新编英语精读教程 第3册 练习答案PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李经伟主编;李志钦等编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7560517064
- 页数:282 页
Lesson 1 1
Text A What Makes a Leader?&Michael Korda 1
Text B Doing the Right Thing&Desmond Berghofer 17
Lesson 2 22
Text A The Soul of a Champion:A Letter to Michael Jordan&Andrew Bernstein 22
Text B Do Heroes Exist?&Alex Hagedorn 38
Lesson 3 42
Text A Christmas Day in the Morning&Pearl S.Buck 42
Text B My Dad&Barbara McKenna 59
Lesson 4 64
Text A The Keys to Good Business in the Future&John K.Lawson 64
Text B Why Is Sony So Successful&Martin Wy 80
Lesson 5 86
Text A The American Dream&Hugh Muston 86
Text B Images in Advertisements&Gillian Sheraton 102
Lesson 6 105
Text A Trust No One?&Aaron Meroer 105
Text B The Land of the Lock&Bob Greene 121
Lesson 7 125
Text A Albert Einstein&Morgan Friedman 125
Text B Diogenes&Gilbert Highet 144
Lesson 8 148
Text A If It Comes Back&Jean Gilbertson 148
Text B Roses for a Dime&Anonymous 166
Lesson 9 170
Text A Art and Popular Culture&Tucker A.Teague 170
Text B Art and Science&Arthur Lee Jacobson 188
Lesson 10 193
Text A Entropy&K.C.Cole 193
Text B We're Too Busy for Ideas&Michele McCormick 210
Lesson 11 216
Text A How English Glorifies Maleness&Alleen Pace Nilsen 216
Text B Colorful,Colored and Colorless Words&Paul Roberts 237
Lesson 12 242
Text A A New Literacy&K.Pimentel and K.Teixeira 242
Text B Educational Use of Virtual Reality&David L.Wilson 259
Glossary 263
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