四六级优秀作文点评 第3版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:齐丽霞,李明秋主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7561116764
- 页数:358 页
目录 2
第一部分 议论文 2
1.On Failure论失败 2
2.The Importance of Confidence信心的重要性 4
3.On Self-confidence论自信 7
4.On Responsibility论责任感 10
5.On Making Friends论交友 13
6.On Punctuality论守时 16
7.On Challenges论挑战 19
8.On Competition论竞争 22
9.My View on Opportunity论机遇 24
1 0.The Advantages and Disadvantages of China's Entry into WTO中国加入世贸的得与失 27
11.The Future of China's Football中国足球的未来 30
12.Why do People Like to Buy Lottery 人们为什么喜欢买彩票 33
13.Gaps Between the Rich and the Poor贫富差距 36
14.The Development of Western China中国西部大开发 39
15.Fami ly and Personal Development家庭与个人发展 42
16.Anti-drug Campaign禁毒运动 45
17.Brain Drain人才外流 48
18.Knowledge Economy知识经济 51
19.Fake Diplomas假文凭 55
20.Fighting Criminals打击犯罪 58
21.Hobbies业余爱好 61
22.Blood Donation献血 64
23.Advertisements OnⅣ电视广告 67
24.Is Cloning a Frightening Thing克隆令人恐惧吗 70
25.Is Outer Space Worth Exploring值得探索太空吗 73
26.Is the Spirit of Lei Feng out of Style雷锋精神过时了吗 76
27.Is Honesty Out of Style诚实过时了吗 79
28.Housing Problems in Big Cities大城市的住房问题 82
29.Treasure Water珍惜水 85
30.How to Solve the Energy Shortage如何解决能源短缺问题 87
31.How to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century如何迎接21世纪的挑战 91
32.Laid-off Workers Need Help下岗工人需要帮助 94
33.Private Cars in China中国的私家车 97
34.UN,a Success or a Failure联合国,成功或失败 100
35.The Environment and Man环境与人类 103
36.The Protection of the Environment保护环境 106
37.Man and Nature人类与自然 108
38.The Problems of Plastic Bags塑料袋的问题 112
39.The Population Explosion人口爆炸 115
40.Traffic and Population交通与人口 117
41.People Should Be Rewarded According to Ability or to Age and Experience谈论资排辈 120
42.Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports体育运动的积极和消极因素 123
43.On Part-time Jobs论兼职 125
44.On Choosing Careers论择业 128
45.The Advantages of a Job Interview求职面试的优越性 132
46.“Only-children”Face the Challenge of University Life独生子女面临大学生活的挑战 134
47.Solving the Rear Service Problems解决后勤服务问题 137
48.The Importance of Education教育的重要性 141
49.Getting to Know the World outside the Campus了解校园外的世界 144
50.College English Teaching in China中国的大学英语教学 147
51.Is Computer Instruction Replacing Human Teaching计算机教学能取代人类教学吗 150
52.Knowledge and Diploma知识与文凭 154
53.More Academic Pressure Does Harm to Health过多的学业压力有害健康 157
54.On Developing Speaking Ability论培养口语能力 160
55.On Grades论分数 162
56.Grades and Ability分数与能力 165
57.Ability and Good Looks能力与相貌 168
58.Intelligence and Diligence聪明与勤奋 171
59.On Tests and Test Taking论考试 174
60.Reduce Waste on Campus减少校园浪费现象 177
61.My Opinion on Campus Love校园爱情之我见 180
62.How to Keep Calm in an Exam考试中如何保持冷静 182
63.Private Schools私立学校 185
64.Attending College at One's Own Expense自费上大学 188
65.On Overseas Study论出国学习 191
66.Changing Criteria for Good College Students优秀大学生的新标准 195
67.The Good Teacher-student Relationship良好的师生关系 198
68.The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life集体生活的利与弊 201
69.The Pleasure in Reading阅读的乐趣 204
70.Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good电子词典的不利之处 206
71.Should CET-4/6 Be Abandoned是否取消四六级考试 209
72.On Keeping a Diaryin English用英语记日记 212
73.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism Development旅游业发展的利与弊 215
74.Popular Travel on National Day国庆节旅游热 218
75.On the Development of Tourism旅游业的发展 221
76.My Idea of Intemet因特网之我见 224
77.The Positive and Negative Effects of Computer Network计算机网络的正负面影响 227
78.Information and My Life信息和生活 231
79.The Advantages of Hunting for Jobs on Internet网上求职的好处 234
80.Internet:Beauty or Beast因特网的利与弊 237
81.Mobile Phones:A Love-hate Relationship移动电话的利与弊 240
82.Telecommunication Brings Convenience to Modern Life电信给现代生活带来了便利 242
第二部分 图表作文 248
1.Chinese Sand-dust Storms中国沙尘暴 248
2.Overseas Students Returning海外留学生归国 251
3.Why Many TV Viewers Like to Watch Sports为什么许多电视观众喜欢看体育节目 255
4.What Students Need English for学生需要英语做什么 258
5.Telephone Goes into Hundreds of Thousands of Homes电话走进千家万户 261
6.Rising Divorce Rates in China中国的离婚率在上升 264
7.Overseas Investment in Chinese Mainland在中国大陆的海外投资 267
8.The Numbets of Scholarships获奖学金人数 271
9.The Income Sources of College Students大学生收入来源 274
10.Changes in Methods of Traffic交通手段的变化 277
11.A Traffic Accident一场交通事故 280
1.Campus Activities校园活动 284
第三部分 说明文 284
2.A Matter of Approaches方法的问题 286
3.Electricity and Our Daily Life电与日常生活 289
4.How to Keep Fit如何保持健康 291
5.Losing Weight减肥 294
6.My Major我的专业 297
7.How to Face up to Your Difficulties如何面对困难 299
8.The Best Way to Enlarge One's Vocabulary扩大词汇量的最佳办法 302
9.The Difficulties I Have in My English Study英语学习中遇到的困难 305
10.Top Students优等生 308
11.What I Want to Be我想做什么 310
12.To Learn English Well by Speaking More多说才能学好英语 313
13.How I Overcome My Difficulty in Learning English怎样克服英语学习中的困难 316
14.Why Pursue an MBA Degree为什么学习MBA 318
1.A Letter of Invitation一封邀请信 322
第四部分 书信体作文 322
2.An Application Letter一封申请信 324
3.A Letter to A Friend一封给朋友的信 327
4.A Job Application Letter一封求职信 330
5.A Complaining Letter to the Book Publisher about the Poor Quality of Books一封投诉信 332
6.Résumé简历 335
7.A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction旅游胜地简介 338
第五部分 描写文 342
1.My Hometown我的家乡 342
2.My Roommate室友 344
3.My Wish我的愿望 346
4.Our Campus Library我们的校园图书馆 349
5.Early Summer初夏 351
6.When Autumn Comes秋天来临 353
7.An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident目睹一场交通事故 355
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