伊索寓言精粹 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(古希腊)Aesop原著;赵淑芬中译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7506811723
- 页数:192 页
目录 1
The Fox and the Grapes 狐狸和葡萄 1
The Bowman and the Lion 弓箭手和狮子 2
The Wolf and the Crane 狼和鹭鸶 3
The Fox and the Goat 狐狸和山羊 4
The Vain Jackdaw 虚荣的寒鸦 5
The Mountain In Labor 大山在分娩 6
The Kite and the Pigeons 鸢鹞和鸽子 7
The Old Hound 老猎狗 8
The Ant and the Grasshopper 蚂蚁和蚱蜢 9
The Widow and the Hen 寡妇和母鸡 10
The Boy and the Scorpion 小男孩和蝎子 10
The Cock and the Jewel 公鸡和宝石 11
The Fawn and Her Mother 小鹿和她的母亲 12
The Eagle and the Fox 老鹰与狐狸 13
The Countryman and the Snake 农夫与蛇 14
The Fisherman Piping 吹笛的渔夫 15
The Man and the Satyr 人与森林之神 16
The Fighting-Cocks and the Eagle 两只打架的公鸡和老鹰 17
The Mouse and the Frog 老鼠与青蛙 18
The Kid and the Wolf小山羊与狼 19
The Two Wallets 两只口袋 19
The Dog and the Shadow 狗和倒影 20
The Wolf and the Lamb 狼和小羊 21
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse 乡下老鼠与城里老鼠 22
The Dog,The Cock,and the Fox 狗、公鸡和狐狸 24
The Lion and the Mouse 狮子与老鼠 25
The Horse and the Groom 马与马夫 26
The Flies and the Honey-Pot 苍蝇与蜂蜜 26
The House-Dog and the Wolf 看家狗和狼 27
The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛 29
The Tortoise and the Eagle 乌龟和老鹰 30
The Mule 骡子 31
The Hare and the Tortoise 兔子和乌龟 32
The Hen and the Cat 母鸡和猫 33
The Shepherd-Boy and the Wolf 说谎的牧童与狼 34
The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar 老太婆和酒坛 35
The Creaking Wheels 吱嘎作响的车轴 36
The Fox and the Lion 狐狸和狮子 36
The Fox and the Woodman 狐狸和樵夫 37
The Crow and the Pitcher 乌鸦和水罐 38
The One-Eyed Doe 独眼鹿 39
The Lion and the Fox 狮子和狐狸 40
The Travelers And The Bear 朋友和熊 41
The Stag In the Ox-Stall 牛栏里的鹿 42
The Collier and the Fuller 烧炭工与漂洗工 44
The Lion,the Ass,and the Fox Hunting 一起打猎的狮子、驴子和狐狸 45
The Bear and the Fox 熊与狐狸 46
The Gull and the Kite 海鸥和鸢鹞 46
The Ass and the Lap-Dog 驴子和哈叭狗 47
The Wind and the Sun 风和太阳 49
The Trees and the Ax 森林和斧子 50
The Lion in Love 恋爱中的狮子 51
The Wolves and the Sheep 狼与羊群 52
The Belly and the Members 胃与四肢 53
Heroules and the Wagoner 大力神和马车夫 54
The Pomegranate,the Apple and the Bramble 石榴、苹果与荆棘 55
The Sick Stag 病鹿 55
The Monkey and the Camel 猴子和骆驼 56
The Fox without A Tail 断了尾巴的狐狸 57
The Hares and the Frogs 兔子与青蛙 58
The Angler and the Little Fish 垂钓者与小鱼 59
The Farmer and His Sons 农夫与儿子 60
The Husbandman and the Stork 农夫和鹳 61
The Old Woman and the Physician 老妇人与医生 62
The Nurse and the Wolf 奶妈与狼 63
