- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:石小娟,李炯英主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7313036744
- 页数:307 页
1 The Nature of Language 1
1.1 Definition of Language 2
1.2 Popular Ideas about Language 6
1.3 The Properties of Language 8
1.4 Functions of Language 12
1.5 Non-verbal Communication 16
2 A Brief Introduction to Linguistics 20
2.1 What Is Linguistics? 20
2.2 The Scope of Linguistics 20
2.3 The Impact of Linguistics on Other Fields 24
2.4 Basic Distinctions in Linguistics 25
3 Phonetics and Phonology 30
3.1 Phonetics 30
3.2 Phonology 46
4.1 Morphemes 58
4 Morphology 58
4.2 Types of Morphemes 59
4.3 Morphs, Morphemes and Allomorphs 63
4.4 Word-formation Process 66
5 Syntax 73
5.1 What Is Syntax? 73
5.2 Syntactic Relations 74
5.3 Phrase Structure Rules 83
5.4 Sentences (The S Rule) 87
5.5 Transformations 88
6 Semantics 98
6.1 Kinds of Meaning 98
6.2 Some Important Assumptions 100
6.3 Some Views on Semantics 102
6.4 Approaches to Semantics 104
6.5 Lexical Relationship 108
6.6 Sentence Meaning 116
7.1 Introduction 131
7 Pragmatics 131
7.2 Context,Implicature and Reference 132
7.3 Speech Acts 146
7.4 Conversational Analysis 152
8 Language and Culture 168
8.1 Introduction 168
8.2 Linguistic Relativity 169
8.3 Meaning as Sign, Meaning as Action 173
8.4 Spoken Language, Oral Culture; Print Language, Literate Culture 178
8.5 Language and Cultural Identity 182
8.6 Current Issues 184
9 Language and Society 189
9.1 Introduction 189
9.2 The Micro-Macro Distinction 193
9.3 Social Differentiation of Language 195
9.4 Regional Differentiation of Language 201
9.5 Mixed Languages 201
9.6 Speech Situations 206
10 Language Acquisition 218
10.1 The Nature of Language Acquisition 218
10.2 Stages in First Language Acquisition 219
10.3 Theories of Child Language Acquisition 223
10.4 Background to Current Second Language Acquisition Research 226
10.5 Developmental Stages of Second Language Acquisition 232
10.6 Factors Affecting SLA 234
10.7 Theories in Second Language Learning 243
11 Language and Psychology 252
11.1 Introduction 252
11.2 Language Comprehension 258
11.3 Language Production 269
11.4 Language Acquisition 277
Key to Questions and Exercises 练习答案 283
Index 索引 294
Bibliography 参考书目 306
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《零基础学会素描》王金著 2019
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《计算机网络与通信基础》谢雨飞,田启川编著 2019
- 《生物质甘油共气化制氢基础研究》赵丽霞 2019
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- 《少儿电子琴入门教程 双色图解版》灌木文化 2019
- 《花时间 我的第一堂花艺课 插花基础技法篇》(日)花时间编辑部编;陈洁责编;冯莹莹译 2020