- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:英语基础文库编写组编
- 出 版 社:北京:经济日报出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7801271165
- 页数:250 页
第一章:日常英语会话 1
1.Asking the Way问路 2
2.Drinking饮食(上):饮 12
3.Eating饮食(下):食 22
4.Festivals and Holidays节日、假日 34
5.Making Appointment约会 44
6.Life on the Campus学校生活 54
7.Seeing a Doctor求医 66
8.Shopping购物 75
9.Sports and Entertainment文娱体育 86
10.Telephoning打电话 98
11.Weather and Seasons季节、气候 108
12.Travelling and Sightseeing旅游观光 118
第二章:常见错误分析 138
1.Verbs(动词) 139
1.Errors in tense 139
2.Errors in voices 140
3.Errors in mood 141
4.Errors in using terminative and durative verbs 142
Key to exercises 144
二、Subjects(主语) 145
1.Errors in the use of double subjects 145
2.Errors in understanding and ascertaining the subject 145
3.Errors in taking noun or noun equivalent in the plural form for the real plural subject 147
4.Errors in taking the parenthesis of the subject for an indepen-dent subject 147
5.Errors in taking conjunctions likes"or","neither nor"for"and" 148
6.Errors in using the finite verb as the subject 149
Key to exercises 150
三、Adjectives(形容词) 151
1.Errors in misunderstanding the meaning of adjectives 151
2.Errors in the comparative degree 152
3.Errors in the superlative degree 153
4.Errors in failure to distinguish adjectives with the passive meaning from those with the active meaning 153
5.Errors in failure to distinguish the difference between the past participle and the present participle in meaning 154
Key to exercises 156
四、Superfluous Words(助词) 156
1.Superfluous prepositions 157
2.Superfluous atricles 157
3.Superfluous subject in the simple sentence 158
4.Superfluous subject after an attributive clause 159
5.Superfluous"to"for bare infinitive 159
6.Redundancies 160
Key to exercies 161
五、Sentence Patterns(句型) 162
1.Errors in the choice of subjects 162
2.Errors in verb patterns 164
3.Errors in the absence of the anticipatory object"it" 165
Key to exercises 166
六、Disagreement(不呼应) 166
1.Disagreement between subject and verb 166
2.Disagreement caused by misrelated participles 169
Key to exercises 170
七、Omission(遗漏) 171
1.Omission of prepositions after verbs 171
2.Omission of prepositions after infinitives 173
3.Omission of necessary verbs 175
4.Omission of necessary articles 177
5.Omission of necessary objects 179
6.Omission of"to"before infinitives 180
7.Omission of possessive endings in the possessive case of nouns 183
8.Omission of"there" 185
9.Omission of necessary words in making comparisons 186
10.Other omission errors 188
Key to exerciser 190
八、Position Of Words(词的位置) 194
1.Errors in the position of adverbs Ⅰ 194
2.Errors in the position of adverbs Ⅱ 196
3.Errors in the position of"enough"and"noi" 198
4.Errors in the position of articles 200
5.Errors in the position of attributives 202
6.Errors in the position of objects 204
7.Errors in the position of subjects Ⅰ 206
8.Errors in the position of subjects Ⅱ 208
9.Errors in the position of other words 210
Key to exercises 212
九、Confused Words(容易混淆的词) 214
1.Confused nouns Ⅰ 214
2.Confused nouns Ⅱ 216
3.Confused verbs Ⅰ 219
4.Confused verbs Ⅱ 221
5.Confused verbs Ⅲ 222
6.Confused adjectives Ⅰ 224
7.Conuseed adjectives Ⅱ 226
8.Confused adverbs 228
9.Confused prepositions Ⅰ 230
10.Confused prepositions Ⅱ 232
11.Confuseg parts of speech Ⅰ 234
12.Confuseg parts of speech Ⅱ 236
Key to exercises 238
十、Expressions(表达方式) 242
1.Non-English expressions Ⅰ 242
2.Non-English expressions Ⅱ 243
3.Non-English expressions Ⅲ 245
4.Non-English expressions Ⅳ 247
Key to exercises 249
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