晨读夜诵 每天读一点英语名篇名段背诵精华 附赠音频PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐广联主编
- 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2019
- ISBN:9787562859482
- 页数:312 页
Noble Character 珍贵品质 2
1-1·A Happy Man/快乐的人 2
1-2·A Smile Is a Gift/微笑是一件礼物 4
1-3·A Valuable Lesson/珍贵的一课 6
1-4·Beauty/美 8
1-5·Benefit from Failure/从挫折中获益 10
1-6·Bravery/勇敢 12
1-7·Direction/方向 14
1-8·Follow Your Dreams/追逐你的梦想 15
1-9·Growth/成长 18
1-10·Habits/习惯 20
1-11·Happiness Is Always About You/幸福常驻 22
1-12·Happiness Is an Attitude/幸福是一种态度 24
1-13·How to Keep a Good Memory/怎样保持良好的记忆力 26
1-14·It's up to You/在于你自己 28
1-15·Keeping Pleasant/保持快乐 30
1-16·Marie Curie——a Great Woman/玛丽·居里——一个伟大的女性 32
1-17·Self-control/自制力 34
1-18·The Secret of Making Friends/交友秘籍 36
1-19·True Nobility/真正的高贵 38
1-20·Wisdom and Insight/智慧和悟性 40
1-21·Words to Live by/人生箴言 41
1-22·You Are a Marvel/你是一个奇迹 44
Truth of Life 真实人生 48
2-1·A Quiet Life/宁静的生活 48
2-2·An Ideal Holiday/理想的假期 50
2-3·Competition/竞争 53
2-4·Failure Is Also Wonderful/失败同样不失精彩 55
2-5·Failure Is Part of Life/失败是生活的一部分 57
2-6·Fall/秋天 59
2-7·Gardening/园艺 60
2-8·How to Face Frustrations/怎样面对失意 62
2-9·Life/生活 65
2-10·Life Is Good/生活是美好的 67
2-11·Money Isn't Everything/金钱不是一切 69
2-12·New Year/新年 71
2-13·Strive for Balance in Your Life/寻求生活的平衡 73
2-14·The Best Time of My Life/美好人生 75
2-15·The Meaning and Purpose of Life/生命的意义和目的 78
2-16·Welcome the Pain of Problems/正视苦难 80
2-17·Working Together/一起做事 82
Allegorical Stories 寓言故事 86
3-1·A $20 Bill/一张20美元的钞票 86
3-2·A Clever Mouse/聪明的老鼠 88
3-3·A Fable/寓言一则 90
3-4·A Perfect Gift/完美的礼物 92
3-5·A Strict Teacher/严师 95
3-6·An Honesty About the Orange/柑橘的诚实 97
3-7·Kindness/仁慈 98
3-8·Price of Being Greedy/贪婪的代价 100
3-9·Row Across the Bay/划过海湾 102
3-10·Shared Grief Is Half the Sorrow/共患难,痛苦减半 104
3-11·The Country Girl and the Milky Pail/乡下姑娘和牛奶桶 107
3-12·The Cracked Pot/破裂的水罐 110
3-13·The Disobedient Donkey/倔驴 113
3-14·The Donkey and the Statue/驴和塑像 115
3-15·The Dreams of Lotteries/彩票梦 117
3-16·The Eagle and the Chicken/鹰和鸡 119
3-17·The Foolish/愚人 122
3-18·The Frog and the Wild Geese/青蛙和大雁 124
3-19·The Great Love/伟大的爱 126
3-20·The Inspiration of Leather Shoes/皮鞋的启示 128
3-21·The Lion and the Mouse/狮子和老鼠 130
3-22·The Obstacle on the Way/路上的障碍 133
3-23·The Pigs' Hometown/猪的家乡 135
3-24·The Wolf and the Crane/狼和鹤 137
3-25·Things Aren't Always What They Seem/事情并不总是像看上去的那样 139
3-26·Two Frogs/两只青蛙 142
3-27·Wealth,Success and Love/财富、成功和爱 144
3-28·What a Coincidence!/巧合知多少! 147
3-29·You Cannot Judge a Tree by Only One Season/试玉要待三日满 150
Family&Friends 亲友之间 154
