- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)帕森斯(Parsons,C.)著
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7561128053
- 页数:585 页
目录Unit1 Introduction 莉莉申请就读耶鲁大学并获批准 1
SNAPSHOT Intro/How to apply to University 自我介绍/如何填写大学申请表Unit2 A call from the USA 从美国打来的电话 10
SNAPSHOT Phone interview 电话面试Unit3 Lily goes to her visa interview 莉莉去签证面试 22
SNAPSHOT Failing at the visa Interview 签证面试失败Unit4 Lily books the ticket to go to the USA 莉莉订去美国的票 32
SNAPSHOT Booking tickets 订机票Unit5 Lily prepares special things before leaving 莉莉出发前收拾行李 42
SNAPSHOT Preparing/getting nervous 准备/感到紧张Unit6 On the plane 在飞机上 50
SNAPSHOT Understanding the rules on the plane 了解飞机上的规定Unit7 Lily has trouble at customs 莉莉在海关遇到麻烦 59
SNAPSHOT Customs 海关Unit8 Lily meets her roommate Sara 莉莉遇到同屋室友萨拉 70
SNAPSHOT Greetings 欢迎,问候Unit 9 New student's dinner 欢迎新生的晚餐 80
SNAPSHOT Dining customs/meeting teacher 晚餐风俗/见老师Unit 1O Lily watches Joe play basketball 莉莉看乔打篮球 89
SNAPSHOT Love at first sight/Sports English 一见钟情/运动英语Unit 11 First day of school 开学第一天 98
SNAPSHOT Sympathy,helping each other 同情/互相帮助Unit 12 Night school and early morning class 晚课和早课 109
SNAPSHOT Meeting many new friends 遇见许多新朋友Unit 13 Jerry needs to use Brenda's book 杰瑞需要用布兰达的书 121
SNAPSHOT Compromise and sharing 协商和分享Unit14 Joe becomes Lily's tutor.乔成为莉莉的私人教师 133
SNAPSHOT How to ask for some assistance 如何寻求帮助Unit 15 Jerry is jealous 杰瑞吃醋 146
SNAPSHOT Trouble with love and school 爱情和学习带来的麻烦Unit 16 Study group 学习小组 157
SNAPSHOT Study from dusk to dawn 从日落一直学习到日出Unit 17 Ray fixes Lily's computer 雷为莉莉修理计算机 168
SNAPSHOT Computer English/Surf the net 计算机英语/上网Unit 18 Passing on the message 传递消息 179
SNAPSHOT Pretest score 预考成绩Unit 19 Midterm 期中考试 191
SNAPSHOT Quiz/studying tips/cheating 小测验/学习技巧/作弊Unit 20 Midterm results 期中考试结果 204
SNAPSHOT Give me a break 让我喘口气Unit 21 Jerry gets a retest.杰瑞补考 216
SNAPSHOT Retesting results/Meeting Sara's pet snake 补考结果/遇到萨拉的宠物蛇Unit 22 Party invitations 晚会邀请 229
SNAPSHOT Decisions/Maybe 做决定/也许Unit 23 Joe's Halloween party! 乔的万圣节晚会! 240
SNAPSHOT Invitations 邀请Unit 24 Shopping at the mall 在商城购物 251
SNAPSHOT Shopping/Window shopping 购物/逛街Unit 25 A part-time job 兼职工作 263
SNAPSHOT Jobs 工作Unit 26 Guessing the price 猜价钱 274
SNAPSHOT Bargaining/guessing 讨价还价/猜测Unit 27 Excuses,Excuses 借口,借口 286
SNAPSHOT Jerry's job gets hard 杰瑞的工作变难了Unit 28 Beer and drinking customs 啤酒与饮酒的风俗 299
SNAPSHOT Drinking customs 饮酒风俗Unit 29 A bad Monday 糟糕的星期一 312
SNAPSHOT Normal mistakes and troubles 常见的错误和麻烦Unit 30 Thanksgiving dinner 感恩节晚餐 323
SNAPSHOT Special holiday customs 特殊节日习俗Unit 31 Payday for Jerry 杰瑞的发薪日 336
SNAPSHOT How to get paid/cashing a check 如何得到薪水/兑现支票Unit 32 Going to the bank 去银行 348
SNAPSHOT Bank customs 银行惯例Unit 33 Convenient or not 方便或不方便 360
SNAPSHOT How convenient is your area? 你的居住区便利程度如何?Unit 34 Buying a new textbook 买新的教科书 374
SNAPSHOT Using a credit card/check 使用信用卡/支票Unit 35 Lost and Found 失物招领 386
SNAPSHOT Security check point/generosity 安全检验点/慷慨Unit 36 Cars 车 397
SNAPSHOT Basic car vocabulary/fun expressions used daily about cars 有关车的基本用语Unit 37 The driving test 考驾照 409
SNAPSHOT Rules and real problems you will face 你将面对的规则和真正的问题Unit 38 Long distance call 长途电话 420
SNAPSHOT Phone etiquette/International calls 电话礼节/国际电话Unit 39 Robbed 被抢劫 431
SNAPSHOT Crime English/reporting to police 有关犯罪的英语/报警Unit 40 At the Clinic 在诊所 444
SNAPSHOT Uni Clinic/symptoms/health check up 联合诊所/症状/身体检查Unit 41 Thank God It's Friday 感谢上帝今天是星期五 455
SNAPSHOT Dinner reservations/Expressing enjoyment/Leisure time 晚餐预订/表达快乐/休闲Unit 42 Double date from hell 地狱似的双对约会 468
SNAPSHOT Modern dating/ Going to the movies/Ordering food 现代约会/看电影/点菜Unit 43 Jerry loses his job 杰瑞丢了工作 482
SNAPSHOT How to fire someone and quit a job 如何解雇和辞职Unit 44 Writing a CV 写一份简历 496
SNAPSHOT Job skills/preparing your resume 工作技巧/准备简历Unit 45 Lily has a job interview 莉莉的工作面试 512
SNAPSHOT Job Interview skills/business meetings 工作面试技巧/商务会议Unit 46 The weather 天气 524
SNAPSHOT Forecasting climate 天气预报Unit 47 Christmas shopping 圣诞节购物 537
SNAPSHOT Christmas culture and holiday shopping 圣诞文化和假日购物Unit 48 Ray Proposes 雷求婚 548
SNAPSHOT Marriage customs/misunderstanding 婚俗/误解Unit 49 Watching TV 看电视 562
SNAPSHOT Customs of Television 有关电视的风俗Unit 50 The Semester ends 学期结束 574
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