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逻辑与计算机设计基础  英文版
逻辑与计算机设计基础  英文版

逻辑与计算机设计基础 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)M.MorrisMano著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787111303107
  • 页数:678 页
《逻辑与计算机设计基础 英文版》目录

Chapter 1 3


1-1 Information Representation 4

The Digital Computer 6

Beyond the Computer 7

More on the Generic Computer 11

1-2 Number Systems 13

Binary Numbers 14

Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers 16

Number Ranges 17

1-3 Arithmetic Operations 18

Conversion from Decimal to Other Bases 20

1-4 Decimal Codes 23

BCD Addition 24

1-5 Alphanumeric Codes 25

ASCII Character Code 26

Parity Bit 26

1-6 Gray Codes 28

1-7 Chapter Summary 31

References 31

Problems 31

Chapter 2 35


2-1 Binary Logic and Gates 35

Binary Logic 36

Logic Gates 38

2-2 Boolean Algebra 39

Basic Identities of Boolean Algebra 42

Algebraic Manipulation 44

Complement of a Function 47

2-3 Standard Forms 48

Minterms and Maxterms 49

Sum of Products 52

Product of Sums 54

2-4 Two-Level Circuit Optimization 54

Cost Criteria 55

Map Structures 56

Two-Variable Maps 59

Three-Variable Maps 61

2-5 Map Manipulation 65

Essential Prime Implicants 65

Nonessential Prime Implicants 67

Product-of-Sums Optimization 68

Don't-Care Conditions 70

2-6 Pragmatic Two-Level Optimization 72

2-7 Multiple-Level Circuit Optimization 76

2-8 Other Gate Types 81

2-9 Exclusive-OR Operator and Gates 85

Odd Function 86

2-10 High-Impedance Outputs 88

2-11 Chapter Summary 90

References 90

Problems 91

Chapter 3 97


3-1 Design Procedure 97

3-2 Beginning Hierarchical Design 104

3-3 Technology Mapping 107

3-4 Verification 111

Manual Logic Analysis 111

Simulation 113

3-5 Combinational Functional Blocks 113

3-6 Rudimentary Logic Functions 115

Value-Fixing,Transferring,and Inverting 115

Multiple-Bit Functions 116

Enabling 119

3-7 Decoding 121

Decoder and Enabling Combinations 124

Decoder-Based Combinational Circuits 126

3-8 Encoding 127

Priority Encoder 129

Encoder Expansion 130

3-9 Selecting 131

Multiplexers 131

Multiplexer-Based Combinational Circuits 136

3-10 Chapter Summary 138

References 140

Problems 140

Chapter 4 149


4-1 Iterative Combinational Circuits 150

4-2 Binary Adders 151

Half Adder 151

Full Adder 152

Binary Ripple Carry Adder 153

4-3 Binary Subtraction 155

Complements 157

Subtraction Using 2s Complement 158

4-4 Binary Adder-Subtractors 159

Signed Binary Numbers 161

Signed Binary Addition and Subtraction 163

Overflow 165

4-5 Other Arithmetic Functions 167

Contraction 167

Incrementing 169

Decrementing 170

Multiplication by Constants 170

Division by Constants 172

Zero Fill and Extension 172

4-6 Hardware Description Languages 173

Hardware Description Languages 173

Logic Synthesis 175

4-7 HDL Representations—VHDL 176

Behavioral Description 186

4-8 HDL Representations—Verilog 187

Behavioral Description 195

4-9 Chapter Summary 196

References 196

Problems 197

Chapter 5 207


5-1 Sequential Circuit Definitions 208

5-2 Latches 210

SR and ?Latches 211

D Latch 214

5-3 Flip-Flops 215

Master-Slave Flip-Flops 216

Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop 218

Standard Graphics Symbols 219

Direct Inputs 221

5-4 Sequential Circuit Analysis 222

Input Equations 223

State Table 224

State Diagram 227

Sequential Circuit Simulation 229

5-5 Sequential Circuit Design 230

Design Procedure 231

Finding State Diagrams and State Tables 231

State Assignment 238

Designing with D Flip-Flops 240

Designing with Unused States 243

Verification 245

5-6 Other Flip-Flop Types 247

JK and T Flip-Flops 247

5-7 State-Machine Diagrams and Applications 250

State-Machine Diagram Model 250

Constraints on Input Conditions 253

Design Applications Using State-Machine Diagrams 256

5-8 HDL Representation for Sequential Circuits—VHDL 264

5-9 HDL Representation for Sequential Circuits—Verilog 272

5-10 Chapter Summary 278

References 279

Problems 280

Chapter 6 295


6-1 The Design Space 295

Integrated Circuits 296

CMOS Circuit Technology 296

Technology Parameters 302

6-2 Gate Propagation Delay 304

6-3 Flip-Flop Timing 306

6-4 Sequential Circuit Timing 308

6-5 Asynchronous Interactions 310

6-6 Synchronization and Metastability 312

6-7 Synchronous Circuit Pitfalls 318

6-8 Programmable Implementation Technologies 319

Read-Only Memory 322

Programmable Logic Array 323

Programmable Array Logic Devices 327

6-9 Chapter Summary 329

References 329

Problems 330

Chapter 7 335


7-1 Registers and Load Enable 336

Register with Parallel Load 337

7-2 Register Transfers 339

7-3 Register Transfer Operations 341

7-4 A Note for VHDL and Verilog Users Only 344

7-5 Microoperations 344

Arithmetic Microoperations 345

Logic Microoperations 347

Shift Microoperations 349

