鹦鹉学舌背美文 经典美文背诵100篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:茅风华主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海世界图书出版公司
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7506262053
- 页数:407 页
目录 1
1.Beauty is Meaningless 美是难以言传的 1
2.Don't Give Up 不言放弃 5
3.Every Living Person Has Problems 人人有本难念的经 8
4.Heien Keile r and Anne Sullivan 海伦·凯勒和安妮·沙利文 13
5.What i Have Lived for 我为什么活着 17
6.Does Money Buy Happiness? 金钱能够买到幸福吗? 22
7.Learn to Live in the Present Moment 学会生活在现实中 25
8.Love Your Life 热爱生活 29
9.Motherly and Fatherly Love 母爱和父爱 32
10.How High Can You Jump? 你能跳多高? 35
11.Russell on Affection 罗素论爱 38
12.When Work Gets on Your Nerves 当工作挤压你的神经时 42
13.Blood,Toil,Sweat and Tears 热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪 46
14.Four Freedoms 四大自由 49
15.Hard Work Is Good forHealth 努力工作有利于健康 53
16.Caffeine Should You Cut Back? 你是否该减少咖啡因的摄入量? 56
17.Philanthropy 慈善 59
18.How Germans See Others 德国人如何看待别国人 62
19.Sorrows of the Millionaire 百万富翁的悲哀 66
20.Parties 聚会 71
21.The Th ree New Yorks 三个纽约 75
22.That Lean and Hungry Look 看那副精瘦的饿鬼样 78
23.Experiencmg Literature 体验文学 82
24.International Business and Cross-culturalCommunication 国际商业和跨文化交流 85
25.Folk Cultures 民间文化 89
26.The Organic Foods 绿色食品 93
27.Food and Health 食品与健康 97
28.Colds and Age 感冒与年龄 100
29.How Names Are Called in America称谓在美国 103
30.YourHealthy Food—Garlic 大蒜的保健作用 106
31.Dining EtIquette When Dating 约会时的用餐礼仪 109
32.Sunshine and Cancer 阳光致癌亦防癌 112
33.Smile You ll Feel Better 微笑!你将感觉更好! 115
34.A Special Occasion 特殊的场合 118
35.Only a Madman Would Live in a City 只有疯子才愿意住在城市里 124
36.Kindness to Animals 善待动物 128
37.The United Nations 联合国 132
38. Bill Gates'Tlps on the Makings of a Good Manage r(1) 比尔·盖茨谈一名优秀管理人员的素质(1) 136
39.Bill Gates'Tips on the Makings of a Good Manager(Ⅱ) 比尔·盖茨谈一名优秀管理人员的素质(2) 141
40.Why Do Animals Do What They Do?(l) 动物为什么有各自的行为?(1) 145
41.Why Do Animals Do What They Do?(Ⅱ) 动物为什么有各自的行为?(2) 150
42.lInaugural Speech 就职演讲 155
43.TheOnlyThingWe Fear 惟一令我们害怕的是害怕本身 159
44.Beautiful Smile and Love 美丽的微笑与爱心 165
45.Why I Want a Wife 我为什么想要个妻子 170
46.Why Do Many Flowers Have a Sweet Scent? 为什么很多花都有香味? 174
47.How Was the World Formed? 世界是怎样形成的? 177
48.Call for Peace 呼唤和平 180
49.Peace-making and Peace-keepmg 和平的实现及维护 184
50.The Poetry of Late Summer 夏末的诗意 188
51.On studies 论读书 192
52.The World As I See It 我的世界观 197
53.Is It Time for a Career Change? 是时候换工作了吗? 201
54.One Major Just isn't Enough 只学一个专业不占优势 204
55.Panama,Cultural Heritage 文化胜地地巴拿马 207
56.Mom's and Pa's DNA Punch-up 为胎儿父母基因打出手 212
57.Manners are Practically Non-Existent 礼貌事实上不复存在 216
58.The Deflnrtion of a Gentleman 绅士的定义 220
59.What Is Going to Be Done with All This Knowledge? 这些知识用来干什么? 225
60.The History of English 英语的历史 229
61.Liberty of the Press 新闻出版的自由 234
62.On Ambltlon 论野心 238
63.The Modern Plato 现代柏拉图 242
64.On Custom 论风俗 246
65.Personal Choice and Health Behaviors 个人选择和健康行为 250
66.How Science Is Going toTurn Out 科学将带来什么结果 253
67.Man Cannot Do Withot Nuclear Energy? 人类离不开核能吗? 257
68.A Society of Employees 雇员的社会 261
69.Why Teenagers Are Cntical Of Their Parents 青少年为何对父母不满 265
70.Attractiveness and Work Abilities 魅力与工作能力 269
71.High Heels 高跟鞋 273
72.OfEnvy 论嫉妒 277
73.The Natural Superiority of Women 妇女天生的优越性 280
74.Life Worth Living 生活值得活下去 283
75.Rush 匆匆 286
76.Three Days to see 假如给我三天光明 290
77.IfIWere a BoyAgain 假如我再回到童年 295
78.Two Views of Time 两种时间观念 300
79.I Dread the End of the Year 我惧怕岁末年尾 303
80.Adult Dating in the US 约会在美国 307
81.Kissing the Bride 亲吻新娘 310
82.Don't Sweat the Small Stuff 不必庸人自扰 313
83.To Love and to Be Loved 爱与被爱 316
84.Put aLittle Love in Your Life 给生活多一份爱 319
85.Success Is a Choice 成功是一种选择 322
86.Communicating a Sense of Personal Power 展现个人魅力的交流 325
87.The Death of an Illusion 幻想的破灭 329
88.Love Is Not like Merchandise 爱情不是商品 334
89.Asian-Americans 亚裔美国人 338
90. Relationships Women Should Avoid 女人应回避的恋情 341
91.Image and Color 形象与颜色 345
92.My Most Impo rtant Contnbuhon to IBM 我对IBM最重要的贡献 347
93.Asking Someone Out on a Date 邀请异性外出约会 349
94.Happiness and Long Life 快乐与与长寿 352
95.The Day That Changed My Life 改变我的一生的一天 355
96.My Symphony of Life 我和生命交响曲 358
97.FriendshiP Is a Special Thing 友谊是个特殊的东西 360
98.Leadership VS Teamwork 领导才能与合作精神 363
99. AnotherKind of Love 另一种爱 367
100.Important Things Life Teaches Us Giving Blood 生活的中启示:献血 371
101.Surrender to the Fact that Life Isn't Fair 承认生活并不公平这一事实 373
102.How to Do with Statistics 如何处理统计资料 377
103.Brain Gam 人才回流 380
104.Youth 青春寄语 383
105.How the Americans View Love 美国人的爱情观 387
106.Of Beauty 论美 391
107.The Theory of Love 爱的理论 394
108.The Value of Time 时间的价值 399
109.Rich as a King 与帝王比富 402
110.Children Add New Style to a Business 新人有新招 405
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