- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:By Hsu Chin-Ti Ma Shu-Huey编著
- 出 版 社:文源书局有限公司
- 出版年份:1985
- 页数:248 页
目录 1
Basic Conversation 基础会话 1
1.How do you do? 1
2.May I ask your name? 4
3.How many weeks are there in a month? 9
4.How many months in a year? 13
5.What year did you come? 17
6.What do you do all day? 21
7.Go to class.(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) 27
8.A debate on watches and clocks 32
9.Old Chao,the hatmaker 35
10.At a shoe-maker's 39
11.We're going to move! 42
12.Johnsons'new house 46
13.I am so ?rs?y 50
14.I am hungry! 54
15.The world 58
16.What do you like to do? 63
17.China and America 66
18.A projected trip to Taichung 70
19.Where Mr.Lee lives 74
20.I don't remember who invited me! 77
21.Holidays and Testivals 81
22.How do you like Free China? 87
1.Scenic spots in the northern part of Taiwan 91
Usetulness Conversation 实用会话 91
2.Scenic spots in other parts of Taiwan 96
3.About Chinese Chow 100
4.Ordering food in a restaurant 105
5.Going to a Chinese Wedding 110
6.Presents for folks at home 116
7.At a porcelain ware shop 121
8.At a Curio Shop 124
9.At a grocer's 128
10.Bargaining for the old books 132
11.At a station 135
12.An elderly lady takes a taxi 140
13.Sending a telegram 149
14.At the custom-house 152
15.Who'll go with me to eat something? 156
16.Hotel service 160
17.At the men's shop 164
18.At a cosmetic shop 169
19.At the beauty parlor 172
20.At a jeweller's 175
21.Go Shopping 179
22.Meal(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) 183
23.Telephone call(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)(Ⅲ) 189
24.Party(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) 197
25.Showing the way 202
26.Radio Television(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)(Ⅲ) 205
Famous Landscaps 名胜 211
Make-up Hair-cut 化妆と散发 215
Jewelry 饰?物 217
Post 邮便 218
Shoes 靴 220
Gift ぉ土产 222
Train 汽车 224
Shop 商店 226
Geographical names of Taiwan 台湾地名表 228
Fruit 果物 230
Hotel ホテル 232
Wardrobe 服装 234
Color 色 236
TV(Television) テレビ 237
Broadcasting 放送 239
Chinese food 中国料理 241
Chinese Snack Western Snack 中国と西洋のスナツク 246
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