7-6 Microoperations on a Single Register 350

Multiplexer-Based Transfers 350

Shift Registers 353

Ripple Counter 357

Synchronous Binary Counters 359

Other Counters 363

7-7 Register-Cell Design 366

7-8 Multiplexer and Bus-Based Transfers for Multiple Registers 372

Three-State Bus 374

7-9 Serial Transfer and Microoperations 375

Serial Addition 377

7-10 Control of Register Transfers 378

Design Procedure 380

7-11 HDL Representation for Shift Registers and Counters—VHDL 395

7-12 HDL Representation for Shift Registers and Counters—Verilog 398

7-13 Microprogrammed Control 399

7-14 Chapter Summary 402

References 402

Problems 402

Chapter 8 413


8-1 Memory Definitions 413

8-2 Random-Access Memory 414

Write and Read Operations 416

Timing Waveforms 417

Properties of Memory 419

8-3 SRAM Integrated Circuits 419

Coincident Selection 422

8-4 Array of SRAM ICs 425

8-5 DRAM ICs 429

DRAM Cell 429

DRAM Bit Slice 431

8-6 DRAM Types 435

Synchronous DRAM(SDRAM) 436

Double-Data-Rate SDRAM(DDR SDRAM) 439


8-7 Arrays of Dynamic RAM ICs 440

8-8 Chapter Summary 441

References 441

Problems 441

Chapter 9 443


9-1 Introduction 444

9-2 Datapaths 444

9-3 The Arithmetic/Logic Unit 447

Arithmetic Circuit 448

Logic Circuit 450

Arithmetic/Logic Unit 451

9-4 The Shifter 453

Barrel Shifter 454

9-5 Datapath Representation 455

9-6 The Control Word 458

9-7 A Simple Computer Architecture 464

Instruction Set Architecture 464

Storage Resources 465

Instruction Formats 466

Instruction Specifications 468

9-8 Single-Cycle Hardwired Control 471

Instruction Decoder 472

Sample Instructions and Program 474

Single-Cycle Computer Issues 477

9-9 Multiple-Cycle Hardwired Control 478

Sequential Control Design 482

9-10 Chapter Summary 489

References 490

Problems 490

Chapter 10 497


10-1 Computer Architecture Concepts 497

Basic Computer Operation Cycle 498

Register Set 499

10-2 Operand Addressing 499

Three-Address Instructions 500

Two-Address Instructions 501

One-Address Instructions 501

Zero-Address Instructions 502

Addressing Architectures 503

10-3 Addressing Modes 506

Implied Mode 507

Immediate Mode 507

Register and Register-Indirect Modes 508

Direct Addressing Mode 508

Indirect Addressing Mode 510

Relative Addressing Mode 510

Indexed Addressing Mode 511

Summary of Addressing Modes 511

10-4 Instruction Set Architectures 513

10-5 Data-Transfer Instructions 514

Stack Instructions 515

Independent versus Memory-Mapped I/O 517

10-6 Data-Manipulation Instructions 518

Arithmetic Instructions 518

Logical and Bit-Manipulation Instructions 519

Shift Instructions 520

10-7 Floating-Point Computations 522

Arithmetic Operations 523

Biased Exponent 524

Standard Operand Format 525

10-8 Program Control Instructions 527

Conditional Branch Instructions 528

Procedure Call and Return Instructions 530

10-9 Program Interrupt 531

Types of Interrupts 533

Processing External Interrupts 534

10-10 Chapter Summary 535

References 536

Problems 537

Chapter 11 543


11-1 Pipelined Datapath 544

Execution of Pipeline Microoperations 548

11-2 Pipdined Control 549

Pipeline Programming and Performance 551

11-3 The Reduced Instruction Set Computer 553

Instruction Set Architecture 554

Addressing Modes 557

Datapath Organization 557

Control Organization 560

Data Hazards 563

Control Hazards 570

11-4 The Complex Instruction Set Computer 574

ISA Modifications 575

Datapath Modifications 577

Control Unit Modifications 577

Microprogrammed Control 579

Microprograms for Complex Instructions 582

11-5 More on Design 586

Advanced CPU Concepts 586

Recent Architectural Innovations 589

11-6 Chapter Summary 592

References 593

Problems 593

Chapter 12 597


12-1 Computer I/O 597

12-2 Sample Peripherals 598

Keyboard 598

Hard Drive 599

Liquid Crystal Display Screen 601

I/O Transfer Rates 604

12-3 I/O Interfaces 604

I/O Bus and Interface Unit 605

Example of I/O Interface 606

Strobing 608

Handshaking 609

12-4 Serial Communication 611

Synchronous Transmission 612

The Keyboard Revisited 612

A Packet-Based Serial I/O Bus 613

12-5 Modes of Transfer 617

Example of Program-Controlled Transfer 618

Interrupt-Initiated Transfer 620

12-6 Priority Interrupt 620

Daisy Chain Priority 621

Parallel Priority Hardware 623

12-7 Direct Memory Access 624

DMA Controller 625

DMA Transfer 627

12-8 Chapter Summary 628

References 628

Problems 629

Chapter 13 633


13-1 Memory Hierarchy 633

13-2 Locality of Reference 636

13-3 Cache Memory 638

Cache Mappings 640

Line Size 645

Cache Loading 647

Write Methods 647

Integration of Concepts 648

Instruction and Data Caches 651

Multiple-Level Caches 651

13-4 Virtual Memory 652

Page Tables 654

Translation Lookaside Buffer 656

Virtual Memory and Cache 658

13-5 Chapter Summary 658

References 659

Problems 659

