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TOEFL 6分作文
TOEFL 6分作文

TOEFL 6分作文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李笑来,(美)韦伯(Weber,J.),(英)杰纳弗(Jeneffer,S.)著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7506271745
  • 页数:395 页
《TOEFL 6分作文》目录

目录 2

一、TWE Test考卷封面 2

二、考题和范文 2

1.Why people attend college? 人们为什么要上大学? 2

2.Are parents the best teachers? 父母是最好的老师吗? 4

3.Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live? 更易准备的食物改进了人们的生活方式吗? 6

4.Which is more important,book knowledge or experience? 书本知识与经验哪个更重要? 8

5.The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community 社区附近建新工厂的利与弊 10

6.The most important thing you want to change about your hometown 最想使家乡发生的一种改变 12

7.The influence of movies or television on people's behavior 电影和电视对人们行为的影响 14

8.Has television destroyed communication among people? 电视是否破坏了人们之间的交流? 16

9.Livein a smalltown orin a big city? 住在小城镇还是大城市? 18

10.Does luck have anything to do with success? 运气与成功有关吗? 20

11.Should universities finance students'sports activities equally as libraries? 大学拨给图书馆和用于学生体育活动的经费是否应等同? 22

12.Why people visit museums? 人们为什么要参观博物馆? 24

13.Eat at home or out? 在家吃饭还是外出就餐? 26

14.Attending classes:required or optional? 出席课堂:必须还是可选? 28

15.What makes a good neighbor? 好邻居需具备哪些品质? 30

16.What's your opinion on a new restaurant built in your neighborhood? 你对在社区新建一家餐馆有何看法? 32

17.Learn by yourself or with a teacher? 自学还是从师? 34

18.What makes a good boss? 好老板需具备哪些品质? 36

19.Highways or public transportation,which should be given preferential financing? 公路与公共交通哪个应获得优先资助? 38

20.Big city or countryside,which is better for children to grow up in? 大城市和农村:哪里更适宜孩子成长? 40

21.The causes of people's longevity today 现代人长寿的原因。 42

22.What makes a good co-worker? 好同事需具备哪些品质? 44

23.Is it advisable for a teenage student to have a part-time iob? 学生兼职可取吗? 46

24.The advantages and disadvantages of my city 我的城市的优点与缺点 48

25.Do you like a large shopping center being built in your neighborhood? 你赞同在你家周围建一个大型购物中心吗? 50

26.Do you like a new movie theater being built in your neighborhood? 你赞同在你家附近建一个电影院吗? 52

27.Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing? 人们有时应该做自己不喜欢的事吗? 54

28.Is it true that media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people? 传媒是否过于关注名人的私生活? 56

29.Does human activity improve or damage the earth? 人类活动是改善还是破坏了地球? 58

30.Do you like a new high school being built in your community? 你赞成在你的社区建一所新的高中吗? 60

31.Staying in one place or moving in search of another place? 留守一地还是远走他方? 62

32.Spend your earned money immediately or save it for future? 马上花掉挣来的钱好还是为将来攒钱好? 64

33.How to deal with a gift ofmoney? 如何处理作为礼物的一笔钱? 66

34.Should businesses hire employees for their entire lives? 公司应该终生雇用职员吗? 68

35.Live performance or television broadcast,which is more enjoyable? 现场表演和电视转播哪个更精彩? 70

36.A transportation vehicle that has changed people's lives 改变人类生活的一种交通工具 72

37.Is progress always good? 进步总是好事吗? 74

38.Does history have any value for people living in the present? 历史对现代人有价值吗? 76

39.Technology,students'helper or not? 技术是学生的帮手吗? 78

40.Do we need“Never,never give up”? 我们是否需要“永不,永不放弃”? 80

41.Land for human needs or endangered animals 土地用于人类需求或濒危动物 82

42.One skill needed to be successful in the world today 在当今世界获得成功所需的一种技巧 84

43.The attractions of dangerous activities 危险活动的吸引力 86

44.Do you travel alone or with a companion? 你独自旅行或结伴而行? 88

45.Which kind of life do you like,get up early or get up late? 你喜欢早起还是晚起? 90

46.What makes a good son or daughter? 好儿子或好女儿需具备哪些重要品质? 92

47.A large company or a small one,which do you want to work for? 就职于大公司还是小公司? 94

48.Reasons why people work other than earning a living 除了生存人们工作的其他原因 96

49.Is face-to-face communication better than other types of communication? 面对面的交流比其他交流方式都好吗? 98