4-1·A Drunk/酒鬼 154
4-2·A Good Piece of Advice/一则忠告 156
4-3·A Letter Home/一封家书 158
4-4·A Merry Christmas/快乐的圣诞节 160
4-5·A New Friend/新朋友 162
4-6·Any Job Is a Good Job/任何工作都是好工作 165
4-7·Cost of Mother's Love/母爱价几何 167
4-8·Courage/勇气 169
4-9·Father's Gift/父亲的礼物 171
4-10·Sand and Stone/沙子和石头 174
4-11·The Common Interest/共同的兴趣 176
4-12·The Right to Do/做事的权利 179
4-13·Two Possibilities/两种可能 181
Positive Energy 正能量 184
5-1·A Bright Beautiful Spring/明媚春光 184
5-2·Books/书 186
5-3·Fire/火 187
5-4·How to Keep Healthy/健康秘籍 189
5-5·How to Save Yourself in the Forest/林中自救 191
5-6·Immortal Books/不朽的书 193
5-7·No Pains,No Gains/不劳无获 195
5-8·Reading/读书 197
5-9·Seasons and Intelligence/季节与智力 199
5-10·Sports and Games/体育运动 201
5-11·Thank Your Opponents/感谢你的对手 203
5-12·The Pleasures of Reading/读书之乐 205
5-13·Tomorrow and Today/明天和今天 208
5-14·Work and Health/工作与健康 210
5-15·Youth/青春 212
5-16·Youth/青年 214
New World 新世界 218
6-1·Able Robots/神通广大的机器人 218
6-2·American Music/美国音乐 220
6-3·American Teenagers/美国青少年 222
6-4·Animals and Their Languages/动物及其语言 224
6-5·Different Educational Ways/不同的教育方式 226
6-6·Go out of Doors/到户外去 228
6-7·Hawaii/夏威夷 230
6-8·Make Deserts into Good Land/变沙漠为良田 232
6-9·Thanksgiving Day/感恩节 234
6-10·The Conservation of Nature/保护自然 236
6-11·The Delightful Life on the Farm/农场上的快乐生活 239
6-12·The Sun and the Moon/太阳和月亮 241
6-13·The Village Is Not Dead/乡村依然存在 243
6-14·Undersea World/海底世界 245
6-15·We Learn a Lot in the Kindergarten/我们在幼儿园里学到很多 247
Poems 为你读诗 250
7-1·A Cloak of Invisibility/隐身的斗篷 250
7-2·A Man of Words/吹牛人 251
7-3·A Time for Us/我俩的时光 253
7-4·Afternoon on a Hill/山中午后 255
7-5·Autumn Leaves/秋叶 257
7-6·Beauty/美 259
7-7·Beauty Tips/美丽忠告 261
7-8·Block City/积木城 265
7-9·Brave Men/勇为者 267
7-10·Dreams/梦想 269
7-11·Find Our Way/寻路 270
7-12·Give Your Love/奉献你的爱 271
7-13·Great,Wide,Beautiful,Wonderful World/伟大、广阔、美丽、奇妙的世界 272
7-14·I Wish You Well/祝你好运 274
7-15·Keep Trying/不断努力 277
7-16·Lines Written for a School Declaration/为一次学校演讲比赛写的诗 279
7-17·Mom,I Appreciate All That You Have Done for Me/妈妈,感谢您为我所做的一切 281
7-18·Peddler on a Train/火车上的小贩 284
7-19·Remember/记住 287
7-20·Some People/有些人 289
7-21·Somewhat Childish,but Very Natural/有点儿稚气,可是挺自然 290
7-22·The Echoing Green/回声荡漾的草地 292
7-23·The Little Black Boy/小小黑男孩 295
7-24·The Moon/月 298
7-25·The Music Within/心灵深处的音乐 300
7-26·The Oak/橡树 302
7-27·The Year's at the Spring/正是一年春光好 304
7-28·Things Money Can't Buy/金钱买不到的东西 305
7-29·Today/今天 307
7-30·Today and Tomorrow/今天和明天 309
7-31·Young and Old/青春与暮年 311
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