The Moon and Her Mother 月亮和月亮妈妈 64
The Ass and the Grasshopper 驴子和蚱蜢 64
The Monkey and the Dolphin 猴子与海豚 65
The Bundle Of Sticks 捆成束的木棒 66
The Widow and the Sheep 寡妇和绵羊 67
The Man and the Lion 人与狮子 68
The Man Bitten by A Dog 被狗咬伤的人 69
The Horse and the Stag 马和鹿 70
The Bird-Catcher and the Lark 捕鸟人和云雀 71
The Mischievous Dog 爱惹麻烦的狗 72
The Travelers and the Plane-Tree 行人与梧桐树 73
The Lamb and the Wolf 小羊与狼 74
The Crab and Her Mother 小蟹与母蟹 74
The Herdsman and the Lost Bull 牧人和丢失的牛 75
The Oak and the Reed 橡树与芦苇 76
Jupiter,Nepttne,Minerva,and Momus 朱庇特、海神、密涅瓦与莫摩斯 77
Mercury and the Woodman 墨丘利与樵夫 78
Jupiter and The Bee 朱庇特与蜜蜂 80
The Lion and Other Beasts Hunting 狮子与其他猛兽一起打猎 81
The Goatherd and the Goats 牧羊人与山羊 82
The Country Maid and Her Milk-Can 村姑和一桶牛奶 83
The Beeves and the Butchers 牛和屠夫 84
The Hare and the Hound 兔子和猎狗 85
Jupiter and the Camel 朱庇特与骆驼 85
The Thief and His Mother 小偷与他母亲 86
The Cat and the Mice 猫和老鼠 87
The Marriage Of the Sun 太阳的婚姻 88
The Gnat and the Bull 蚊子与公牛 89
The Dog In the Manger 马槽中的狗 90
The Mice In Council 老鼠开会 91
The Lion,the Bear,and the Fox 狮子、熊和狐狸 92
The Fox and the Hedgehog 狐狸和刺猬 93
The Goose With the Golden Eggs 下金蛋的鹅 94
The Dolphins and the Sprat 海豚与小海鱼 95
The Blind Man and the Whelp 瞎子和幼狼 95
The Lion and the Dolphin 狮子和海豚 96
The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner 被俘虏的号兵 97
The Mountebank and the Countryman 江湖郎中和乡下人 98
The Hunter and the Fisherman 猎人和渔夫 100
The Frogs Asking For a King 青蛙求王 102
The Lark and Her Young Ones 百灵鸟和她的雏鸟 104
The Fisherman 渔夫 106
The Thiefand the Dog 小偷和看家狗 107
The Dove and the Crow 鸽子和乌鸦 108
The Farthing Rushlight 渺小的灯心草蜡烛 108
The Ass and His Masters 驴子与他的主人 109
The Old Man and Death 老人与死神 110
The Doctor and His Patient 医生与病人 111
The Birds,The Beasts,and the Bat百鸟、群兽和蝙蝠 112
The Two Pots 两只罐子 113
The Lion and the Goat 狮子和山羊 114
The Arab and the Camel 阿拉伯人和骆驼 115
The Wolf and the Shepherd 狼与牧羊人 116
The Travelers and the Hatchet 行人与斧头 117
The Lioness 母狮 118
The Mole and Her Mother 鼹鼠和母亲 118
The Ass,the Fox,and the Lion 驴子、狐狸与狮子 119
The Bees,the Drones,and the Wasp 蜜蜂、雄蜂和黄蜂 120
The Lion and Ass Hunting 一起捕猎的狮子和驴子 121
The Ass and His Driver 驴子和驴夫 122
The Mice and the Weasels 老鼠与黄鼠狼 123
The Hart and the Vine 公鹿与葡萄藤 124
The Hedge and the Vineyard 篱笆与葡萄园 125
The Fox and the Mask 狐狸与面具 126
The Father and His Two Daughters 父亲与他的两个女儿 127
The Swallow and the Raven 燕子与乌鸦 128
The Wolf and the Sheep 受伤的狼与羊 128
