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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡嘉渝,彭旭,阮宇翔编著
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787561833292
  • 页数:352 页

Section One Urban Planning 1

Chapter One:Evolution and Trends 3

介绍国外城市规划的发展演变过程和现今的发展趋势Article:The Evolution of Modern Urban Planning 3

Further Reading(1):The Definition of Modern Urban Planning 6

Further Reading(2):Trends in Modern Urban Planning of US 7

Chapter Two:Hierarchy of Plans 11

介绍国外和中国香港的规划等级体系以及不同等级规划的特点和内容Article:Hierarchy of Plans in UK 11

Further Reading(1):Comprehensive Plan,Precise Plan and Zoning 14

Further Reading(2):Hierarchy of Plans in Hong Kong 15

Chapter Three:The Theories of Urban Development 19

介绍现代城市发展中的几个重要理论:世界级城市、新的国际劳力分工、贵族化、郊区蔓延Article:World-class City 19

Further Reading(1):New International Division of the Labor(NIDL) 22

Further Reading(2):Gentrification and Suburban Sprawl 24

Chapter Four:Garden City vs.Urban Village & New Urbanism 27

比较19世纪末霍华德的“花园城市”与时下广泛讨论的“都市村庄”和“新城市主义”Article:Garden City 27

Further Reading(1):Urban Village 29

Further Reading(2):New Urbanism 31

Chapter Five:Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development 35

论述“可持续发展”的概念来源、广义含义以及精明增长Article:Agenda 21 and the Origin of Sustainable Development 35

Further Reading(1):The Many Uses,Definitions and Domains of"Sustainability" 37

Further Reading(2):Smart Growth 38

Chapter Six:Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) 41

介绍环境影响评估的概念、步骤以及在国外的应用与实践Article:The Concept and Process of Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) 41

Further Reading(1):The EA(Environmental Assessment)Process in Canada 43

Further Reading(2):Policies for Creating Environmentally Sound Industries 46

Chapter Seven:Urban Decay,Renewal and Community Development 49

介绍城市衰败、城市更新与社区发展Article:Urban Renewal 49

Further Reading(1):Urban Decay 53

Further Reading(2):Community Development 57

Chapter Eight:Urban Governance 62

介绍全球化背景下的城市管治Article:New Challenges for Urban Governance 62

Further Reading(1):Impact of Globalization on Urban Governance 66

Further Reading(2):Integrated Urban Governance 69

Chapter Nine:Public Interest and Participation 72

论述公共利益的概念来源和含义,介绍城市规划中公众参与的重要性和具体方法Article:Public Interest 72

Further Reading(1):The Significance of Participation in Sustainable Community 74

Further Reading(2):Participatory Learning Techniques 75

Section Two Urban Design and Landscape 79

Chapter One:Urban Form and Urban Design 81

论述城市设计的概念和设计原理,介绍城市设计在美国的发展Article:Urban Design 81

Further Reading(1):A Sustainable Urban Form and Urban Design Principles 84

Further Reading(2):Urban Design in US 87

Chapter Two:Urban Design Theorists 90

介绍三位城市设计理论家:凯文·林奇、扬·盖尔、柯林·罗Article:Kevin Lynch 90

Further Reading(1):Jan Gehl 94

Further Reading(2):Colin Rowe 98

Chapter Three:Urban Design Movements 102

介绍三个著名的城市设计运动:新城市主义、城市美化运动、新步行主义Article:New Urbanism 102

Further Reading(1):City Beautiful Movement 107

Further Reading(2):New Pedestrianism 110

Chapter Four:Urban Morphology 114

论述城市形杰学的概念,介绍其早期和最新的几个理论Article:Urban Morphology 114

Further Reading(1):Early Theories:Concentric Zones,Sector Theory,Multiple Nuclei 118

Further Reading(2):Recent Theories:Dispersed City,Edge City,Peripheral Model 123

Chapter Five:Place Making 128

介绍场所营造的理论及其在公共空间、街道和滨水区的实践Article:The Emerging Culture of Place 128

Further Reading(1):Reinventing Streets as Places 132

Further Reading(2):How to Create a Vibrant Waterfront 135

Chapter Six:Urban Landscape 140

介绍城市景观设计的意义、英国的城市景观政策、加拿大的一个景观设计实例Article:Developing Landscape Policies in England 140

Further Reading(1):Opportunities in City Landscape 143

Further Reading(2):Frozen Music 145

Chapter Seven:Greenway 147

介绍绿道规划与设计的概念、功能、发展与实践Article:The Evolution of Greenway as an Adaptive Landscape Form 147

