中国成语故事 中英对照 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蓝田编;田玮卓,王力译
- 出 版 社:天津:百花文艺出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7530640267
- 页数:273 页
老马识途 3
目录 3
百步穿杨 4
An Old Horse Knows the Way 5
自相矛盾 7
The Sharpest Spear vs. The Most Unbreakable Shield 8
名落孙山 10
Ranking Lower than Sun Shan in the Imperial Examination 11
买椟还珠 13
Keeping the Glittering Casket and Giving back the Pearls to the Seller 14
守株待兔 17
Standing by A Stump Waiting for More Hares to Come and Dash Themselves against It 18
讳疾忌医 21
Hiding His Sickness for Fear of Treatment 22
汗马功劳 26
Disiinctions Won in the Battle 27
江郎才尽 30
Jiang,Who Has Used up His Literary Talent 31
后生可畏 33
A Youth That Is to Be Regarded with Respect 34
洋洋得意 37
Being Immensely Proud 38
Shooting An Arrow through A Willow Leaf A Hundred Paces away 42
百闻不如一见 45
It's Better to See Once than Hear One Hundred Times 47
邯郸学步 53
Learning Ways of Walking in Handan 54
投鼠忌器 57
Hesitating to Pelt A Rat for Fear of Smashing the Dishes beside It 59
呆若木鸡 62
Dumb as A Wooden Rooster 63
纸上谈兵 66
Fight only on Paper 67
走马看花 71
Looking at Flowers while Riding on Horseback 72
囫囵吞枣 75
Swallowing Dates Whole 76
利令智昏 79
Being Blinded by Lust for Gain 81
忍辱负重 84
Enduring Humiliation in Order to 85
Carry out An Important Mission 85
围魏救赵 89
Relieving Zhao by Besieging the Base of Wei 91
赤膊上阵 94
Going into Battle Stripped to the Waist 95
运筹帷幄 98
Devising Strategies within A Command Tent 100
迎刃而解 103
Splitting All the Way down once It's Been Chopped Open 104
画饼充饥 109
Drawing Cakes to Allay Hunger 110
画蛇添足 113
Drawing A Snake and Adding Feet to It 115
刻舟求剑 118
Cutting A Mark on the Side of the Boat to Indicate the Place 119
where the Sword Has Dropped into the River 119
卧薪尝胆 122
Sleeping on Brushwood and Tasting Gall 123
拔苗助长 126
Trying to Help the Shoots Grow by Pulling Them upward 128
鱼目混珠 130
Passing off Fish Eyes as Pearls 131
杯弓蛇影 135
Mistaking the Reflection of A Bow in the Cup for A Snake 136
抱薪救火 139
Carrying Faggots to Put out A Fire 141
图穷匕见 144
The Dagger Was Revealed when the Map Was Unrolled 146
厚此薄彼 149
Favoring One More than Another 150
金石为开 153
Sincerity Can Make Metal and Stone Crack 154
金玉其外 败絮其中 157
Rubbish Coated in Gold and Jade 159
相濡以沫 165
Helping Each Other when Both Are in Humble Circumstance 166
指鹿为马 169
Calling A Stag A Horse 171
柳暗花明 173
Dense Willow Trees and Bright Flowers 174
南辕北辙 177
Trying to Go South by Driving the Chariot North 179
狡兔三窟 182
A Wily Hare Has Three Burrows 183
举案齐眉 187
Husband and Wife Treating Each 189
Other with Courtesy 189
前车之鉴 192
Warning Taken from the Overturned Cart ahead 193
退避三舍 197
Withdrawing for Three She 199
神机妙算 202
Wonderful Foresight 204
怒发冲冠 207
Bristling with Anger that even Propped up the Hat 208
鬼斧神工 212
Superlative Craftsmanship 214
挥汗成雨 217
Perspiration Came down like Raindrops 218
请君入瓮 225
Inviting You into the Vat 227
舐犊情深 230
Licking the Calf to Show Love 231
破釜沉舟 235
Breaking the Caldrons and Sinking the Boats 236
胸有成竹 239
Having A well-thought-out Plan 240
笑里藏刀 242
Hiding A Dagger in A Smile 243
脍炙人口 246
Enjoy Great Popularity 247
唇亡齿寒 249
If the Lips Are Gone,the Teeth Will Feel Cold 251
狼狈为奸 254
Acting in Collusion with Each Other 255
捉襟见肘 258
Pulling down the Jacket to Conceal 260
the Raggedness,only to Expose the Elbows 260
恶贯满盈 262
Having Committed Countless Crimes 263
谈虎色变 265
Turning Pale at the Mention of A Tiger 267
胯下之辱 270
Humiliation of Crawling through under Others'Hips 271
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