讲故事 教英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)(A.赖特)Andrew Wright原著;陈锡麟导读
- 出 版 社:华东师范大学出版社;牛津大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7561719752
- 页数:241 页
《牛津英语教师宝库》合作版前言 1
The author and series editor 4
导读 前言 5
Foreword 6
导读 引论 7
Introduction 9
导读使用建议 13
How to use this book 15
导读一 怎样选故事、讲故事和读故事 19
1 How to choose,tell,and read stories aloud 22
导读二 94种活动介绍 34
2 A store of 94 activities 42
Activities before the story 45
Activities during the story 56
Activities after the story 63
导读三 故事和教学计划 89
3 Stories and lesson plans 94
3.1 Mr Page s pet shop 95
Mr Page s pet shop:lesson plan 96
3.2 In a dark,dark town 98
In a dark,dark town:lesson plan 99
3.3 The little duckling 101
The little duckling:lesson plan 102
3.4 The little Indian boy 105
The little Indian boy:lesson plan 107
3.5 Father,son,and donkey 109
Father,son,and donkey:lesson plan 110
3.6 The little white cat 113
The little white cat:lesson plan 116
3.7 Little Red Riding Hood 117
Little Red Riding Hood:lesson plan 1 118
Little Red Riding Hood:lesson plan 2 122
3.8 Ma Liang 123
Ma Liang:lesson plan 125
Ma Liang:verses for choral chanting 130
3.9 The prince and the dragon 131
The prince and the dragon:lesson plan 132
3.10 Goldilocks 135
Goldilocks:lesson plan 136
3.11 The bottom of the sea 141
The bottom of the sea:lesson plan 142
3.12 Strange animal 144
Strange animal:lesson plan 146
3.13 Elidor 150
Elidor:lesson plan 1 152
Elidor:lesson plan 2 155
Elidor:lesson plan 3 157
3.14 Tom Thumb 159
Tom Thumb:lesson plan 160
导读四 话题和故事 164
4 Topics and stories 167
4.1 Town Mouse and Country Mouse:story 169
4.2 Introducing the story 170
4.4 Do you like mice? 173
Topic:Mice4.3 Mice Mastermind 173
4.5 What do you know about mice? 174
4.6 Cartoon mice 176
4.7 More mice stories 177
4.8 Real mice 177
4.9 Mice can... 178
Topic:Home 178
4.10 Find your way home 181
4.11 Furnishing a home 182
4.12 Types of home 183
4.13 Dream home 184
4.14 Animals homes 184
4.16 Rhymes 185
4.15 True/false 185
Topic:Town and country4.17 Town Mastermind 186
4.18 Town and country poems 186
4.19 Town or country? 188
4.20 Letters 189
4.21 Town and country descriptions 189
4.22 Town and country display 190
导读五 语法和故事 191
5 Grammar and stories 194
5.1 Making a pattern book 195
5.2 Half sentences 197
5.3 Sticky story 199
5.4 Who am I? 200
5.5 Story dominoes 201
5.6 Houses into bricks;bricks into houses 203
5.7 Gapped texts 205
5.8 Forest news 207
5.9 Asking questions 210
导读六 其他故事和设想 212
6 More stories and ideas 213
6.1 The monkeys 213
6.2 The parrot 214
6.3 The two little kittens 214
6.4 The donkey and the little dog 215
6.5 Who is my friend? 216
6.6 The boy who cried wolf 217
6.7 The fox and the crow 217
6.8 Ghosts 218
6.9 The skiing accident 219
6.10 The kangaroo in the jacket 220
6.11 Jogger in New York 221
6.12 Gellert 222
6.13 Oh no,I m a cat ! 223
6.14 The wise shoemaker 224
6.15 The cat,the cock,and the young mouse 226
6.16 The travellers and the bear 226
6.17 The wind and the sun 227
7 Pages to copy 228
How to draw people 228
How to draw animals 230
Places and things 232
Further reading 233
Index to activities 238
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