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TIME周刊精选片段选读 第2辑
TIME周刊精选片段选读 第2辑

TIME周刊精选片段选读 第2辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张楠,白立明主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7561823169
  • 页数:369 页
《TIME周刊精选片段选读 第2辑》目录

名人大观 2

1.From Harvard to Las Vegas 从哈佛教授到赌城老板 2

2.The Creation of Yao Ming 姚明的诞生 5

3.A Celebrated Fund Manager,Despite Losses,Still Thinks Oil Is Headed South 损失惨重,一如既往 9

4.Hitler Heir Doesn't Want Mein Kampf Royalties 希特勒的版税 12

5.What's in Bush's Pockets? 囊中何物? 15

6.Could Tony Blair Have Been a Rock Star? 不做首相做摇滚明星? 17

科学与技术 20

1.High School Memories Go Digital 数字化的纪念簿 20

2.Hybrid 混合动力车 22

3.Control the Internet?A Futile Pursuit 控制互联网?徒劳 24

4.Junk Messages in the E-mail 垃圾信息 27

5.The Latest Mobile Ringtones 最新手机彩铃 29

6.Sweet Scents,a Pain Relief for Women 香味为女人止痛 31

7.Face Transplants 脸移植 33

8.The Natural Bug RePellent 天然驱蚊剂 36

9.Flowering Mobile Phone 开花的手机 38

10.We're All Text Maniacs 我们都是短信狂 40

11.Alarm Clock Set to Wake Doziest of SleePers 给我起! 41

12.Will Heavier Manhole Covers Deter Thieves? 无法转卖的井盖 42

13.PCs That Know How You Feel 善解人意的PC 44

14.Census of the Sea 海洋生物普查 46

15.Space Junk Continuing to Accumulate 太空垃圾 48

文化与教育 52

1.Crackdown on Plagiarism 打击作弊 52

2.Stop Carping 别再吹毛求疵了! 54

3.Snoring Kids Do Worse in School 鼾声起,学业危 56

4.Produce and Sell School Coffins 制售校棺 58

5.Proposal to Cut Own Job 裁掉自己 61

6.Sarcasm Not Funny to Kids 童稚不识幽默味? 63

7.Baby Watching TV 婴儿看电视 65

8.The Financial Benefits of a Degree 学位的经济价值 67

9.Teaching Group to Consider Banning Word Fail" 废除“不及格” 70

10.Continuing an Important Ancestral Tradition 古风可续 71

11.Online,In-person Classes Blending 在线学习与课堂学习 73

12.Monopoly Kills Innovation and Cheats Kids 垄断扼杀创新 76

工作与生活 80

1.Most Britons Unwilling to Work Till 67 何时退休 80

2.A Scientifically Proven Way to Be Happy 幸福之路 82

3.Manners Are Back in Style 得体举止又成时尚 84

4.Playing Video Games Improve Visual Skills 电子游戏提高视觉技能 86

5.Lying on CV 简历造假 88

6.The Most Honest Profession Is... 最诚信的职业是…… 90

7.Young Japanese Reject Parents'Lifestyle 不想上班 92

8.To Buy or Not to Buy? 买还是不买? 94

9.Empty Nests,and Hearts 空巢、空寂的心 97

卫生与健康 102

1.Calcium from Food Better Than from Supple-ment 食补优于药补 102

2.Sleeping Pills for Children:Are They Overpre-scribed? 不要给孩子吃过多的安眠药 104

3.Loneliness May Be in DNA 遗传孤独 107

4.Effect of Coffee on Health 咖啡影响健康? 109

5.Waist-hip Ratio Best Measure of Heart Attack Risk 腰臀比例与心脏病的关系 111

6.Sleep Improves Problem-Solving 睡眠的作用 113

7.Snooze Is a Way to Stay Healthy 午睡有益健康 116

8.Poets Die Young 118

诗人短寿 121

8.Americans with Bad Habits Claim to Be in Excel-lent Health 习惯糟糕,感觉良好 121

