- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:延边大学东北亚研究院编
- 出 版 社:延吉:延边大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7563422005
- 页数:314 页
Part Ⅰ:Economics and sociology 3
1.A comparative study on neural networks for manufacturing cell formation Jun-Han Lee 3
2.Foreign production externality Hong-Mo Sung 13
3.日韩近代杂志广告中的女性形象 金大焕 李熙馥 21
4.The task of national ethics in the Information Age Dae-Gue Kim 40
Part Ⅱ:The development of language and language teaching 53
5.Language,linguistic skepticism,and Tao Young-Seok Choi 53
6.Autonomy and authenticity in the EIL classroom Sang-Ho Han 64
Part Ⅲ:Cultural history and tourism studies 77
7.An examination of mortuary practices in the Korean bronze age:dolmens and stone cists Bong-Won Kang 77
8.有关雁鸭池造景文化的研究 崔宰荣 89
9.A comparative study of the elderly leisure behaviors at the urban parks Jae-Joon Yang 99
10.An approach to promoting sports tourism for development of Northeast Asia Gook-Rae Cho 115
Part Ⅳ:Sustainable environmental development in the modem era and human physiological well-being 129
11.A study on the evaluation criteria for reconstruction of deteriorated multi-family housing Moo-Hyun Choi 129
12.Visibility measurement in Korea Kyung-Won Kim 141
13.The effect of ion pairing and complex agents for Cadmium(Ⅱ)reduction under benzyl alcohol film formation Kyung-Ho Lee 154
14.The comparative study on cell viability of mast cell line,RBL-2H3 by xanthii fructus and processed xanthii fructus Jin-Han Park 164
Part Ⅴ:Computer,information and electronic engineering 175
15.Real-time implementation of G.729 coder for toll-tandem condition Jae-Won Kim 175
16.An implementation of a holographic optical memory system using a novel angular multiplexing and input methods Cheol-Su Kim 185
17.Channel holding time distributions of soft handoff in CDMA mobile communication systems Moo-Ho Cho 198
18.Adaptive contour simplification based on morphological segmentation Gi-Seok Kim 212
19.CAM-based VLSI architecture for LZ data compression algorithm Gab-Joong Jeong 220
20.A three dimensional musculoskeletal model for biomechanical analysis of the knee during maximum isometric knee flexion Seon-Pil Kim 231
21.The dynamic elements matching method in multi-bit delta-sigma modulators Deok-Hwan Hyun 244
Part Ⅵ:Studies of economic cooperation in Northeast Asia 257
22.东北老工业基地的振兴与对外开放度 金强一 257
23.中国东北地区与朝鲜的经济贸易合作 林今淑 267
24.图们江地区国际合作开发的内外形势变化与近期目标 朴承宪 292
25.图们江运输走廊的基础设施与发展趋势 李钟林 305
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