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索尔·贝娄小说中的权力关系及其女性表征  英文本
索尔·贝娄小说中的权力关系及其女性表征  英文本

索尔·贝娄小说中的权力关系及其女性表征 英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘文松著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561522347
  • 页数:290 页
《索尔·贝娄小说中的权力关系及其女性表征 英文本》目录

目录序 1

前言 1

Introduction 1

Ⅰ.Literature Review:Critical Approaches to Female Representation in Bellow 1

Ⅱ.Theoretical Framework:Interpersonal Power Relations 9

Ⅲ.Structure:Power Relations Concerning Female Roles in Bellow's Fiction 18

Chapter One Power Relations between Intellectual Couples 26

Ⅰ.Madeleine in Herzog:From Competition to Domination 43

Ⅱ.Matilda in More Die of Heartbreak:Domination 52

Ⅲ.Minna in The Dean's December:Equality 57

Chapter Two Economic Power Relations in Marriage 66

Ⅰ.Joan in"A Father-to-Be":Demanding Money before Marriage 71

Ⅱ.Margaret in Seize the Day:Demanding Money in Separation 76

Ⅲ.Denise in Humboldt's Gift:Demanding Money after Divorce 80

Ⅳ.Sorella in The Bellarosa Connection:An Empowering Wife 84

Ⅴ.Iva in Dangling Man:A Supporting Wife 87

Ⅵ.Daisy in Herzog:A Traditional Jewish Wife 91

Chapter Three Emotional Power Relations between Lovers 97

Ⅰ.Thea in Augie March:A Jealous Temptress of Love and War 107

Ⅱ.Ramona in Herzog:A Strategist of Temptation 111

Ⅲ.Naomi versus Renata in Humboldt's Gift 116

Ⅳ.Dita in More Die of Heartbreak:A Love Offering 120

Chapter Four Maternal/Matriarchal Power 125

Ⅰ.Grandma Lausch versus Rebecca in Augie March 133

Ⅱ.Queen Willatale in Henderson the Rain King 141

Ⅲ.Valeria in The Dean's December 146

Ⅳ.Sarah Herzog:A Mother's Self-sacrifice and Death 151

Chapter Five Power of Female Protagonists/Narrators 159

Ⅰ.Dora in"Dora":Self-empowerment 162

Ⅱ.Hattie in"Leaving the Yellow House":Lacking Self-control 168

Ⅲ.Katrina in"What Kind of Day Did You Have?":Under Others'Power 177

Ⅳ.Clara in A The ft:Power over Others 187

Conclusion 199

Works Cited 203

附录一 贝娄小说中知识分子夫妻之间的权力关系 220

附录二 贝娄小说中的女知识分子形象 233

附录三 索尔·贝娄小说中情侣之间的权力关系 241

附录四 《赫索格》与索尔·贝娄其他小说比较 251

附录五 论赫索格的书信 258

附录六 国内外索尔·贝娄研究现状 266

附录七 索尔·贝娄研究中文论著索引 270

附录八 索尔·贝娄生平大事记 280

我的博士论文的写作过程(代后记) 283

Index 287