9.Australia—the Second Fattest Country 澳洲,第二肥胖国 123

10.Housework Does Not Improve Health 家务无益健康 126

11.Color and Mood 颜色与心情 128

12.Massage at Gas Stations 加油站按摩 130

13.Mountain Living Is Good for Heart and Health 山居益寿 132

14.Text Message Addiction Leads to Depression 短信成瘾,疾病缠身 134

15.Taste Sensitivity Linked to Lower Weight 味觉敏感者,身材更苗条 136

企业与经营 140

1.Story of"Google"  Google的故事 140

2.The Fawlty Inhospitality 福提式无礼 142

3.Sharing Stories of Taking Towel 偷毛巾的故事 144

4.Not Enough People Are Dying 146

死人不够多 148

5.Forehead Advertisement 额头广告 148

6.A New Customer Service from Cell Phone Pro-viders 手机运营商的新服务 150

7.A New Service—Blacklist Numbers 封锁电话号码服务 152

8.Restaurant for Cats Opens in New York 猫咪餐馆 154

动植物乐园 157

1.Male Mice Sing When They Scent the Female of the Species 鼠之情歌 157

2.Camels Fitted with Reflective Strips 系反光带的骆驼 160

3.Rats'Home 老鼠之家 162

4.104-year-old Parrot 104岁的鹦鹉 164

5.Middle-Aged Chimp 中年黑猩猩 166

6.Hairless Dog 无毛犬 169

7.Sea Lions'Long Memories Shake up Biologists 海狮记忆惊人 171

8.Listen to Stressed Sheep Bleat 听羊诉苦 173

9.Too Warm to Bear 冬暖难眠 175

10.Geese Guard Prisoners 鹅看守 177

11.The Most Stringent Dog Protection Rules 深得狗心的法律 178

12.Male Bats'Sexual Prowess Comes with a Price 蝙蝠性本领的代价 180

13.A DVD of Pandas 熊猫性教育 183

14.Map Pig DNA 为猪绘制DNA 185

15.Ants Can Teach Each Other 蚂蚁授课 187

16.Dogs May Be Able to Sniff Cancer 狗能嗅出癌症 189

经济与政治 193

1.China's Road to Modernization 中国的现代化之路 193

2.Seeking the Wisdom of Ancients 以古为鉴 195

3.Gender Pricing 性别定价 197

4.Lotteries 彩票 199

5.New Weapon to Fight Corruption 反腐新招 201

6.Fat City 203

肥胖城市 205

7.Renaissance Fairs 复古期 205

8.Champs Elysees 香榭丽舍大街 206

人生广角 209

1.Good Samaritan,a Victim Got His Reward 善有善报 209

2.Who Will Take Custody of Child? 谁来监护孩子? 211

3.Shopaholic Goes to Slammer 逛街,逛进班房 213

4.Couple Spends Wedding Night in Police Cell 牢房花烛夜 215

5.Celebrate the Death of a Gay Neighbor 欢庆邻死 217

6.Miser Leaves Fortune to Dogs,Not Daughters 另类财迷 218

7.Patient Winner Waits a Year to Claim $ 23 Million 最沉得住气的人 220

8.Marriage Results in Fewer Lavish Christmas Gifts 婚者礼寡 222

9.Man Blames Reckless Driving on Martians 被火星人追赶 224

10.Change Name to Release Anxiety and Rage 226

改名释愤 228

11.Groom Loses All Memory of Marriage 惊问妻从何处来 228

12.Man Tries to Sell His Family on eBay 网上卖妻儿 230

13.The Magic Power of Harry Potter 哈利?波特的神奇力量 232

14.Banning Kids from Eating in His Own Restau-rants 禁食美餐 234

15.Transition to Adulthood 向成人转变 236

16.Getting Fired for What You Have Said 都是嘴惹的祸 238

17.German Guide Aims to Bridge Gulf Between the Sexes 两性沟通指南 241

18.Women Say Single Life Is Better 单身更好 243

