- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薛汉荣主编;翟福金等编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7560518257
- 页数:358 页
Lesson 1 Terrorism&Martin Walker 1
Further reading: 11
1.Costs of Targeting Civilians&Caleb Carr 11
2.he End of Liberty&Gore Vidal 13
3.slam and Terrorism&Khurram Murad 22
Lesson 2 The Hard Questions(Part 1)&Benjamin Schwarz and Christorpher Layne 32
Further reading: 41
1.Facing Reality in China Policy&David Shambaugh 41
2.ush's Doctrine for War&David E.Sanger 51
3.hings to Come&Paul Krugman 54
Lesson 3 The Hard Questions(Part 2)&Benjamin Schwarz and Christorpher Layne 56
Further reading: 66
1.The New Geography of Conflict&Michael T.Klare 66
2.Naive Unilaterlism&Fred Kaplan 75
3.Living Without Oil&Marianne Lavelle 78
4.A War for Oil&Thomas L.Friedman 84
Lesson 4 The Right Stuff&Tom Wolfe 87
Further reading:An Excerpt from Air Force Issues Book,1997&Anony mous 92
Lesson 5 Communications Satellites:Making the Golbal Village Possible&David J.Whalen 131
Further reading: 141
1.Reconnaissance Satellites&Recon Sat 141
2.IMINT Overview&Anonymous 147
3.LACROSSE ONYX&John Pike 151
4.Reconnaissance Satellites&Wg.Cdr.NK Pant(Reltd) 156
5.Satellite Vulnerability:a Post-cold War Issue?&Allen Thomson 157
Lesson 6 WhatIs Intelligence?&Abram N.Shulsky 177
Further reading:Spies,Machines,and Libraries&Abram N.Shulsky 188
Lesson 7 Loud and Clear-The Most Secret of Secret Agencies Operates Under Outdated Laws&James Bamford 217
Further reading: 223
1.Project Echelon:Orbiting Big Brother&Leonard David 223
2.Is the NSA Eavesdropping Again&Paul M.Weyrich 227
3.Does Voice-activated Eavesdropping Techno-logy Listen in on Phone Conversations for Suspicious"Keywords"?&Cecil Adams 229
4.America's Global Embrace&Michael Moran 231
5.The Intelligence Gap&Seymour M.Hersh 235
6.Covert Government/Military Interception of International Telecommunications&Hybrid 246
Lesson 8 Cyber Warfare&Ernest Krutzsch 260
Further reading: 265
1.US Military Grapples with Cyber Warfare Rules&Anony mous 265
2.Cyberwarfare:Ways,Warriors and Weapons of Mass Destruction&Byard Q.Clemmons,and Major Gary D.Brown 267
3.Technology and Humanity&Sir Arthur C.Clarke KBE 283
4.Search Engines:the Ignored Threat&Paul Heely 288
Lesson 9 Robust Knowledge Base Enhances Warfighting Capabilities&Portal 297
Further reading: 303
1.Information plus Context Equals Knowledge&Anonymous 303
2."If We Run out of Batteries,This War is Screwed"&Joshua Davis 308
3.The Revolution in Military Affairs and the UK&Gerrard Quille 310
4.Cyber War Against Iraq&Charles R.Smith 321
5.Cornmand,Control,Communications,Computers and Intelligence Challenges in the Korean theater&John Di Genio 323
Lesson 10 Space Wars:A.D.1990-A.D.2030&Major James R.Meisinger 329
Further reading: 338
1.Defense at a Crossroads&Jerry Grey 338
2.Missile Defense Options and Obstacles&Col.Daniel Smith 339
3.Silent Space Warriors&Alan D.Campen 345
4.Space Wars&Colonel Daniel Smith 352
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