- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王恩保,王约西选注
- 出 版 社:北京:北京语言学院出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:756190083X
- 页数:691 页
目录 1
(1)郑伯克段于鄢 《左传》 1
The Earl of Zheng Overcomes Duan at Yan Zuozhuan 6
(2)曹刿论战 《左传》 12
Cao Gui on War Zuozhuan 15
(3)烛之武退秦师 《左传》 18
Zhu Zhiwu Causes the Withdrawal of Qin’s Army Zuozhuan 21
(4)蹇叔哭师 《左传》 25
Jian Shu Weeps over the Army Zuozhuan 28
(5)弦高犒师 《左传》 31
Xian Gao Refreshes Qin’s Army Zuozhuan 34
(6)晋败秦师于崤 《左传》 37
Jin Beats Qin’s Army at Yao Zuozhuan 40
(7)晋灵公不君 《左传》 44
Duke Ling of Jin Conducts Himself in a 48
Way Unbecoming a Ruler Zuozhuan 48
(8)孔子语录十则 《论语》 53
Ten Quotations from Confucius Lunyu 57
(9)子路曾晰冉有公西华侍坐 《论语》 62
Zi Lu,Zeng Xi,Ran Qiu and Gongxi Hua Are Seated in Attendance upon the Master Lunyu 65
(10)季氏将伐颛臾 《论语》 69
The Head of the Ji Family Decides to Attack Zhuan Yu Lunyu 72
(11)子路从而后 《论语》 75
While Following the Master,Zi Lu Falls Behind Lunyu 77
(12)谋攻 《孙子》 79
Offensive Strategy Sunzi 83
(13)非攻 《墨子》 87
Condemnation of Offensive War Mozi 90
(14)公输 《墨子》 93
Gongshu Mozi 97
(15)更法 《商君书》 101
The Reform of the Law The Book of Lord Shang 105
(16)齐桓晋文之事 《孟子》 110
The Doings of Huan of Qi and Wen of Jin Mencius 119
(17)庄暴见孟子 《孟子》 127
Zhuang Bao Sees Mencius Mencius 130
(18)许行 《孟子》 133
Xu Xing Mencius 140
(19)孟子谓戴不胜曰 《孟子》 146
Mencius Talks to Dai Busheng Mencius 148
(20)齐人有一妻一妾 《孟子》 150
A Man of Qi Has a Wife and a Concubine Mencius 152
(21)鱼我所欲也 《孟子》 154
I Like Fish Mencius 156
(22)天下皆知美之为美 《老子》 158
If All on Earth Acknowledge the Beautiful as Beautiful Laozi 160
(23)天地不仁 《老子》 162
Heaven and Earth Are Not Benevolent Laozi 163
(24)天之道 《老子》 164
The Dao of Heaven Laozi 165
(25)小国寡民 《老子》 167
A Country Shall Be Small and Its Populace Small in Number Laozi 168
(26)北冥有鱼 《庄子》 170
In the North Ocean There Is a Fish Zhuangzi 175
(27)疱丁解牛 《庄子》 180
Cook Ding Carves Oxen Zhuangzi 183
(28)匠石之齐 《庄子》 186
When Carpenter Shi Travels to Qi Zhuangzi 189
(29)百川灌河 《庄子》 192
Autumn Floods Zhuangzi 195
(30)庄子将死 《庄子》 199
Zhuangzi Was About to Die Zhuangzi 201
(31)卜居 《楚辞》 203
Bu Ju(Divination) Chuci 207
(32)渔父 《楚辞》 212
Yu Fu(The Fisherman) Chuci 214
(33)风赋 宋玉 216
Fu on the Wind Song Yu 221
(34)登徒子好色赋(节录) 宋玉 227
Master Dengtu SongYu 229
(35)说难(节录) 《韩非子》 231
Difficulties in the Way of Persuasion Hanfeizi 235
(36)扁鹊见蔡桓公 《韩非子》 239
Bian Que Has Interviews with Marquis Huan of Cai Hanfeizi 241
(37)和氏璧 《韩非子》 243
The Jade of Bian He Hanfeizi 245
(38)愚公移山 《列子》 248
The Old Man Who Would Move Mountains Liezi 251
(39)两小儿辩日 《列子》 254
Confucius and the Children Liezi 255
(40)邹忌讽齐王纳谏 《战国策》 256
Zou Ji Exhorts King of Qi to Accept Reprimand Zhanguoce 259
(41)江乙对荆宣王 《战国策》 263
Jiang Yi Talks to King of Jing Zhanguoce 265
(42)触龙说赵太后 《战国策》 267
Chu Long Persuades Empress Dowager Zhao Zhanguoce 271
(43)美人劓鼻 《战国策》 276
The Beautiful Girl’s Nose Is Cut Off Zhanguoce 278
(44)不死之药 《战国策》 280
Panacea—a Medicine That Can Save Life Zhanguoce 281
(45)画蛇添足 《战国策》 282
Adding Feet to a Snake while Drawing It Zhanuguoce 283
(46)苛政猛于虎 《礼记》 284
Oppressive Government Is More Terrible Than Tigers Liji 286
(47)嗟来之食 《礼记》 288
Holla,Come and Eat! Liji 290
(48)大同 《礼记》 291
Datong(The Grand Union) Liji 293
