- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱维荣主编;徐君,梁桂军编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7313040121
- 页数:212 页
目录 1
日常生活篇 1
问候(Greetings) 2
介绍(Introduction) 6
开场(Induction) 8
告别(Farewell) 11
问路(Asking the Way) 14
看病(Seeing the Doctor) 17
购物(Shopping) 21
观光(Sight-seeing) 26
谈论天气(Talking about Weather) 30
在餐馆(At the Restaurant) 33
在旅馆(At the Hotel) 38
在海关(At the Customs) 42
在邮局(At the Post Office) 45
在银行(At the Bank) 49
在图书馆(At the Library) 54
在办公室(At the Office) 57
打电话(Making a Telephone Call) 60
求职面试(Job Interview) 63
乘飞机(Taking an Airplane) 66
乘火车(Taking a Train) 70
乘公共汽车(Taking a Bus) 73
乘出租(Taking a Taxi) 77
租车买车(Renting and Buying a Car) 81
关于学习(About Learning) 84
关于工作(About Work) 87
家人(Family Members) 90
运动(Sports) 93
娱乐(Entertainment) 96
出席晚会(At the Party) 100
大众传媒(Mass Media) 102
互联网(Internet) 105
移动科技(Mobile Technology) 108
情感表达篇 111
肯定与否定(Affirmative and Negative) 112
同意与不同意(Agreement and Disagreement) 117
喜欢与厌恶(Like and Disgust) 123
容易与困难(Easiness and Difficulty) 127
希望与失望(Hope and Disappointment) 131
感谢与道歉(Thanks and Apology) 136
相信与怀疑(Belief and Doubt) 142
同情与安慰(Sympathy and Comfort) 148
乐观与悲观(Optimism and Pessimism) 152
邀请与拒绝(Invitation and Declination) 158
意见与建议(Advice and Suggestion) 162
赞扬与批评(Compliments and Criticism) 167
祝贺与祝愿(Congratulations amd Wishes) 173
警告与催促(Warning and Urging) 179
介意与不介意(Caring about and Indifference) 185
支持与反对(Support and Opposition) 188
担心与放心(Worries and Reliefs) 191
坚持与放弃(Persistence and Abandoning) 196
尊重与轻视(Respect and Contempt) 199
小气与大方(Meanness amd Generosity) 202
滑稽与幽默(Farce and Humor) 205
果断与犹豫(Decisiveness and Hesitation) 207
暴躁与温和(Bad Temper and Mildness) 209
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