50.Do what you already do well or try new things? 轻车熟路还是勇于创新? 100

51.What does success come from,taking risks or careful planning? 成功来自冒险还是周密计划? 102

52.How to make your hometown more appealing to people your age? 如何使家乡对你的同龄人更具吸引力? 104

53.Is money the most important aspect of a job? 钱是工作中最应看重的吗? 106

54.Should one judge a person by external appearances? 是否可以以貌取人? 108

55.Should people make important decisions alone? 人们是否应该独自做重要决定? 110

56.Support the arts or protect the environment? 赞助艺术还是支持环保? 112

57.Movies:serious or entertaining? 电影:严肃还是娱乐? 114

58.Should businesses do anything they can to make a profit? 商业是否可以为谋利益不择手段? 116

59.Live life in a hurry or at a slower pace? 慢节奏生活还是快节奏生活? 118

60.Are games equally important for adults and children? 游戏对于成年人和孩童同样重要吗? 120

61.Should adults make important decisions for their older teenage children? 成人是否应该为接近成年的孩子做重要的决定? 122

62.What do you appreciate most in a friend? 你最看重朋友的何种品质? 124

63.Can difficult experiences become valuable lessons? 艰难的经历可以转化为可贵的教训吗? 126

64.Be self-employed,work for someone else,or own a business? 自己单干,受雇于人,还是拥有自己的公司? 128

65.Should historic buildings be preserved or be replaced with modern buildings? 保护历史建筑还是该用现代化的建筑取而代之? 130

66.Are classmates a more important influence than parents on a child'success in school? 孩子学业上的成功,同学的影响比父母的影响更大吗? 132

67.Hire an inexperienced worker with low salary or an experienced one with high salary? 雇用无经验低薪酬的员工还是有经验高薪酬的? 134

68.Is daily homework necessary for students? 日常家庭作业对于学生是否必要? 136

69.Choose a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study 选择一门你从来没有机会学习的科目 138

70.Has automobile improved modern life or caused serious problems? 汽车改善了人们的生活,还是带来了严重的问题? 140

71.Choosing a job:high-paying with long working hours,or low-paying with short working hours? 选择何种工作:高薪但工作时间长,还是低薪但工作时间短? 142

72.Do grades encourage students to learn? 分数能激励学生学习吗? 144

73.Computers and human life 电脑与人类生活 146

74.Is traveling in a group led by a tour guide the best way to travel? 跟团旅行是最好的旅行方式吗? 148

75.Should students be required to take classes in many subjects or to specialize in one subject? 学生应该学习多门课程还是应该术业有专攻? 150

76.Should children begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school? 孩子是否应该一开始上学就学习外语? 152

77.Should boys and girls attend separate schools? 男生与女生是否应该分校上学? 154

78.Work with a group of people or work independently? 与人协作还是单枪匹马? 156

79.Whom in your country would you choose to build a statue for? 你会选择为你国家的哪个人塑像? 158

80.A custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt 一种你希望被其他国家的人采纳的本国习俗 160

81.Has technology made the world a better place to live? 科技使世界变得更美好了吗? 162

82.Can advertising tell you a lot about a country? 广告能使你了解一个国家吗? 164

83.Is modern technology creating a single world culture? 科技正在促成一种单一的世界文化? 166

84.Internet informationvaluable or problematic? 网络信息:有价值还是带来问题? 168

85.Where would you recommend a foreign visitor to go in your country for one day? 你会推荐一个外国游客去你国家的什么地方游览一天? 170

86.When and where in the past do you want to go? 你想去从前的何时何地? 172

87.What discovery in the last century has been most beneficial for your compatriot? 过去100年中的何种发明使你的同胞受益最大? 174

88.Have telephone and e-mail made communication between people less personal? 电话和电子邮件使得人们的交往不那么亲密? 176

89.What famous person from history would you like to meet? 你希望遇到历史上的哪位名人? 178

90.What famous entertainer or athlete would you like to meet? 你希望遇到哪位娱乐明星或运动员? 180

91.If you could ask a famous person one question,what would you ask? 如果你有机会问某个名人一个问题,你会问什么? 182

92.Living in places that have the same weather all year long,or in areas where the weather changes several timmes a year? 住在气候终年不变的地方,还是住在气候一年数变的地方? 184

93.What makes a good roommate? 好室友需具备的重要品质是什么? 186

94.Does dancing play an important role in a culture? 舞蹈是一种文化的重要组成部分吗? 188

95.Spend money exploring outer space,or for basic needs on Earth? 把钱用于外太空探索还是满足人们的基本需求? 190

