中国林业政策国际论坛论文集 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国林业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:750383269X
- 页数:100 页
Acknowledgments 1
1.Introduction 1
2.Forum Agenda 2
3.Welcome Remarks&Shen Guofang 4
4.Opening Speech&Zhang Kunming 5
5.Overview of China's Sustainable Forestry Development Strategy&Zhu Lieke 6
6.Experiences from Other Countries Transforming their Forest Policy Frameworks&Sten Nilsson 12
7.Forest Tax and Fiscal Policy Issues in China:Status and Implications for Reform&Sun Changjin 17
8.Recommendations for Improving the Chinese Public Payment Schemes for Ecological Services&Xu Jintao 23
9.Issues in Collective Forest Tenure and Opportunities to Strengthen Security in China&Li Ping 28
10.Forest Tenure in Transition:International Experiences and Trends&Andy White 32
11.Forest Yield Regulation:New Approaches to an Old Problem&Gary Bull 39
12.Harvesting Quotas in China&Xu Jintao 43
13.Logging Ban: International Experiences&Thomas Waggener 45
14.Independent Certification and Government Regulation:How they can be mutually supportive&Zhu Chunquan 49
15.Forest GovernanceinChina:Status and Issues&Zhang Lei 53
16.The Role of the Federal Government in the U.S.and Canada&Douglas MacCleery 56
17.World and Regional Trade Agreements and Forestry-Emerging Issues and Implications for Governments&Harry Nelson 65
18.Implications of APEC and WTO on Timber Trade in China&Lu Wenming 69
19.Group Discussions:Identifying Elements of a Research Agenda 76
20.Setting an Agenda for Future Forestry Policy Research&Ian Bevege 77
21.Concluding Comments&Shen Guofang 80
22.Closing Speech-Summary&Zhou Shengxian 82
Annexes 88
Ⅰ Summary of Presentations in Chinese 88
Ⅱ Discussions and Outputs for the Policy Research Agenda 90
Ⅲ List of Participants 93
Ⅳ Papers and Presentations&CD-ROM 99
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