语言教师话语分析 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Michael McCarthy著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810806149
- 页数:213 页
Preface 1
Chapter 1 What is discourse analysis? 5
1.1 A brief historical overview 5
1.2 Form and function 7
1.3 Speech acts and discourse structures 9
1.4 The scope of discourse analysis 12
1.5 Spoken discourse:models of analysis 12
1.6 Conversations outside the classroom 19
1.7 Talk as a social activity 22
1.8 Written discourse 25
1.9 Text and interpretation 26
1.10 Larger patterns in text 30
1.11 Conclusion 32
Chapter 2 Discourse analysis and grammar 34
2.1 Introduction 34
2.2 Grammatical cohesion and textuality 35
2.2.1 Reference 35
2.2.2 Ellipsis and substitution 43
2.2.3 Conjunction 46
2.3 Theme and rheme 51
2.4 Tense and aspect 59
2.5 Conclusion 62
Chapter 3 Discourse analysis and vocabulary 64
3.1 Introduction 64
3.2 Lexical cohesion 65
3.3 Lexis in talk 69
3.4 Textual aspects of lexical competence 72
3.5 Vocabulary and the organising of text 74
3.6 Signalling larger textual patterns 78
3.7 Register and signalling vocabulary 82
3.8 Modality 84
3.9 Conclusion 86
Chapter 4 Discourse analysis and phonology 88
4.1 Introduction 88
4.2 Pronunciation 88
4.3 Rhythm 90
4.4 Word stress and prominence 94
4.5 The placing of prominence 96
4.6 Intonational units 99
4.7 Tones and their meanings 105
4.7.1 Types of tones 105
4.7.2 Grammatical approaches 106
4.7.3 Attitudinal approaches 107
4.7.4 Interactive approaches 109
4.8 Key 112
4.9 Pitch across speakers 113
4.11 Conclusion 114
4.10 Summary 114
Chapter 5 Spoken language 118
5.1 Introduction 118
5.2 Adjacency pairs 119
5.3 Exchanges 122
5.4 Turn-taking 127
5.5 Transactions and topics 130
5.5.1 Transactions 130
5.5.2 Topics 131
5.6 Interactional and transactional talk 136
5.7 Stories,anecdotes,jokes 137
5.8 Other spoken discourse types 142
5.9 Speech and grammar 143
5.10 Conclusion 144
Chapter 6 Written language 147
6.1 Introduction 147
6.2 Text types 147
6.3 Speech and writing 149
6.4 Units in written discourse 152
6.5 Clause relations 155
6.6 Getting to grips with larger patterns 157
6.7 Patterns and the learner 161
6.8 Culture and rhetoric 164
6.9 Discourse and the reader 168
6.10 Conclusion 170
Guidance for Reader activities 172
References 193
Index 207
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