- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)(C.坎贝尔)ColinCampbell,(英)(H.克雷谢夫斯卡)HannaKryszewska原著张民伦导读
- 出 版 社:华东师范大学出版社;牛津大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7561719779
- 页数:162 页
《牛津英语教师宝库》合作版前言 1
The authors and series editor 4
导读前言 5
Foreword 7
导读 引论 8
Introduction 12
导读 使用建议 19
How to use this book 21
Activity Language focus导读一 语法练习与操练 23
1 Grammar exercises and drills 27
1.1 DecisionsMixed conditionals 28
1.2 From a to the Use of articles 29
1.3 I know what my teacher has done Present perfect 31
1.4 Random comparisons Comparative adjectives 32
1.5 Character building Simple present 33
1.6 My country/district Can (possibility) 33
1.7 Controversial questions Passive in simple past 34
1.8 The wonderful world of inventions Talking about past events 35
1.9 Is that right? Confirming 37
1.10 My grammar problem Learners problems 38
导读二 词汇练习 41
2 Vocabulary 45
2.1 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Adjectives of character and physique 45
2.2 Beat the expert Expansion of topic vocabulary 48
2.3 Telephone numbers Numbers and telephone language 50
2.4 Make your own picture dictionary Identifying lexical gaps in easy-to-draw lexical fields 50
2.5 Finish my family tree Families and have got 52
2.6 Random phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs 53
2.7 The merry alphabet Vocabulary activation and expansion 55
2.8 What shall we eat? Names of food products,and giving instructions 56
2.9 What s gone? Names of everyday objects and raw materials 58
2.10 Five favourite words Revising vocabulary 58
导读三 综合技能 60
3 Integrated skills 64
3.1 The Daily Gutter Language of discussion and interviews 64
3.2 Start your own business Talking about skills,language of advertising 66
3.3 Draw the simple present Names of objects, spatial prepositions,simple present 67
3.4 Invent your own country Revision of simple 69
3.5 present,simple past,andpresent perfect3.5 Robots Instructions and discussion 70
3.6 Job interviewsCVs,talking about qualifications,interviewing 71
3.7 School reports Revision of functions, register 72
3.8 Holiday precautions Giving warnings, stating precautions 73
3.9 Do you recognize your home? Describing homes 74
3.10 Arguments Language of discussion, putting forward arguments 75
导读四写作 77
4 Writing 82
4.1 Dictionary of... Topic vocabulary, definitions,dictionary entries 83
4.2 The shortest reviewOrganization of a paragraph,linking words,paraphrasing 85
4.3 What would you like to know? Organizing information 88
4.4 What s the news today? Language of headlines, expressing attitudes 90
4.5 How much do we really know? Organizing information 92
4.6 Whose life? Writing biographies 93
4.7 My great-,great-, great-... Describing people and past events 94
4.8 The review of the decadeNegotiating,organizing information 94
4.9 Fictional agony column Describing problems, giving advice 95
4.10 Number poetry Playing with words 97
导读五翻译 98
5 Translation 103
5.1 Telephone call Everyday exchanges 104
5.2 My favourite numbers and dates Numbers,dates,simple present and simple past 105
5.3 My story? Giving the gist 106
5.4 What is your text about? Scanning,asking and answering questions 108
5.5 How long will you manage?Answering questions 109
5.6 Silent conversation Dialogue building 110
5.7 Home becomes England Language of signs and notices 110
5.8 Message passingGeneral fluency practice, sentence structure 111
5.9 Collective cultural consciousness Language of poetry 113
5.10 Do you know this song? Giving the gist, summarizing 114
导读六游戏 116
6 Games 120
6.1 Mastermind Asking questions 120
6.2 Presents Describing people and obj ects,persuading 121
6.3 Drawing prepositionsSpatial prepositions, giving instructions 122
6.4 Irregular verbs match Irregular verbs 123
6.5 Effective shopping Language of shopping, describing objects 124
6.6 Travel quiz Simple present,times, prices 125
6.7 The why game Asking questions 126
6.8 The chat show Asking questions,espe- cially in the simple past 126
6.9 Tennis We all , All of us , None of us 127
6.10 Invent a game Giving instructions 128
导读七备考 130
7 Exam preparation 134
7.1 Ideal classroom Planning and talking about a picture,spe-culating,giving reasons 134
7.2 Our dialogue Open dialogue,predict-ing,appropriacy,reference 136
7.3 What s in the picture?Talking about a picture, spatial arrangement 139
7.4 What do you mean? Structural reformulations 141
7.5 We test you,you test us Writing tests 142
7.6 Letters Grammar revision 144
7.7 Listening comprehension Writing questions and listening comprehension texts 145
7.8 Cloze test Grammar revision 148
7.9 Contextualizing the question Speed reading,intensive reading 149
7.10 Word building Families of words, grammar categories 151
导读八 如何思考认识“以学生为主体的英语教学”? 154
8 How to think learner-based teaching 155
8.1 Teacher-based learning 156
8.2 Planning a lesson:1 157
8.3 Planning a lesson:2 158
Introducing learner-based teaching into your classroom 159
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