96.What are the best ways of reducing stress? 缓解压力的最好方式是什么? 192

97.Should teachers be paid according to how much their students learn? 应该按学生所学多少来为教师付酬吗? 194

98.The thing representing your country 代表你国家的一样东西 196

99.Be assigned a roommate,or choose your own roommate? 被分配室友,还是自己选择室友? 198

100.Spend money on developing or buying computer technology,or on more basic needs? 把钱用在发展或购买计算机技术上,还是用在基本需求上? 200

101.Doing work:by hand or using machines? 手工劳动,还是机械作业? 202

102.Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers? 学校应该要求学生对教师进行评估吗? 204

103.The most important characteristic that a person can have to be successful in life 取得成功最重要的品质 206

104.Artists' ontribution or scientists' ontribution,which is more valuable? 艺术家与科学家,谁做的贡献大? 208

105.Living in university housing or in an apartment in the community? 住在大学宿舍还是社区公寓? 210

106.What kind of transportation you would choose? 你会选择何种交通方式? 212

107.Should higher education be available to all students or only to good students? 高等教育应该而向全体学生,还是仅面向好学生? 214

108.Learning about life:by listening to the advice of others or through personal experience? 了解生活:听取他人的建议还是亲身经历? 216

109.Follow the customs of the new country you are in,or keep your own customs? 入乡随俗还是保留自己国家的习俗? 218

110.Spend time alone or with friends? 独处还是与朋友相伴? 220

111.Spend time with one or two close friendsor with a large number of friends? 与一两个亲密朋友在一起,还是与许多朋友在一起? 222

112.Should young children spend most of their time on school studies or playing? 儿童应将大部分时间用于学习还是玩耍? 224

113.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community 比较在你的社区内建一所新大学的利与弊 226

114.Which is the most important influence on young adults' family or friends? 谁对年轻人的影响最大?家庭还是朋友? 228

115.Planning or not planning for your leisure time? 对闲暇时间计划与否? 230

116.What method of learning is best for you? 何种学习方式最适合你? 232

117.Choose friends who are different from you or similar to you? 选择与自己不同还是与自己相似的朋友? 234

118.Which approach to life do you prefer?Life with change or without? 你喜欢何种生活方式,经常变动的还是一成不变的? 236

119.Does different clothes influence the way people behave? 不同的着装对人们的行为有影响吗? 238

120.Are decisions that people make quickly always wrong? 匆忙做出的决定总是错误的吗? 240

121.Judge people by first impressions:right or wrong? 凭第一印象判断人正确还是错误? 242

122.Are people never satisfied with what they have? 人们永不满足于自己所拥有的吗? 244

123.Should people read only those books that deal with real matters? 人们应该只读那些描写真人真事的书籍吗? 246

124.Is it more important for students to study history and literature than to study science and mathematics? 学习历史和文学相比于学习科学和数学,哪个更重要? 248

125.Should all students be required to study art and music in secondary school? 中学生必须学习艺术与音乐吗? 250

126.Is there anything that young people can teach older people? 年轻人有没有什么可以教给老年人的? 252

127.Is reading fiction more enjoyable than watching movies? 读小说是否比看电影更有趣? 254

128.Should we spend all school day studying or set aside some time for exercising? 学习日是全用来学习还是留出部分时间来运动? 256

129.A center for business research or for research in agriculture? 商业研究中心还是农业研究中心? 258

130.The advantages and disadvantages of young children spending much time practicing sports 儿童把大量时间用于体育运动的利与弊 260

131.Only people who earn a lot of money are successful? 只有有钱人才算是成功人士吗? 262

132.If you could invent something new,what product would you develop? 如果你能发明一件新事物,你会发明什么? 264

133.Are a person's childhood years the most important years ofa person's life? 一个人的童年时代是否是人生中最重要的阶段? 266

134.Should children be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so? 是否应该要求儿童在其力所能及时就做家务? 268

135.Should high schools require students to wear school uniforms or permit them to decide what to wear to school? 中学应该要求学生穿制服,还是允许学生自行决定着装? 270

136.Is playing a game fun only when you win? 只有获胜,游戏才好玩吗? 272

137.Should high schools allow students to study the courses that students want to study? 中学是否应该让学生自行决定所学课程? 274

138.Is it better to be a member of a group than to be the leader ofa group? 当团队的成员是否比当团队的领导好? 276

