on Sticking Breakout Prediction System during CSP Casting(in Chinese)&QIAN Jun et al 182
33.Cost-Saving Steels and Their Manufacturing Processes&WANG Guodong et al 186
34.Recent Development of Rolling Technologies in Japan&Takeshi MASUI 194
35.Contact Mechanics in Strip Rolling&A.K.TIEU et al 201
36.Application of Screwdown Correction in Process Control of Continuous-Rolling Hot Strip Mill&REN Tianbao et al 208
37.Oxide Scale Behaviour and its Influence on Industrial Hot Rolling&M.KRZYZANOWSKI et al 213
38.Surface Topography Evaluation of Various Texturing Cold-Rolled Strips&SUN Dale et al 220
39.Computational and Experimental Studies of O/W Emulsion Lubricated Rolling&Buyung KOSASIH et al 226
40.FEM Analy?is of Plan View Deformation in Heavy Plate&JIAO Sihai et al 231
41.Accurate and Exact Process Control Is the Guarantee of SCC2 Healthy Produce&WANG Yong 235
42.Shape Control Performance of Cold Rolling Mill&XU Jianyong et al 241
43.Effect of Work Roll Edge Contact on Mechanics of Cold Rolling of Thin Strip&JIANG Zhengyi et al 246
44.Roll Contour Optimization for Cold Temper Mill&JIANG Zhenglian 251
45.Analysis of"Orange Peel"-Like Lines on the Temper Mill's Work Roll(in Chinese)&WU Guosheng et al 255
46.Functions of Production Control Computer for 5m Heavy Plate mill(in Chinese)&JIANG Hongsheng et al 259
47.Study of Forming Reason on the Edge Flaw of Hot Rolling Strip Steel(in Chinese)&WEN Yacheng et al 262
48.The Analysis for Development of Turbulence Pickling(in Chinese)&GU Kaifeng 265
49.Research of surface quality of hot-dip galvanized mini spangle plate in Pangang(in Chinese)&YU Dan 269
50.The Domestically Produced High-speed Rod Mill Production Technology Tackle(in Chinese)&LI Na et al 273
51.Green Steel——The Key to Sustainable Manufacturing&A.J.DeArdo et al 278
52.Nature and Consequences of Grain Refinement in Steel&J.W.MORRIS Jr. 283
53.Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation in Low Carbon Steels&DONG Han et al 289
54.Development and Application of Process Modeling Technology for 2050 Hot Strip Rolling Mill at Baosteel&LIU Zhengdong et al 299
55.Development and Application of Submarine Pipeline Steel&ZHENG Lei et al 304
56.Influence of Heat Treatment Process on Mechanical Properties of an HSLA-100 Steel&LI Chaofeng et al 309
57.Development and Application of Baosteel Seawater Resistance Steel Q345C-NHY3&LI Zigang et al 313
58.Transformation Behaviors of Intercritically Annealed and As-Hot Rolled TRIP Steels&John J.JONAS et al 319
59.Bake-Hardening Effects in Multi-Phase Steels&Wolfgang BLECK et al 326
60.Effect of Fast Cooling on the Properties of Continuous Annealed Phase Transformation Hardened Ultra High Strength Steels&ZHU Xiaodong et al 333
61.Effect of Rolling Parameter on IF Steel's Drawability&LIU Zhanying et al 338
62.Effeet of Compositions and Cooling Processes on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Advanced High Strength Steel&ZHANG Aiwen et al 343
63.Effect of Carbon,Silicon and Manganese on Microstructure and Properties of the Hot-rolled TRIP Steel&ZHENG Fang et al 348
64.Development of Baosteel's One-step Cold Rolled Steel Strip for Shadow Mask&LI Jun et al 352
65.Development of Online Accelerated Cooling Process for Seamless Tube&YIN Guanghong 358
66.Analysis of Nature and Source of Micro-Inclusions in Tube Bloom and Steel Pipes Produced by Hengyang Pipe Factory&PENG Qichun et al 364
67.The Development of Prepainted Steel for Construction in Baosteel(in Chinese)&REN Yuling et al 369
68.The Study of Environment Friendly Prepainted Steel for Appliance in Baosteel(in Chinese)&REN Yuling et al 373
69.Development of 800MPa Grade Heavy Plate with Low Yield Ratio(in Chinese)&YAO Liandeng et al 378
70.Effect of the Temperature Process on Mechanical Properties of the Abrasion Resistant Steel with High Strength(in Chinese)&TANG Wenjun et al 383
71.A Pilot Study about the Improvement of the Bauschinger Effect in Pipeline by the Technology of TMCP(in Chinese)&YANG Xiaozhen 387
72.Microstructure Evolution Simulation and Mechanical Properties Prediction during Finishing Rolling of Thin Strip(in Chinese)&ZHANG Shihong et al 390
73.Study on the Precipitations Characterization of 09CuPTiRE Steel(in Chinese)&XIA Dianxiu et al 394
74.Research on the Deformation Behavior of Low Carbon Steel(in Chinese)&PEI Xinhua et al 399
75.Nucleation of Intragranular Ferrite In Low Carbon Steels(in Chinese)&WU Kaiming 403
76.The Influence for the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TWIP Steel Affected by Cold Rolling Re-duction(in Chinese)&DAI Yongjuan et al 408
77.The Cause of Abnormal Phosphate Coating of Electro-galvanized Sheet in the Automotive(in Chinese)&HUANG Shengbiao 413
78.Environment-Friendly Galvanized Steel Products for Home Electric Appliances of Baosteel(in Chinese)&ZHANG Jianping 417
79.Trial Production of V-Nb Micro-alloyed HRB500 Reinforced Bar(in Chinese)&ZHOU Dawei et al 422
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