The Horse and the Loaded Ass 马与负重的驴子 129
The Sick Lion 生病的狮子 130
The Farmer and the Cranes农夫与鹤 131
The Eagle and the Jackdaw 老鹰和乌鸦 132
The Heifer and the Ox 小母牛与公牛 133
The Bald Knight 秃头骑士 134
The Fox and the Stork 狐狸和鹳 135
The Bull and the Goat 公牛与山羊 136
The Dog and His Master 狗与主人 137
The Viper and the File 蝮蛇和锉刀 137
The Husbandman and the Sea 庄稼人与大海 138
The Jackass In Office 运神像的公驴 139
The Boy and the Filberts 小男孩与榛子 140
The Kid and the Wolf 小山羊与狼 141
The Quack Frog 青蛙庸医 142
The Ant and the Dove 蚂蚁与鸽子 143
The Ass In the Lion's Skin 披着狮皮的驴子 144
The Goat and the Goatherd 山羊与牧羊人 145
The Boy Bathing 洗澡的小男孩 146
The Eagle and the Arrow 鹰与箭 147
The Geese and the Cranes 鹅与鹤 147
The Farmer and His Dogs 农夫和狗 148
The Mouse and the Weasel 老鼠与黄鼠狼 149
The Farmer and the Lion 农夫与狮子 150
The Charger and the Ass 战马与驴子 151
Venus and the Cat 维纳斯与猫 152
The Great and the Little Fishes 大鱼和小鱼 153
The Boys and the Frogs 孩子和青蛙 154
The Rivers and the Sea 河流与大海 154
The Ass,the Cock,and the Lion 驴子、公鸡和狮子 155
The Fir-Tree and the Bramble 冷杉与荆棘 156
The Thirsty Pigeon 口渴的鸽子 156
The Ass Carrying Salt 运盐的驴子 157
The Lion and His Three Councillors 狮子和他的三个顾问 158
The Blackamoor 黑人 159
The Sea-Side Travelers 海边的行人 160
The Leopard and the Fox 豹子与狐狸 161
The Monkey and the Fisherman 猴子与渔夫 162
The Eagle and the Beetle 老鹰与甲虫 163
The Hound and the Hare 猎狗与野兔 165
The Falconer and the Partridge 猎鹰者与鹧鸪 165
The Man and His Two Wives 男人与他的妻妾 166
The Vine and the Goat 山羊与葡萄藤 167
The Sick Kite 生病的鹞鹰 168
The Boy and the Nettle 小男孩和荨麻 168
The Fox and the Crow 狐狸和乌鸦 169
The Three Tradesmen 三个手艺人 170
The Dogs and the Hides 狗和兽皮 170
The Ass's Shadow 驴子和他的影子 171
The Lion and the Bulls 狮子与公牛 172
The Brazier and His Dog 铜匠与狗 173
The Porker and the Sheep小猪与绵羊 173
The Raven and the Swan 乌鸦和天鹅 174
The Shepherd and the Sea 牧羊人与海 175
The Swallow In Chancery 在法院筑巢的燕子 176
The Old Woman and Her Maids 老妇人与女仆 177
The Miser 守财奴 178
The Wild Boar and the Fox 野猪与狐狸 179
The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing 披着羊皮的狼 180
The Boasting Traveler 吹牛皮的旅行者 181
The Wlofand the Horse 狼与马 182
The Wolf and the Lion 狼和狮子 183
The Wolf and the Goat 狼与山羊 183
The Stag At the Pool 池塘边的公鹿 184
The Old Lion 年老的狮子 185
The Hunter and the Woodman 猎人和樵夫 186
Mercury and the Sculptor 墨丘利与雕刻家 187
The Wolf and the Shepherds 狼与牧羊人 188
The Astronomer 天文学家 189
The Miller,His Son,and Their Ass 磨坊主、他的儿子与他们的驴子 190
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