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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:周学艺,赵林主编
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787301174623
  • 页数:320 页
图书介绍:本书是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材, 供大专院校英语和新闻专业及其他涉外专业三年级以上学生使用。课文均选自21世纪美英大报和知名新闻周刊。课文既有社会、文化、政治等方面的新闻,也有世界大事的报道和评论。每课还有”语言解说”、”新闻写作”(含新闻语言及表达法、修辞法等)、”读报知识”、”学习方法”和”读报经验谈”等内容。

美英报刊简介 1

Unit One China Watch 9

Lesson One 9

Text An American in Beijing(中国经济迅猛发展,留学生蜂拥而至)(Time,April 4,2008) 9

语言解说 Presence 16

Lesson Two 18

Text Home at Last(海外学子回国创业)(Newsweek,July 31,2000) 18

新闻写作 何谓News? 24

Lesson Three 26

Text China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes(西方生活方式给国人带来新的苦恼)(USA Today,May 19,2004) 26

新闻写作 新闻体裁 33

Lesson Four 35

Text Exploding Tourism Eroding China's Riches(保护名胜古迹刻不容缓)(Los Angeles Times,August 23,2000) 35

语言解说 Resources和Establishment 41

Unit Two US Domestic Affairs(Ⅰ) 44

Lesson Five 44

Text The Evolution Wars(宗教挑战科学)(Time,August 15,2005) 45

学习方法 如何读懂标题(Ⅰ) 57

Lesson Six 59

Text Elite U.S. schools turn the fight for supremacy into online game(网络游戏:美国名牌大学争先的新形式)(International Herald Tribune,March 20,2008) 59

读报知识 美国部分名牌大学简介 66

Lesson Seven 68

Text Is Haryard Worth It?(上哈佛,值吗?)(Fortune,May 1,2000) 68

学习方法 如何读懂标题(Ⅱ) 80

Unit Three US Domestic Affairs(Ⅱ) 85

Lesson Eight 85

Text The Economy Sucks.But Is It'92 Redux?(经济不振,难道08年大选是92年的翻版)(Newsweek,January 21,2008) 86

语言解说 Stupid和Technical(ly) 99

Lesson Nine 101

Text Obama Makes History(奥巴马当选,石破天惊)(The Washington Post,November 5,2008) 101

读报知识 美国总统选举 110

Lesson Ten 112

Text The New Dream Isn't American(美国梦不再)(Newsweek,May 26,2008) 112

新闻写作 导语(Lead) 118

Lesson Eleven 120

Text Is America's new declinism for Real?(美国真的是衰落了吗?)(Financial Times,November 24,2008) 120

新闻写作 报刊语言主要特点(Ⅰ) 127

Unit Four US Domestic Affairs(Ⅲ) 128

Lesson Twelve 128

Text Path of the Storm(丑闻风暴卷,仕途颇担忧)(Newsweek,April 17,2006) 129

读报知识 Lobby和Lobby Firm 137

Lesson Thirteen 139

Text Terrorized by"War on Terror"(反恐,反恐,越反越恐)(The Washington Post,March 25,2007) 139

语言解说 Culture/Cultural 150

Lesson Fourteen 152

Text Iraq:Who won the war?(伊拉克战争:谁是赢家?)(The Independent,March 16,2008) 153

语言解说 Political Donation/Contribution 165

Lesson Fifteen 167

Text Libby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat(利比:特工丑闻的替罪羊)(The New York Times,January 24,2007) 168

读报知识 美国司法机构 178

Unit Five US Foreign Policy 180

Lesson Sixteen 180

Text Stealing a Nation(英美狼狈为奸,霸占国家,撵走百姓)(New African,November,2006) 181

语言解说 常见借喻词和提喻词(Ⅰ) 189

Lesson Seventeen 193

Text How'Soft Power'Got'Smart'(美国外交政策:“软实力”与“巧实力”)(The New York Times,January 14,2009) 193

语言解说 常见借喻词和提喻词(Ⅱ) 200

Lesson Eighteen 201

Text A Race We Can All Win(中国发展:美中双赢的竞赛)(Newsweek,Dec.31,2007) 202

语言解说 常见委婉语 207

Unit Six World Affairs 209

Lesson Nineteen 209

Text Why the Monarchy Must Stay(君主制的废留之争)(Newsweek,March 11,1996) 209

读报知识 英国人缘何拥护君主制? 217

Lesson Twenty 219

Text The Coming Conflict in the Arctic(世界列强北冰洋争霸在即)(Global Research,July 17,2007) 219

新闻写作 报刊用语主要特点(Ⅱ) 226

Lesson Twenty-One 228

Text Big Maoist wins could reshape Nepal's politics(毛派选胜:或许翻开尼泊尔历史新一页)(The Christian Science Monitor,April 15,2008) 229

学习方法 读报工具书 236

Lesson Twenty-two 238

Text A Witness from Australia's"Stolen Generation"(澳大利亚:土著人受迫害)(International Herald Tribune,September 16—17,2000) 239

语言解说 Generation何其多? 244

Lesson Twenty-three 245

Text Colombia crisis is settled,but which side wins?(哥伦比亚危机解决,到底谁是赢家?)(International Herald Tribune,March 9,2008) 245

学习方法 勤查词典(Ⅰ) 251

Unit Seven Society,Science&Sports 252

Lesson Twenty-four 252

Text Yawns:A generation of the young,rich and frugal(年轻而富裕,节俭而朴实)(The Associated Press,May 4,2008) 252

学习方法 勤查词典(Ⅱ) 261

Lesson Twenty-five 263

Text Ahead-of-the-Curve Careers(领先于潮流的新职业)(US News&World Report,December 19,2007) 263

语言解说 administration和government 270

Lesson Twenty-six 271

Text Nanospheres leave cancer no place to hide(纳米球使癌细胞无处藏身)(New Scienlist,June 21,2007) 272

语言解说 Nano和Virtual等 276

Lesson Twenty-seven 278

Text Kaka:Brazil's Mr.Perfect(卡卡:巴西人的偶像)(FIFA.com,November 30,2007) 278

学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅰ) 286

Unit Eight Prominent Figures 288

Lesson Twenty-eight 288

Text Doris Lessing Wins Nobel Prize in Literature(莱辛终获诺奖)(The New York Times,October 11,2007) 288

学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅱ) 296

Lesson Twenty-nine 299

Text He's just like you and me,except for the £31bn fortune(股神巴菲特的成功之道)(The Sunday Times,March 9,2008) 299

语言解说 时髦词Mentor和Guru等 309

Lesson Thirty 310

Text Bill Gates is retiring,sort of(盖茨退休了吗?)(International Herald Tribune,June 27,2008) 310

学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅲ) 318
