- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:范希武主编;北方交通大学,中国发光学会编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:703010238X
- 页数:327 页
目录 1
题词 1
照片 1
序 1
徐叙瑢院士传略 1
第一部分 研究报告和文章 9
关于创新的思索 9
固体发光学 12
半导体发光显示技术 16
大力发展场致发光平板显示技术 26
发光学的展望 28
忆吴有训老师 32
思维的形成过程 34
为人师表 39
一瓶不满 半瓶晃荡 41
怀念尊敬的王晓纶老师 43
院士寄语 44
寄语毕业生 45
君子坦荡荡 46
第二部分 学术论文(选编) 51
Опρеделение Отношения Эффективных Сечений Захвата и Рекомвинации Оптических Электронов в Кρисталлофосфоρе ZnS-Cu,Co 51
Опρеделение Зффективных Сечений Захвата и Рекомбинации Теρмических Злектρонов в Фосфоρе ZnS-Cu,Co 56
关于加热发光曲线的分析 63
Anisotropy of the Cross-section of Impact Excitation in Electroluminescence 66
Blue Electroluminescence from Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum Thin Film 72
Blue Photo-and Electroluminescence from a Novel Poly(Phenelene Vinylene)Derivative Containing Oxadiazole Segment in Main and Side Chains 78
Cathodoluminescence Color of Y2O2S∶Eu Phosphors 83
Direct Interband Transitions in Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum Thin Films 90
Evidence of Electron Multiplication in Microcrystalline ZnS 99
Electric Field Induced Quenching of Photoluminescence of Poly(N-vinylarbaole)(PVK) Doped with Dyes 104
Energy Transfer from the Higher Excited State of Mn to Tm in ZnS:Mn,Tm 110
Excitation Mechanism in DC Electroluminescence of Y2O3·Eu Sintered Slice and ZnS·Cu,Er,Cl Thin Film Aging and Forming Processes 113
Field-Induced Ionization of Excited Luminescent Centers at High Electric Field Strengths 117
Influence of Annealing in Zn or S Vapor on the Yellow Emission Band of ZnS:Mn2+ Crystals and Films 120
Influence of Charged Centres on Transport Properties of Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices 126
激光晶体BeAl2O4∶Cr3+中Cr3+的激发态行为 132
Mixed Excitation in Electroluminescence 135
Multiplication of Carriers by Impact Ionization 141
New Principle of Acceleration Electrons in EL 145
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Electroluminescence Device Fabricated by Conjugated Polymer and ZnS∶Mn 150
Optical Absorption Studies on the Trapping States of CaS∶Eu,Sm 155
On the Mutual Interaction of Mn and Er Centers in the Electroluminescence(EL)of ZnS-Mn,Er Thin Films 167
Ps Study of the Nonlinear Absorption and Luminescence of CdS 171
Physical Processes in Layered Optimization of Electroluminescence 178
Photoluminescence Quenching in Poly(p-phenylene Vinylene)Derivatives 184
Problems in Blue Electroluminescence 192
Preliminary Trial of Third Generation Electroluminescence(EL) 199
Single and Multi-step Energy Transfer from Mn2+ to Sn3+ in ZnS∶Mn,Sm 205
The Dispersion of BED°in Unintentional Doped GaN Crystals 207
The Electroluminescence of Pr Ions in ZnS Thin Films 212
Temperature Effect of Two Kinds of Color Centers in BaFCl:Eu2+ Phosphors in Photostimulated Readout Process 216
The Studies on the Upconversion Mechanism of ZBLAN:Er3+,Yb3+ 221
The Photo-and Electro-luminescence Properties of ZnO∶Zn thin Film 226
The Role of Sm Ions in Optical Storage of SrS∶Eu,Sm 231
The Characteristic Fluorescence of the Serum of Cancer Patients 240
Transient Acceleration Process of Electrons in ZnS-type Thin Film Electroluminescence Devices 242
Ultraviolet-Blue Electroluminescence from Gd3Ga5O12∶Ag 250
Voltage-Dependent Recombination Region Movement in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes(OLEDs)Based on a Europium Complex-Doped Polymer 254
ZnS型薄膜电致发光器件中能谷转移过程的蒙特卡罗模拟 259
第三部分 亲友、同事和学生心目中的徐先生 267
张玉来:颠沛流离的求学生涯 267
熊光楠:激发态的研究——徐叙瑢教授学术成就简介 277
戴仁崧:“发光之路” ——敬贺徐叙瑢院士75寿诞 287
董萍:宁静致远开拓“发光”路——记’99年度何梁何利科技进步奖获得者徐叙瑢院士 290
赵辉:得遇良师是我一生的荣幸 292
王永生:严师,良师 294
华玉林:开拓与奉献的10年——记徐叙瑢院士在天津的工作历程 296
赵福潭:徐叙瑢院士——我的良师益友 300
尹茂荣:记徐叙瑢院士 302
第四部分 八十杂忆 307
我与发光学 307
徐叙瑢院士年表 310
徐叙瑢培养指导的研究生统计表 313
主要论著目录 315
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