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商务英语步步赢  实战谈判赢天下
商务英语步步赢  实战谈判赢天下

商务英语步步赢 实战谈判赢天下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:盛丹丹主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787118065770
  • 页数:253 页
《商务英语步步赢 实战谈判赢天下》目录

Chapter 1 Business Communications 商务交际 2

Unit 1 Answering the Telephone 接听电话 2

Unit 2 Dialing a Wrong Number 打错电话 4

Unit 3 Calling a Switchboard 电话转接 6

Unit 4 Arranging an Appointment 安排约会 8

Unit 5 Putting Off an Appointment 推迟约会 10

Unit 6 Canceling an Appointment 取消约会 12

Unit 7 Visiting Clients 拜访客户 14

Unit 8 Reception 商务接待 16

Unit 9 Introduction of the Company 公司介绍 18

Unit 10 Visiting Factories 参观工厂 20

Unit 11 Business Meals 商务会餐 22

Unit 12 Arranging Activities 安排活动 24

Unit 13 Seeing Off Customers 送别客户 26

Chapter 2 Price and Terms of Payment 价格与付款方式Unit 1 Inquiry 询盘 28

Unit 2 Offer 报盘 30

Unit 3 Counter-Offer 还盘 32

Unit 4 CIF 成本、保险加运费价 34

Unit 5 DDP 完税后交货价 36

Unit 6 EXW 工厂交货价 38

Unit 7 FOB 船上交货价 40

Unit 8 Remittance 汇付 42

Unit 9 Collection 托收 44

Unit 10 Letter of Credit 信用证 46

Unit 11 Letter of Guarantee 保函 48

Chapter 3 Packing and Logistics 包装与物流 50

Unit 1 Mode of Packing 包装方式 50

Unit 2 Ways of Shipment 装运方式 52

Unit 3 Date of Shipment 装运期限 54

Unit 4 Chartering a Vessel 租船订舱 56

Unit 5 Port of Departure 起运港 58

Unit 6 Port of Destination 目的港 60

Unit 7 Transshipment Port 中转港 62

Unit 8 Clearance of Goods 报关 64

Unit 9 Customs Clearance 结关 66

Unit 10 Export Drawback 出口退税 68

Unit 11 Exemption from Duty 进口免税 70

Chapter 4 Forms of Trade 贸易方式 72

Unit 1 Technology Transfer 技术转让 72

Unit 2 Bidding 招标 74

Unit 3 Tender 投标 76

Unit 4 Joint Venture 合资企业 78

Unit 5 Compensation Trade 补偿贸易 80

Unit 6 Barter Trade 易货贸易 82

Unit 7 Consignment Trade 寄售贸易 84

Unit 8 Processing Business 加工业务 86

Unit 9 Assembling Business 装配业务 88

Unit 10 Financing 融资 90

Unit 11 Agent 有关代理 92

Unit 12 Commission 佣金问题 94

Chapter 5 Import and Export 商贸进出口 96

Unit 1 Credit Inquiry 资信调查 96

Unit 2 Establishing Trade Relations 建立贸易关系 98

Unit 3 Quantity of the Order 订货数量 100

Unit 4 Quality of Goods 货物质量 102

Unit 5 Ordering Goods 下订单 104

Unit 6 Out of stock 缺货 106

Unit 7 Insurance Rate 保险费率 108

Unit 8 Commodity Inspection 商品检验 110

Unit 9 Signing a Contract 签订合同 112

Unit 10 Revision of a Contract 修改合同 114

Chapter 6 Business Conferences 商务会议 116

Unit 1 Preparing for a Meeting 会议筹备 116

Unit 2 Agenda 会议议程 118

Unit 3 Beginning the Meeting 会议开始 120

Unit 4 Discussing During the Meeting 会议讨论 122

Unit 5 Summarization and Adjournment 总结闭会 124

Chapter 7 Company Operation 公司运作 126

Unit 1 Competition 竞争 126

Unit 2 Partnership 合作关系 128

Unit 3 Product Launch 新产品发布会 130

Unit 4 Press Conference 记者招待会 132

Unit 5 Registering a Trademark 商标注册 134

Unit 6 Patent 专利 136

Unit 7 Financial Affairs 公司财务 138

Unit 8 Company Website 公司网站 140

Unit 9 Mergers 公司合并 142

Unit 10 Branch Offices 分支机构 144

Chapter 8 Marketing & Sales 市场营销 146

Unit 1 Market Research 市场调研 146

Unit 2 Target Audience 目标消费者 148

Unit 3 Promotion by Salesperson 登门推销 150

Unit 4 Advertising Campaign 广告运作 152

Unit 5 Choosing Media 选择媒体 154

Unit 6 Details of an Advertisement 广告细节 156

Unit 7 Promotional Events 促销活动 158

Unit 8 Preparing for a Trade Show 准备展会 160

Unit 9 Trade Shows 展会现场 162

Unit 10 Product Demonstrations 产品展示 164

Unit 11 E-commerce 电子商务 166

Unit 12 After-Sale Service 售后服务 168

Chapter 9 Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理Unit 1 Complaints About Quality质量投诉 170

Unit 2 Complaints About Short Quantity 短重投诉 172

Unit 3 Dealing with Complaints 处理投诉 174

Unit 4 Wrong Shipment 错发货物 176

Unit 5 Returning the Goods 退货 178

Unit 6 Claims 索赔 180

Unit 7 Arbitration 诉诸仲裁 182

Unit 8 Public Relations 公共关系 184

Unit 9 Company Gifts 公司纪念品 186

Chapter 10 Contacting with Bank 与银行业务 188

Unit 1 Opening an Account 开立账户 188

Unit 2 Inquiring About Interest Rates 询问利率 190

Unit 3 Depositing and Withdrawing 存款取钱 192

Unit 4 Closing an Account 注销账户 194

Unit 5 Cashing a Check 支票兑现 196

Unit 6 The Rate of Exchange 外汇汇率 198

Unit 7 Exchanging Money 货币兑换 200

Unit 8 Credit Card 信用卡 202

Unit 9 Reporting a Lost Passbook 存折挂失 204

Unit 10 Investing in Stock Market 投资股市 206

Chapter 11 Business Trip 商务旅行 208

Unit 1 Daily Schedule 日程安排 208

Unit 2 Passport and Visa 护照签证 210

Unit 3 Booking a Plane Ticket 订飞机票 212

Unit 4 Security Check 安全检查 214

Unit 5 On the Plane 在飞机上 216

Unit 6 Transit 转机 218

Unit 7 Passing the Customs 过海关 220

Unit 8 By Ship 乘船 222

Unit 9 By Train 乘火车 224

Unit 10 Asking the Way 问路 226

Unit 11 By Bus 乘公交车 228

Unit 12 By Subway 乘地铁 230

Unit 13 Taking a Taxi 乘出租车 232

Unit 14 Reserving a Room 订房间 234

Unit 15 Checking in 入住登记 236

Unit 16 Wake-up Call 电话叫醒 238

Unit 17 Laundry 送洗衣物 240

Unit 18 Maintenance 维修服务 242

Unit 19 Bill Mistake 账单错误 244

Unit 20 Checking out 结账退房 246

Unit 21 Booking a Table 餐厅订位 248

Unit 22 At the Restaurant 在餐馆 250

Unit 23 Sightseeing 参观游览 252
