新综合科学 牛津原版 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郑书皓,杨坚望编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海远东出版社;牛津大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7806138722
- 页数:248 页
Unit 1 Starting ScienceThe Laboratory-a new classroom 2
Laboratory regulations 4
Experiment and observation 6
What is Science? 8
Measuring 10
Balances and weight 12
Metre rule and length 15
Volume and measuring cylinder 16
Measuring time 18
Temperature and thermometer 22
The Bunsen burner 23
Other Laboratory skills 28
More observation and recording 32
The Black box experiment 35
Differences between us 37
Summary 42
Difficult words 44
Unit 2 Looking at Living ThingsLooking at the living things 46
Looking at a snail 47
Looking at an earthworm 54
Different kinds of living things 61
Classifying living things 62
Looking at plants 68
Classifying animals 76
The use of a key 80
Grouping non-flowering plants further 82
Making a key 83
Summary 86
Difficult words 88
Unit 3 EnergyWhat is energy? 90
Different forms of energy 90
Simple energy changes 92
Energy converters 97
Our sources of electricity 98
Can energy be stored? 101
A living energy converter 102
Energy stories 103
Our energy resources 106
Some sources of our energy supply 108
Energy for the future 109
Energy out of control 110
Summary 111
Difficult words 113
Unit 4 Explaining MatterStates of matter 116
Properties of matter 117
How is matter built? 122
Can particles move? 125
Spaces between particles 129
The particle model 132
Gas pressure 136
Air pressure 136
Measuring air pressure 140
Density 143
Expansion and contraction 147
Applications of expansion 150
The Periodic Table 154
Breaking a compound 160
Summary 161
Difficult words 164
Unit 5 Solvents and SolutionsWater 166
Evaporation 172
Water in nature 175
Water and man 176
Dissolving 182
Crystals 187
Solvents other than water 190
Paper Chromatography 192
Colloidal solution and emulsion 194
Summary 200
Difficult words 203
Unit 6 Cells and ReproductionThe microscope 206
Cells 212
Reproduction 215
Fertilization 217
Reproduction in humans 220
Reproduction in plants 222
Seed growth and development 229
Dispersal of seeds 232
Development of animal embryo 233
Development inside mother 238
Growth and development 241
Summary 243
Difficult words 245
Index 246
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