19.Robber Upset He Didn't Get Life Sentence 刑期有限,劫匪无奈 245

20.Love Is Not Blind 爱并不盲目 247

21.Cinderella:A Poor Role Model 要不得的榜样 249

22.Dating Etiquette:Dining 约会中的餐桌礼仪 252

23.A Difierent View of Love and Hate 反射的爱与恨 254

24.The Fundamentals of a Gentleman 256

绅士的基本品质 259

世界之窗 259

1.Contract Killing 雇凶杀人 259

2.WHO Death Report 死亡报告 261

3.Traffic Tickets Save Life 救命罚单 263

4.Ministry of Construction Was Built with Flaws 建设部的建筑问题 265

5.Law Firm Decides to Shorten Name 精简姓名 267

6.Yellow Tomato Causes Legal Dilemma 西红柿的法律陷阱 269

7.City Battles Lovers'Padlocks 爱情锁的困扰 271

8.Bangladeshis Reject Smelly Currency 拒绝臭钱 273

9.Misbehaving Husband Try to Win Back Wives in TV Show 重获芳心 275

10.Pray for Financial Service Workers 为经济人士祈祷 277

11.Taxation Serves as a Moral Part in Public Life 上税是一种社会责任 279

12.Fake or Real Diamonds 真假钻石 282

13.Insurance for Bonfire 烟火的保费 284

14.Liar Contest World Champion 世界说谎大赛 286

15.Censors Are Entitled to Allowance to Help Rid Psychological Pollution 精神污染补贴费 288

16.What Wine Experts Excel 品酒家的专长 290

17.Homosexuals Possessed by Devil 魔鬼附身同性恋 292

18.666—Highway to Hell 地狱之路 294

19.The List of Bad Odors 臭气排行榜 296

20.Rent a State 国家出租 298

21.Canada Suicide Hotline to Open Only from 9 to 5 朝九晚五的自杀热线 300

22.The Mummified Body of a Young Woman 一个女人的干尸 302

23.Mock Naval Battle 模拟海战 304

24.Worst Drivers 马路杀手 307

25."You Are Nobody!"Is Slander 你在骂人 309

26."Sudan"Food Scare Angers Country 同名的烦恼 311

27.Tomb Tourists Have a New Guide in France 墓地指南 313

28.Firm's Valentine Cards Spark Lovers'Tiffs 挑拨离间的贺卡 315

29.Marry a Millionaire'Show Axed after Fix 百万良缘 317

30.Witches Have Taken Pioneering Steps “巫婆”拿起法律武器 319

31.Track"Bigfoot" 大脚怪兽 321

食品 324

1.Britain's National Dish 英国国食 324

2.Coffee Campaign 咖啡运动 326

3.Ice Creams Named after Seven Sins 冰淇淋的七宗罪名 328

4.New Standard for Pizza 比萨饼的新标准 330

5.The World's Best Beer 世界佳酿 332

6.Prisoner's Cookbook 囚犯食谱 334

7.Wacky Warnings 荒唐警示 337

体育与艺术 340

1.French National Anthem Revives 国歌再生 340

2.Art Torture 艺术酷刑 342

3.Arts Education May Improve Children's Academic Performance 艺术教育的功用 345

4.Fake Van Gogh Self-portrait 赝品凡?高自画像 347

5.Software Designed to Spot Musical Stars 软件探明星 349

6.Angry Fan Bites off Striker's Ear 咬耳复仇 351

7.Shakespeare Actors Learn Science of Love 爱的科学 353

8.Music to Drive away Tube Louts 音乐驱恶 356

9.We're Being Fiddled,Say Violinists 我们被人耍了! 358

10.Sparing Young Soccer Players the Agony of Defeat 掩盖惨败 360

环境与保护 363

1.Soot Reduces Sunshine over China 烟尘蔽日 363

2.Alps Face Disaster over Warming 气候变暖使阿尔卑斯山面临灾难 365

3.Plants Linked to Global Warming 气候变暖的新祸根 367
