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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴松林,权家祥编
  • 出 版 社:西安市:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7560504507
  • 页数:229 页

Part One 1

Games and Riddles游戏与猜谜 1

Various Games游戏种种 1

1.“Paper,Stone,Scissors”与“猜包猜” 1

2.Count off or Pass报数游戏 1

目录 1

3.Noughts and Crosses划零与打×游戏 2

4.Bingo“排五点”游戏 2

5.Number Quizcross数字“王国” 2

7.Composing Poems作诗游戏 3

6.Finding the“Kings”找“国王” 3

8.Making Sentences with Alliteration头韵造句比赛 4

9.Simplyfying Words and Sentences 4

词句简化游戏 4

Riddles谜语 5

1.Common Types of Riddles谜语常见种类 5

2.Forty Riddles普通谜语四十条 8

3.Science Riddles科学谜语 12

1.Shakespeare Quizcross莎翁剧作猜谜 14

Let’s Work Them Out大家动手 14

2.Word Puzzle词谜 15

3.Word Game单词游戏 16

4.Word Square纵横词谜 16

5.Word Wheel单词车轮 17

6.What Is It?看图猜意 18

7.Searching the Words“月”里寻词 19

8.Completing the Words单词补缺 20

9.Crossword Puzzles解字谜 21

10 Science Puzzles科学猜谜 27

Part Two 31

Wisecracks妙语连珠 31

1.Witty Language with Chinese Version俏皮话十则 31

2.Quotable Quotes巧妙引语 32

3.Good Couplets with Chinese Version谚语集联 34

4.Axioms of Love爱的格言 39

1 Definition About Love爱的含义 39

2 Philosophy of Love爱的哲理 39

3 Sexism in Proverbs谚语中的性别歧视 40

5.Famous Words from“The Four Book”“四书”名句选飨 43

Part Three 46

Signs and Symbols标记和符号 46

1.Hobo Signs流浪汉语言 46

2.Scientific and Trading Symbols科学与商业符号 47

3.Braille外语盲文 49

4.Sign Language手势语言 49

5.Warning and Other Symbols警号与其他标记 50

Tongue Twister绕口令 53

Part Four 53

Part Five 60

How to Know Yourself and Your Friends识人知已有妙法 60

Graphology and Character笔迹与性格 60

Colours and You色彩与你的关系 69

Reading the Cards看牌算卦 71

Part Six 77

Interesting Poems趣味诗歌 77

1.Jesting Epitaphs打趣的墓志铭 77

2.Poems for Games游戏诗 80

3.Nonsensical Poems and Limericks打油诗 83

4.Children’s Folk Rhymes童谣 86

5.A Poem of Behheadment Words“砍头”字诗一首 88

6.The Months十二月歌 89

7.The Computer Poet计算机诗人 90

Part Seven 92

A Little Knowledge About Westerners西方风情知一二 92

1.Westerners’Supersititions西方人的迷信偶举 92

1.Explanations of Some Dreams释梦一瞥 93

2.Westerners and Their Dreams洋人与做梦 93

2.Some Methods of Analysing Your Dreams释梦的几种办法 94

3.Selected“Flowers”“花丛”拾锦 95

1.Some National Flowers国花 95

2.The Birth Months and Flowers with Their Symbolic Meanings出生月份与花的象征含义 96

4.Wedding Anniversaries结婚周年纪念 96

5.A Little Information on the Names of the 97

British and Americans英美人的姓名资料点滴 97

1.The Origins of the Names姓氏的来源 97

2.Strange Names奇名怪姓 98

6.Nicknames of Some Countries or Areas某些国家或地区人的绰号 99

7.Another Names of Some American Cities美国一些城市的别名 100

8.Another Names of Some Ameriean States美国一些州的别名 101

9.American Body Language美国身体语言 102

Part Eight Merry Idioms快活的成语 114

1.The Jesting Twelve Animals十二生肖插科 114

2.Animal Names In Some Idioms某些成语里的动物名称 115

3.Track Down by Following Clues“顺藤摸瓜” 116

4.Idiom-Magic妙语配画 118

5.Interesting Expressions趣味习语 123

Part Nine Jokes,Humours and Anecdotes笑园撷趣 126

1.Jokes and Humours笑话与幽默 126

2.Anecdotes轶事趣闻 137

Part Ten 143

The Cross Section of the Language语言的横断面 143

1.English Names of Pokers扑克牌上的英语 143

2.English Terms of Bridge英语桥牌术语拾零 144

4.Four Instances of the Differences Between Br.and Am.English英美语言差异四例 145

3.Argot切口语 145

5.Women’s Words女人的词汇 146

6.Interesting“Foreign”English趣味“外国”英语 147

7.Limited Ideas on Bad Language脏话管窥 148

8.Pompous Words in English英语里的堂皇之词 149

9.Words from Literary Characters由文学作品人物演变来的词汇 150

10.Reduplicatives学说重叠字 151

11.The“Images”of Animals动物的“形”象 153

12.Classification of Colours实物色彩面面观 155

1.Mahjong麻将 160

13.Chinese Fashions:Mahjong and Dance 160

中国流行色:麻将与跳舞 160

2.Dance跳舞 163

14.Languages in Public Places公共场所标志用语 166

Part Eleven 168

A Story-telling Field故事天地 168

1.Selected Shortest Stories超微型小说集锦 168

2.Four Translated Fables寓言四则 172

Animal World动物世界 178

Part Twelve 178

Part Thirteen 187

A Little Knowledge of Common Sense常识篇 187

1.A Test in Daily Life日常生活小测验 187

2.Earth Extremes地球之最 189

3.Power of Man’s Brain人脑的威力 191

4.The Name of the Months月份名称的来历 192

1.How to Argue with Your Boss怎么同上司争辩 194

5.Ways of Conducting Yourself in Society处世之道 194

2.Seven Deadly Sins against Your Rela-tionship and Career社交和从业七忌 196

6.Educating Your Youngster:Eight Ways to Help Your Child Excel教子有方:学而优,用八法 197

7.Secrets Happy Couples Share美满夫妻生活秘诀 200

Part Fourteen 207

Esthetic Forest风景丛林 207

1.The Seasons四季景致 207

Spring春 207

Summer夏 208

Autumn秋 209

Winter冬 210

Day白日 211

2.Times of Day时辰景色 211

Morning早晨 212

Dusk黄昏 213

Evening傍晚 213

Night夜幕 214

3.Weather天气景观 215

Wind风 215

Mist雾 216

Thunder and Lightning雷电 217

Clouds云 217

Storm暴风雨 219

Snow雪 221

Part Fifteen 223

Sound of Music音乐之声 223

Auld Lang Syne友谊地久天长 223

Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当 224

Susanna苏珊娜 225

Do-re-mi 227