139.What do you think is the most important room in a house? 你认为房子里哪间房最重要? 278

140.Items made by hand or items made by machine,which do you prefer? 你喜欢手工制品还是机器产品? 280

141.What change do you want to make in a school you attended? 希望你曾上过的学校有哪项改变? 282

142.What gift would you give to help a child develop? 你会给儿童什么玩具以助其成长? 284

143.Should students be given a long vacation or several short vacations? 应该给学生一个长假还是几个短假? 286

144.Live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? 住传统房屋还是现代公寓? 288

145.Do advertisements promote things we do not need or products that may improve our lives? 广告是宣传无用之物还是宣传改善生活之物? 290

146.Leisure activites:outdoors or indoors? 喜欢户外还是室内的体育活动? 292

147.The best way the school spends a gift of money 学校利用捐款的最佳方式 294

148.Does playing games teach us about life? 体育运动教会我们如何生活吗? 296

149.How would you use some land given to you? 你将如何使用给你的土地? 298

150.Is watching television bad for children? 看电视对儿童有害吗? 300

151.What is the most important animal in your country,and why? 你国家中最重要的动物是什么? 302

152.What natural resource that is disappearing needs to be saved? 哪种正在消失的自然资源需要保护? 304

153.Does a zoo have no useful purpose? 动物园毫无用处吗? 306

154.Is banning smoking in public places a good rule or a bad rule? 公共场合禁烟是好还是坏? 308

155.A plant that is important in your country 贵国的一种重要植物 310

156.A foreign country you would like to visit 你想去游览的一个国家 312

157.Studying at home by using technology or at traditional schools? 在家通过高科技学习还是去学校学习? 314

158.Should we pay attention to the opinions of famous people? 我们应该在意名人的观点吗? 316

159.What is the change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? 20世纪中哪项转变应该被铭记? 318

160.Complain in writing or in person? 书面投诉还是当面投诉? 320

161.Why people remember special gifts they have received? 人们为什么会对特殊的礼物记忆犹新? 322

162.Do famous athletes and entertainers deserve high salaries? 有名的运动员和艺人应该拿高薪吗? 324

163.Is literacy more important today than in the past? 读写能力今天比过去更重要吗? 326

164.What do you do for good health? 为了健康,你做些什么? 328

165.What is one thing you will do to improve your community? 你会做什么事来改善社区? 330

166.What events make a person an adult? 什么事标志一个人成为成年人? 332

167.Should school buy computers or books? 学校应该买电脑还是书籍? 334

168.Why do some students study abroad? 为什么一些学生出国留学? 336

169.Why is music important to many people? 音乐何以对人们非常重要? 338

170.Why are groups or organizations important to people? 为什么团体和组织对人们是重要的? 340

171.What would you take when preparing for a one-year trip in addition to personal necessities? 外出一年,除生活必须品外你会带上一件什么东西随行? 342

172.How can schools help new students with their problems? 学校如何帮助新生面对困难? 344

173.Can borrowing money from a friend harm the friendship? 向朋友借钱会伤害友情吗? 346

174.How is your generation different from your parentsgeneration? 你们这一代与父辈们有何不同? 348

175.Classes:teachers lecture or students do some of the talking? 课堂授课:全由老师讲授,还是学生参与部分讨论? 350

176.If you could create a new holiday,what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? 如果你能创立一个节日,你会以此来纪念何人或何事?你想要人们如何来过这个节日 352

177.The advice you would give your friend on how to use his or hermoney 向朋友建议如何使用一笔钱 354

178.What changes the 21st century will bring? 21世纪会带来什么变化? 356

179.What makes a good parent 好父母的品质是什么? 358

180.Why movies are so popular all over the world? 电影缘何在全球如此受欢迎? 360

181.Land in your country:needs to be left in its natural condition or needs to be developed? 贵国的土地:保持原貌还是加以开发? 362

182.Should pets be treated as family members? 宠物应该被视为家庭成员吗? 364

183.What have you learned about a country from watching its movies? 通过看某个国家的电影,你了解到了这个国家的什么情况? 366

184.Study alone or with a group of students? 独自学习,还是与其他学生一起学习? 368

185.Buy a house or a business? 买房子,还是买企业? 370

三、附录 372

(一)TWE考试成绩的计算方式 372

(二)TWE考试评分标准 373

(三)ETS官方TWE评分示例两则 374

(四)历次TWE考题(1999.8~2004.11) 379

(五)ETS官方资料及其网络链接 381

(六)TWE官方题库 381
