生物技术对水产业的促进作用 2005水产科技论坛PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李可心,李杰人主编
- 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7502765689
- 页数:312 页
目次 1
Effect of bacteria on mortality rate and gene expression in fingerlings of Oreochromis niloticus&Ebtehag A.Kamel,Azza M.M.Abd El-Rhman 1
Application of SRAP on population genetics in Macrobrachium rosenbergii&CAO Zhe-ming,YANG Guo-liang,ZHANG Yu-fei,WANG Jun-yi,ZHOU Jing-song,WU Ting-ting 16
Microsatellite enrichment by magnetic beads in sea urchin(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)&Ding Jun,Sun Xiao-wen,Li Run-ling,Chang Ya-qing 26
Molecular evolution of Clupeidae fishes(Osteichthyes:Clupeiformes):information obtained from Genbank database&Cheng Qi-qun,Lu Da-ru,Ma Ling-bo,Ma Chun-yah 37
"Natural"pathways to the development of novel vaccines for the aquaculture industry in China——an overview&James CHIN,WU Kent,Toni CHAPMAN,Chris LAWLOR 53
Advance of studies on fish chemokine genes involved in innate immunity&HE Chong-bo,Wang Qiang,Xu Xiao-hong 60
Research on isozymes in various organs of Perineresis aibuhitensis(Polychaeta:Nereididae)&JIANG Xia-min,LIU Min-hai 79
Production of recombinant enveloped structural proteins from the Chinese WSSV isolate&Rajeev Kumar Jha,Zi-rong Xu,Jian Shen,Bi-long Guo,Jian Shen,Bi Guo 88
A preliminary study on distribution of basic proteins in sperms of four species in decapoda crustacean&LIU Gui-rong,KANG Xian-jiang,QIN Kun,MU Shu-mei,GUO Ming-shen,YAN Xiao-guang 99
Strategy for marker-assisted breeding,status of genetic linkage maps,and QTL for aquaculture species&Nobuaki OKAMOTO,Kanako FUJ I,Eriko OHARA,Takuya HARA,Cecilia Castano SANCHEZ,Takashi SAKAMOTO,Akiyuki OZAKI,M.R.M.COIMBRA,Sok Kean KHOO,Osamu HASEGAWA,Zhi-Yong WANG 114
Microsatellite markers for main fresh water aquaculture species in China&SUN Xiao-wen,LIANG Li-qun,MARC Welt,JIA Zhi-ying,CHANG Yu-mei,LU Chui-yun,YAN Xue-chun,LEI Qing-quan 126
Isolation of cellulase producing microbes from the intestine of Ctenopharyngodon idellus(Grass Carp)and their cellulase enzymatic activity analysis&WANG Chao-yuan,HAO Bo,HE Li 147
Pilot study on digestive protease of turbot&WANG Hai-ying,Sun Mi,WANG Qing-yin,WANG Yue-jun 161
Isolation of CHH family peptides and molecular cloning of full length cDNA encoding MIH of the crab,Eriocheir sinensis&WANG Yu-fan,WANG Xue-hui,SUN Jin-sheng 171
Nuclear transfer of fish using delayed activating eggs as recipient&WU Yan,FU Hong-tuo,GONG Yong-sheng 189
Cloning,structure analysis,and expression pattern of P-450 aromatase gene of rice field eel(Monopteras albus)&YU Ju-hua,LI Jian-jin,WU Ting-ting 195
Genetic structure study of wild and cultured populations of shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense(Crustacea,Decapoda)&ZHAO Xiao-qin,NI Juan,CHEN Li-qiao,LI Er-chao,GU Zhi-min,ZHOU Zhi-ming 213
RAPD and microsatellite analysis of autotetraploid,diploid and reciprocal interploid triploids of blunt snout bream,Megalobrama amblycephala&ZOU Shu-ming,LI Si-fa,CAI Wan-qi,YANG Huai-yu 227
低温碱性蛋白酶QDAPr的生物信息学分析及同源模建&郝建华,袁翠,王跃军,孙谧 241
Bioinformatics analysis and homology modeling of low-temperature alkaline protease QDAPr&HAO Jian-hua,YUAN Cui,WANG Yao-jun,SUN Mi 248
几种实验模式鱼的研究现状&龙华,汪登强,陈建武,张燕,刘江东,赵刚,陈戟,刘薇,余其兴 250
Recent studying situation of several experimental model fishes&LONG Hua,WANG Deng-qiang,CHEN Jian-wu,ZHANG Yan,LIU Jiang-dong,ZHAO Gang,CHEN Ji,LIU Wei,YU Qi-xing 263
应用RAPD技术分析5种裂腹鱼的亲缘关系&孟立霞,张家波 264
Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of genetic relationship of five breeds of Schizothoracinae fishes&MENG Li-xia,ZHANG Jia-bo 272
斑马鱼微卫星分子标记检测鲤鱼种间多态性&全迎春,梁利群,孙效文,姚昆,雷清泉 273
Identification of genetic polymorphism between strains of carps using zebrafish microsatellite molecular markers&QUAN Ying-chun,LIANG Li-qun,SUN Xiao-wen,YAO Kun,LEI Qing-quan 281
长江中游4种黄颡鱼的遗传结构及差异&汪登强,方耀林,邹桂伟 283
Genetic structure and differentiation of 4 species of Genus Pelteobagrus Bleeker from midstream of the Changjiang(Yangtze)River&WANG Deng-qiang,FANG Yao-lin,ZOU Gui-wei 291
中国5个青蛤地理群体遗传变异分析&么宗利,周凯,来琦芳,王慧,夏连军 293
Analysis of genetic variations of five wild populations in Cyclina sinensis(Gmelin)of China&YAO Zong-Ii,ZHOU Kai,LAI Qi-fang,WANG Hui,XIA Lian-jun 302
海洋低温蛋白酶生产菌YS-80原生质体的制备与再生&张琇,孙谧,王清印,李国保 304
Protoplasts formation and regeneration in marine low temperature protease-producing bacteria YS-80&ZHANG Xiu,SUN Mi,WANG Qing-yin,LI Guo-bao 312
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