- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:梁慧姝主编
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7560244475
- 页数:474 页
Four New Coordination Polymers of Cu(Ⅱ)with 1,1′-(1,4-butanediyl)Bis(Imidazole) 1
选文1 1
选文2 18
Synthesis and Characterization of β-diketonato Titanium Derivatives of Polyoxometalates 18
选文3 26
Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Cyclopentadienyltitanium Substituted Polyoxotungstate[oW11O39(CpTi)]7-(Cp=η5-C5H5) 26
选文4 38
A Porous Supramolecular Architecture from a Copper(Ⅱ)Coordination Polymer with a 3D Four-connected 86 Net 38
选文5 48
New Polyoxometalate-starch Nanomaterial:Synthesis Characterization and Antitumoral Activity 48
Synthesis,Spectroscopic Characterization and Antitumor Activityin vitro of Organometallo Substituted Polyoxotungstates(RM)3 P2W15O59n-(RM=CpTi,CpZr,C4H7O2Sn or C5H9O2Sn) 58
选文6 58
选文7 65
The First Ladder Structure Containing Three Different Squares:The Structure of Barium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate 65
选文8 72
Comparison of Catalytical and Biological Activities for Substituted Polyoxotungstates Containing Ti and CpTi 72
选文9 81
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Organophosphoryl Tungstosilicates α-[RP(O)]2SiW11O394- 81
选文10 86
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Dimeric Ti—O—Ti Bridged Hydrid Form Polyoxoanion[α-1,2-PW10Ti2O39]210- 86
选文11 94
Synthesis,183W NMR Spectroscopic Characterization and Properties of Trisubstituted Heteropolytungstates Containing Group 3A Elements 94
Synthesis,Characterization and In Vitro Antitumor Activity of Diorganometallo Complexes γ-Keggin Anions 104
选文12 104
选文13 109
1H NMR Study of Pyridine-type Ligands Coordinated to the Paramagnetic Polyoxometalates,[CoⅡW11MO39]n-(M=CoⅡ,NiⅡ,CuⅡ,or FeⅢ) 109
选文14 124
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Substituted Heteropolytungstophosphates and Their Biological Activity 124
选文15 135
Effect of Glucose-lowering of Heteropolytungstogermanate β-K6H[GeW9V3O40]·9H2O 135
选文16 142
Synthesis and Characterization of Organophosphoryl Polyoxotungstate[α2-R2P2W17O61]6-(R=C6H11P(O),C6H5P(O),C6H11P(S),C6H5P(S)) 142
选文17 147
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Organophosphoryl Polyoxotungstates[C6H11P(O)]2Xn+W11O39(8-n)-(Xn+=P5+,Si4+,B3+,Ga3+) 147
Two New Coordination Polymers of Co(Ⅱ)with 1,1′-(1,4-butanediyl)Bis(Benzimidazole) 156
选文18 156
选文19 166
Networks with Hexagonal Circuits in Co-ordination Polymers of Metal Ions(ZnⅡ,CdⅡ)with 1,1′-(1,4-butanediyl)Bis(Imidazole) 166
选文20 181
三苯基锡—2—(1,2—亚乙二硫)亚甲基—3—羰基—5—芳基—4—戊烯酸酯的合成及晶体结构 181
选文21 193
Synthesis,Characterization and Biological Activity of Organotitanium Substituted Heteropolytungstates 193
选文22 202
An Unusual Electrochemically Induced Demetalation of Iron-substituted Keggin-type Undecatungstozincate ZnW11FeⅢ(H2O)O397- 202
选文23 210
Electrochemical Behavior of a Series of UndecatungstozincatesMonosubstituted by First-row Transition Metals,ZnW11 M(H2O)O39n-(M=Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu or Zn) 210
选文24 228
Redox Electrochemistry of Silicon Dioxide Gel Films Containing 1∶12 Molybdosilicate Acid and Its Electrocatalytic Activity toward the Reduction of Nitrite Ions 228
夹心杂多化合物的合成及晶体结构 241
选文25 241
选文26 250
Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin-substituted Heteropoly Tungstosilicates and Their Biological Activity I 250
选文27 265
Synthesis,Properties and Crystal Structure of the Charge-transfer Salt(DBTTF)6 HSiMo12O404H2O 265
选文28 274
Electrochemical and Electrocatalytic Properties of Tetra-iron Substituted Sandwich-type Pentadecatungstodiphosphate Heteropolyanions 274
选文29 283
含钒(Ⅳ)和钒(Ⅴ)的钨锗混合价杂多酸盐的合成及其结构表征 283
选文30 290
Synthesis and 183W and 51V NMR Characterization of α-and β-K6 H[GeW9V3O40]·xH2O and ESR Spectra of Mixed-valence Vanadium Polyanions 290
镧系元素的双—(9—钨—2—钼磷)杂多酸钾的合成与性质研究 298
选文31 298
选文32 302
α—B—Keggin型杂多化合物K5H[Co4(VW9O33)2]·5H2O的合成和结构 302
选文33 310
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Heteropoly-tungstoarsenates Containing Lanthanides[LnAs4W40O140]25-and Their Biological Activity 310
选文34 320
Synthesis,Structure and Properties of Undecatungstozincate Containing 3A Elements 320
选文35 329
Synthesis,Properties and Crystal Structure of a Heteropoly Compound Containing Titanium 329
选文36 337
Synthesis and Properties of Undecatungstozincates with a Transition Metal 337
选文37 349
Heteropoly Complexes Containing Titanium—I.The Complexes with Tetrahedral Iron or Chromium as Central Atom 349
Synthesis and Characterization ofα,β-triindium Substituted Heteropolytungstates 357
选文38 357
选文39 365
α—和β—[SiW9Ti3O40]10-的合成及其钨—183核磁共振表征 365
选文40 371
Synthesis and Characterization of Bis(Undecatungstoarsenate)Lanthanates of Potassium 371
选文41 380
Synthesis and Characterization of Bis(Undecatungstocuprate)Lanthanates of Potassium 380
选文42 390
Derivatives of the 21-tungsto-9-antimonate Heteropolyanion.Part 1.Inclusion of Lanthanide Cations 390
选文43 397
Trimetallo Derivatives of Lacunary 9-Tungstosilicate Heteropolyanions.Part 1.Synthesis and Characterization 397
Synthesis and Characterization of Undecatungstotitanates Incorporating a Lanthanide or A Transition Metal 414
选文44 414
选文45 423
Emission Spectra of Some Heteropolytungstates Containing Europium 423
选文46 430
Synthesis and Characterization of Bis(Undecatungstoferrate)Lanthanates of Potassium 430
选文47 440
Synthesis and Characterization of Bis(Undecatungstogallate) Lanthanates of Potassium 440
选文48 450
镧系元素的双(十七钨二砷)杂多酸钾的合成和鉴定 450
选文49 461
Bis(undecatungstogermanate)Lanthanates of Potassium 461
选文50 470
镧系元素杂多钨砷酸盐的合成与性质研究 470
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