明清颜色釉瓷 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨俊艳文字撰写;刘勇英文翻译;祁庆国等摄影;《北京文物鉴赏》编委会编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京美术摄影出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7805012946
- 页数:107 页
纯美的明清颜色釉瓷 8
Purely Beautiful Color Glazed Porcelains of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 11
白釉瓷 White Glaze Porcelain 16
1.甜白釉暗花云龙纹梨式壶 White Glazed Pear Shaped Ewer with Fine Incised Design of Cloud and Dragon 17
2.甜白釉暗花缠枝莲纹盖罐 White Glazed Jar with Fine Incised Lotus Scroll 18
3.白釉青花“内府”铭梅瓶 White Glazed Meiping Vase with"Neifu" Mark Written in Underglaze Blue 19
4.白釉暗花梅瓶 White Glazed Meiping Vase with Fine Incised Floral Design 20
5.德化窑祥云观音像 Avalokitesvara Status with Design of Favonian Cloud of Dehua Kiln 21
6.德化窑白釉竹节杯 White Glazed Cup in the Shape of Bamboo,Dehua kiln 22
7.德化窑白釉兽耳炉 White Glazed Burner with Animal Mask Handles,Dehua kiln 22
8.白釉菊瓣盘 White Glazed Plate in Chrysanthemum Shape 23
9.白釉塑龙蝠纹荷包形水丞 White Glazed Water-pot with Design of Carved Dragon and Bat in Pouch Shape 24
红釉瓷 Red Glazed Porcelain 25
10.红釉印花云龙纹盘 Red Glazed Plate Impressed with Cloud and Dragon 26
1 1.郎窑红釉观音瓶 Lang kiln-red Glazed Bottle with Slender Neck 28
12.豇豆红釉洗 Peachbloom Red Glazed Washer 29
13.珊瑚红釉瓶 Coral Red Glazed Vase with Ga rlic Mouth 30
14.霁红釉玉壶春瓶 Sacrificial Red Glazed yuhuchun Vase 31
15.胭脂水釉碗(一对) Rouge-red Glazed Bowls 32
16.年窑红釉花盆 Red Glazed Flower Pot Made Under Superintendence of Nian xiyao 34
蓝釉瓷 Blue Glaze Porcelain 35
17.洒蓝釉钵 Blue Glazed Bo-bowl with Snow-1ike Effect 36
18.洒蓝釉钵(局部) Detail 37
19.回青釉盘 Plate with Moham-medan Blue glazed 38
20.蓝釉鱼纹带盖碗 Blue Glazed Covered Bowl with Fish Design 40
21.蓝釉白花小口瓶 Blue Glazed Vase with White Flower Design 41
22.蓝釉大碗 Big Bowl in Blue Glazed 42
23.洒蓝釉描金山水图高足盘 High Legged Plate in Liquid Gold and Snow-flake Glazed with Design of Landscape 43
24.霁蓝釉小茶壶 Sacrificial Blue Glazed Teapot 44
25.天蓝釉钵缸 Sky Blue Glazed Jar 45
26.蓝釉印盒 Blue Glazed Seal Box 46
27.蓝釉瓶Blue Glazed Vase 47
青釉瓷 Celadon Porcelain 48
28.龙泉窑青釉绳耳三足炉 Celadon Tripod Burner with Rope Shaped Handles,Longquan kiln 49
29.冬青釉菱花式小碟 Pale Green Glazed Small Dish with Lobed Rim 50
30.冬青釉菱花式小碟(碟心) Detail 51
31.龙泉窑青釉龙凤纹双耳瓶(一对) Two Handled Celadon Vases with Dragon and Phoenix Design,Longquan kiln 52
32.粉青釉鼓式花插 Bluish Green Glazed Flower Receptacle in the Form of Drum 54
33.粉青釉梅瓶 Bluish Green Glazed meiping Vase 55
34.豆青釉宝月瓶 Pea-green Glazed Vase 56
35.豆青釉宝月瓶(局部) Detail 57
36.青釉六方瓶 Celadon Hexagonal Vase 58
37.豆青釉葫芦瓶 Pea-green Glazed Bottle with Gourd Shape 59
38.青釉玲珑透花碗 Celadon Bowl with Open Works Filled with Glaze 60
黄釉瓷 Yellow Glazed Porcelain 62
39.黄釉盘 Yellow Glazed Plate 63
40.黄釉盘 Yellow Glazed Plate 64
41.黄釉盘(局部) Detail 65
42.柠檬黄釉杯、碟 Lemon Yellow Glazed Cup and Saucer 66
43.黄釉盖罐 Yellow Glazed Covered Jar 67
44.黄釉雕瓷山水人物图笔筒 Yellow Glazed Brush Holder with Carved Landscape and Figure Design 68
绿釉瓷 Green Glaze Porcelain 69
45.孔雀绿釉荷叶式洗 Peacock Green Glazed Washer in the Form of Lotus Leaf 70
46.孔雀绿釉坐狮 Peacock Green G1azed Lion 71
47.孔雀绿釉缠枝番莲纹尊 Peacock Green Glazed Zun with Design of Lotus Scroll 72
48.孔雀绿釉瓶 Vase in Peacock Green Glaze 73
49.秋葵绿釉印花盘 Green Glazed Plate with Impressed Floral Design 74
50.松石绿釉夔龙纹洗 Turquoise Glazed Washer with Kui-dragon Design 75
仿古釉瓷 Imitation Antique Glazed Porcelain 76
51.仿哥釉卧足碗 Bowl in Imitation of Ge Glaze 77
52.仿哥釉玲珑石形镇纸 Paperweight in Shape of Linglong Stone in Imita-tionGeGlaze 78
53.仿哥釉布袋僧 Statue of Maitreya in Imitation of Ge glaze 79
54.仿钧窑玫瑰紫釉葵式花盆 Rose-purple Glazed Flower Pot in Imitation of Jun Ware 80
55.仿钧釉花盆 Flowerpot in Imita-tion Jun Glaze 81
56.窑变釉石榴尊 Flamble Glazed Zun with Pomegranate Shape 82
57.窑变釉双耳瓶 Double-eared Vase in Flamble Glaze 83
58.仿汝釉题诗笔筒 Brush Holder in Imitation of Ru Glaze With Poem Design 84
炉钧釉瓷 Oven Jun Glazed Porcelain 85
59.炉钧釉三足洗 Tri-legged Brush Washer in Oven Jun Glaze 86
60.炉钧釉象耳瓶 Vase with Design of Elephant Ear in Oven Jun Glaze 87
61.炉钧釉方尊 Square Zun with Oven Jun Glaze 88
62.炉钧釉贴耳瓶 Paste Eared Vase in Oven Jun Glaze 89
63.炉钧釉水盂 Water Vessel in Oven Jun Glaze 90
杂色釉瓷 Varicolored Glazed Porcelain 91
64.酱釉梨式壶 Soy Brown Glazed PotinPear Shape 92
65.茄皮紫釉碗 Bowl in Eggplant Skin Purple 93
66.茄皮紫釉刻花小盘(一对) Eggplant Glazed Small Plates with Incised Decoration 94
67.仿石釉双联笔筒 Double-bodied Brush Holder in Imitation of Stone Object 95
68.仿木釉碗 Imitation Wood Glaze Bowl 96
69.紫金釉描金缠枝花卉纹鹫衔环耳瓶 Reddish Purple Glazed Vase with Ring Handles Decorated with Liquid Gold Floral Scrolls 96
小辞典 Small Thesaurus 98
颜色釉瓷器拍卖价格 Auction Price for Color Glazed Porcelains 104
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