- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵培中主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7535203914
- 页数:374 页
目录前言 Foreword代序——费孝通教授的贺信 Preface——A Congratulatory Message from Prof.Fei Xiaotong吴泽霖小传 Wu Ze-lin's Life.上篇:庆祝吴泽霖教授执教六十周年暨九十寿辰 SECTION Ⅰ:COMMEMORATION OF PROF WU ZE-LIN'S 60TH YEAR OF ACADEMIC CAREER 1
纪念活动简介 A Short Account of Commemoration Activities. 1
纪念大会上的讲话 Speeches at the Commemcrial Mass Meeting. 8
湖北省副省长王利滨的讲话 8
Speech by Wang Li-bing,Vice-Governor of Hubei Province.中南民族学院院长贾清波的讲话 Speechby Jia Qing-buo,President of Central-South College of Minorities. 12
北京大学袁方教授的讲话Speech by Yuan Fang,Professor of Sociology,Peking University. 15
吴泽霖教授的答谢词 Answering Speech by Prof.Wu Ze-lin. 19
庆祝活动期间国内外有关单位和有关人士发来的贺信贺电选登Selected Congratulatory Messege s and Telegrams from Various Ins titutions and Individuals Within China and Abroad. 22
学术报告选登 Selected Academic Papers Delivered at Various Forums 49
宋蜀华:论消除种族歧视及联合国的行动措施 Song Shu-hua:“Anti-Racial Discrimination and the Action of the United Nations.” 49
王辅仁:谈谈民族学与历史学的结合问题 Wang Fu-ren:“How to Collaborate Ethnology with History.” 66
李毅夫:吴泽霖教授与中国世界民族的研究 Li Yi-fu:“Wu Ze-lin Pioneering the Study of 77
Races of the World in China.”吴泽霖教授的朋友和学生撰写的纪念文章选登 Selected Commemo rial Articles from P rof.Wu Ze-lin's Friends and Students. 93
中国两性不平衡问题 The Problem of High Sex Ratio in China. 157
怎样提倡节育运动 How to Advocate Birth Control. 169
民族复兴的几个条件 Prerequisites for Our National Rejuvenation. 172
贵州仲家生活的一角——食俗 The Food Complex of the Buyi an Aspect of the Life of the Buyi People in Guizhou. 176
贵阳青苗族的跳花场 The Dancing Plaza of the Qing Miao in Guiyang. 181
海?苗中的斗牛 The Bull Fight of the Cowrie Miao. 185
从么些人的研究谈到推进边政的几条原则 Some Principles of Improving Frontier Administra-tion as Derived from a Study ef the Naxie Peo-ple. 189
边疆问题的一种看法 196
A View on Frontior Problems.人类的展望 Prospects for Humanity. 203
黔西滇东苗族的婚姻 The Marriage System of the Miaos in Western Guizhou and Eastern Yunnan Provinces. 213
布依族的婚姻 The Marriage System of the Buvi 232
美国几位社会学的奠基人 A Few Founders of American Sociology. 260
从社会学角度看今天的日本 Today's Japan Through the Eyes of a Chinese Sociologist. 281
犹太民族历史画卷的一幅重要画面 A Significant Phase in the History of the Jewish People. 296
忆抗战前沪宁一带社会学的发展 Endeavor to Establish Sociology Around Shanghai and Nanjing Before the Japanese Invasion——a Re-collection. 309
种族与种族歧视 Races and Racism. 315
论博物馆、民族博物馆与民族学博物馆 Museums,Museums of Minority Nationals,Muse-ums of Ethnology and Their Differences. 335
漫谈小康 357
On the Concept of Xiao Kang(a Moderate Standard of Living.)社会学是不是一门学科? Is Sociology an Academic Discipline? 364
吴泽霖教授著作目录Prof.Wu Ze-lin's Other Writings. 368
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