(49)教学为先 《礼记》 295
Make Instruction and Schooling a Primary Objective Liji 297
(50)凡事豫则立 《礼记》 299
In All Things,Success Depends on Previous Preparation Liji 301
(51)诚意 《礼记》 305
Making Thoughts Sincere Liji 307
(52)过秦论(上) 贾谊 309
The Faults of Qin Jia Yi 315
(53)项羽之死 司马迁 321
The Death of Xiang Yu Sima Qian 325
(54)完璧归赵 司马迁 331
Return the Jade Intact to the State of Zhao Sima Qian 335
(55)毛遂自荐 司马迁 339
Mao Sui Recommends Himself Sima Qian 343
(56)淳于髡 司马迁 347
Jester Chunyu Kun Sima Qian 352
(57)苏武牧羊 班固 356
Su Wu Tends Sheep Ban Gu 362
(58)洛神赋(并序) 曹植 370
The Goddess of the Luo Cao Zhi 375
(59)兰亭集序 王羲之 380
At the Orchid Pavilion Wang Xizhi 383
(60)归去来兮辞 陶渊明 386
Return Home Tao Yuanming 390
(61)桃花源记 陶渊明 395
Peach-Blossom Source Tao Yuanming 398
(62)五柳先生传 陶渊明 401
Biography of the Gentleman of the Five Willows Tao Yuanming 403
(63)情采 刘勰 405
On Feeling and Art Liu Xie 410
(64)思旧赋(并序) 向秀 415
Recalling Old Time Xiang Xiu 418
(65)滕王阁序 王勃 422
The Pavilion of Prince Teng Wang Bo 432
(66)山中与斐迪秀才书 王维 443
A Letter from the Mountain to the Bachelor-of-Art Pei Di Wang Wei 446
(67)春夜宴诸从弟桃李园序 李白 450
Spring Night,Banqueting with My Cousins in the Peach Flower Garden:A Preface Li Bai 452
(68)答李翊书 韩愈 454
Reply to Li Yi’s Letter Han Yu 459
(69)马说(杂说四) 韩愈 463
On Horses Han Yu 465
(70)师说 韩愈 467
On the Teacher Han Yu 470
(71)柳子厚墓志铭 韩愈 473
An Epitaph for Liu Zihou Han Yu 480
(72)原毁 韩愈 486
Origin of Defamation Han Yu 489
(73)钴鉧潭西小丘记 柳宗元 493
The Knoll West of Brazier Lake Liu Zongyuan 496
(74)捕蛇者说 柳宗元 499
The Snake-Catcher Liu Zongyuan 502
(75)小石潭记 柳宗元 505
The Small Tarn West of the Knoll Liu Zongyuan 507
(76)种树郭橐驼传 柳宗元 509
The Tree-Planter,Guo the Camel Liu Zongyuan 512
(77)三戒 柳宗元 515
Three Cautionary Tales Liu Zongyuan 519
(78)童区寄传 柳宗元 523
The Story of the Boy Ou Ji Liu Zongyuan 526
(79)段太尉逸事状 柳宗元 529
Some Incidents from the Life of Marshal Duan Liu Zongyuan 535
(80)与微之书 白居易 542
Prose Letter to Yuan Zhen Bai Juyi 547
(81)黄冈竹楼记 王禹偁 554
The Bamboo Pavilion at Huanggang Wang Yucheng 557
(82)岳阳楼记 范仲淹 560
Yueyang Pavilion Fan Zhongyan 564
(83)醉翁亭记 欧阳修 568
The Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard Ouyang Xiu 571
(84)泷冈阡表 欧阳修 575
Inscription on the Memorial Tablet for the Passage to the Shuanggang Tomb Ouyang Xiu 581
(85)秋声赋 欧阳修 588
Fu on Autumn Ouyang Xiu 591
(86)爱莲说 周敦颐 595
Love of Water-Lily Zhou Dunyi 597
(87)读孟尝君传 王安石 599
After Reading the Biography of Prince Mengchang Wang Anshi 601
(88)游褒禅山记 王安石 604
A Visit to the Baochan Mountain Wang Anshi 608
(89)前赤壁赋 苏轼 612
First Visit to the Red Cliff Su Shi 616
(90)喜雨亭记 苏轼 620
The Happy Rain Pavilion Su Shi 622
(91)石钟山记 苏轼 625
The Stone Bell Mountain Su Shi 628
(92)上枢密韩太尉书 苏辙 632
Letter to Prime Minister Han Su Che 635
(93)墨池记 曾巩 639
The Ink Pond Zeng Gong 642
(94)报刘一丈书 宗臣 645
Letter to Liu Yizhang Zong Chen 649
(95)致李子髯 袁宏道 654
A Letter to Li Ziran Yuan Hongdao 656
(96)叙陈正甫《会心集》 袁宏道 659
On Zest in Life Yuan Hongdao 662
(97)原君 黄宗羲 665
Kingship Huang Zongxi 669
(98)范县署中寄舍弟墨第二书 郑变 675
A Letter of Zheng Xie to His Brother ZhengXie 677
(99)为学 彭端淑 679
To Learn Peng Duanshu 681
(100)新婚之夜 沈复 683
The Wedding Night Shen Fu 687
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