- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程爱民,杨莉馨主编
- 出 版 社:南京:译林出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:780657607X
- 页数:370 页
Beginning of the New Century:Comparative Literature in the Cross-Cultural Context CHENG Aimin 1
Is There a Specific Role for Literary Reading in Cultural and Cross-Cul-tural Communication? Douwe Fokkema 11
Orectic or Anorectic:Literary Theory from an Eastern Perspective Koji Kawamoto 24
The Uses of the Useless:Comparative Literature and the Multinational Corporation Eugene Eoyang 37
Comparative Literature in the Global Context:A Chinese Theoretical Perspective WANG Ning 51
On Becoming Political of the Cultural:The Crisis of the Universal in the Age of Globalization Xudong ZHANG 69
Rethinking Global/Locality:Consuming Alternative Modernity Ping-hui LIAO 95
Refocusing Literary Studies on Literature Weihe XU 113
The Banality of Violence:Globalization,Hong Kong,and Remembrance of the Past Ban WANG 126
The Power of Imagination,For Good or Ill:Irving Babbitt and Art as a Unifying or Disruptive Force Claes G.Ryn 141
Irving Babbitt and the Ethical Foundations of Cultural Relations Michael P.Federici 153
Why Daoism Today? Wai-lim Yip 164
The Paradox of Learning and the Elenchos:Plato's Meno,Augustine's De Magistro,and Gongsunlong's Jianbailun Han-liang CHANG 185
Is There a Mimetic Theory in Chinese Literary Thought? Ming Dong GU 202
Reading Er-Shi-Si Shipin in the Postmodern Age:Some New Angles of Observation Xin NING 217
"A Step a Scene":A Cross-Cultural Analysis Using Chinese Landscape Architecture to Understand Western Theatre Space William F.Condee 227
"Its Blooming Waves Wash away All Heroes":Revisiting Some Problems in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry Charles Kwong and Juliet Tai 240
Deconstructing the Critical Dichotomy:Daoist Recluse Tao Yuanming vs Confucian Scholar Tao Yuanming Shunzhu WANG 260
Post-Mao Women's Poetry:From Body Poetics to Language Poetics Jeanne Hong ZHANG 272
Monkey in Translation:Hybridization in Maxine Hong Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey and Ger-ald Vizenor's Griever Joanne Gass 283
Mythopoesis,Masculinity,and Narrative Strategy in Frank Chin's Don-ald Duk Yichin SHEN 294
Hybridization in the Casting of the Madman in Lu Xun's Diary of a Madman and Sun Jianjun's A Madman's Soliloquies ZHAO Heping 305
The Tragic Consciousness in Lu Xun's Later Works Alexander C.Y.HUANG 315
The Malay Pantun:Interconnection of Man and Nature in the Malay World-View Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 327
La Fille du Ciel(1911)de Judith Gautier et Pierre Loti:une oeuvre de circonstances? Yvan Daniel 340
"LA CHINE N'EST QU'UN CADRE"(P-.J.REMY)La fonction de"la Chine"dans le Sac du Palais d'Ete de Pierre-Jean RE-MY Tian WANG 354
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