Further Reading(1):The History of Greenway Planning in USA 152

Further Reading(2):Greenway Planning and Design 157

Chapter Eight:Urban Conservation 162

介绍城市古迹保护的意义、理论基础、原则、过程以及爱尔兰的城市古迹保护实例Article:Urban Conservation 162

Further Reading(1):A Theoretical Basis for Conservation Policy 166

Further Reading(2):Urban Conservation in Dublin,Ireland 168

Section Three Architectural Design 171

Chapter One:Small Houses 173

介绍三栋独立式小住宅设计,包括近期落成的环保型小住宅、著名建筑师盖里设计的小别墅以及加拿大的一个建筑竞赛作品Article:Celebrating,Rain and Shine 173

Further Reading(1):Schnabel Residence 176

Further Reading(2):Blackwood House and Studio 179

Chapter Two:Urban Housing 182

介绍近期国外城市住宅设计实例,包括美国院落式住宅复兴和加拿大城市住宅设计实例Article:Courtyard Housing Revival 182

Further Reading(1):Downtown Prototype 185

Further Reading(2):Family of Four 189

Chapter Three:Schools 191

介绍近期两例国外中小学设计以及美国关于倡导回复邻里学校设计的活动Article:Secondary Form 191

Further Reading(1):Morphosis Diamond in the Rough 193

Further Reading(2):Historic Neighborhood Schools 196

Chapter Four:Libraries and Academic Centers 200

介绍图书馆和系馆设计实例,包括近期颇有影响的两个图书馆和一个自然科学系馆Article:Kuhmo Library 200

Further Reading(1):Light Reading 203

Further Reading(2):Faculty of Natural Sciences 205

Chapter Five:Cultural and Exhibition Buildings 209

介绍著名的文化和展览建筑设计实例,包括日本的“旋转建筑”、波恩艺术展览馆和加拿大国家美术馆Article:The Spiral Building 209

Further Reading(1):Exhibition Hall Art Gallery in Bonn 212

Further Reading(2):The National Gallery of Canada 214

Chapter Six:Financial and Official Buildings 218

介绍著名金融和办公建筑实例,包括著名的世界金融中心、位于香港的中国银行和近期由新现代主义建筑师完成的两个办公大楼Article:World Financial Center 218

Further Reading(1):Bank of China 222

Further Reading(2):The New Modernism of Helmut Jahn 224

Chapter Seven:Municipal Buildings 228

介绍著名的公共和市政建筑设计实例,包括位于英国和安道尔国的两个市政厅以及美国的一个法院建筑Article:London City Hall 228

Further Reading(1):Encamp Town Hall 230

Further Reading(2):New Courthouse in the Desert 233

Chapter Eight:Religious Buildings 236

介绍现代宗教建筑设计实例,包括印度的一个现代宗教建筑和东京的两座现代教堂Article:Baha'i House of Worship 236

Further Reading(1):Tokyo Church of Christ 239

Further Reading(2):Tokyo Salesian Boys'Home 241

Chapter Nine:Design Towards Tomorrow 245

介绍新世纪建筑设计的几个新理论,包括绿色建筑、虚拟建筑设计和智慧型建筑Article:Green Architecture in the 21st Century 245

Further Reading(1):Architectural Design and Virtual Worlds 248

Further Reading(2):Introduction to Smart Architecture 251

Section Four Architectural Styles and Famous Architects 253

Chapter One:Architecture of Greece,Rome and China 255

介绍古代希腊、罗马和中国的建筑设计风格与代表建筑Article:The Architecture of Ancient Rome 255

Further Reading(1):The Architecture of Ancient Greece 260

Further Reading(2):The Architecture of China 264

Chapter Two:Architecture of Byzantine,Gothic and Renaissance 268

介绍拜占庭、哥特和文艺复兴建筑风格的特征与代表建筑Article:Renaissance Architecture 268

Further Reading(1):Gothic Architecture 273

Further Reading(2):Byzantine Architecture 277

Chapter Three:Architecture of Baroque,Modern and Postmodern 280

介绍巴洛克、现代主义和后现代主义建筑风格的特征与代表建筑Article:Postmodern Architecture 280

Further Reading(1):Modern Architecture 285

Further Reading(2):Baroque Architecture 290

Chapter Four:Architecture of International Style,High-tech and Deconstructivism 295

介绍国际主义风格、高技派和解构派的建筑设计特征与代表建筑Article:Deconstructivism 295

Further Reading(1):High-tech Architecture 299

Further Reading(2):International Style 303

Chapter Five:Modernism Architects 308

介绍现代主义的四位建筑大师(赖特、柯布西耶、格罗皮乌斯和密斯)的生平、设计理念以及代表作Article:Frank Lloyd Wright 308

Further Reading(1):Le Corbusier 311

Further Reading(2):Walter Gropius 313

Further Reading(3):Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 315

Chapter Six:Postmodernism Architects 318

介绍后现代主义的三位著名建筑师(文丘里、约翰逊、斯特林)的生平、设计理念以及代表作Article:Robert Venturi 318

Further Reading(1):Philip Johnson 321

Further Reading(2):James Stirling 325

Chapter Seven:Deconstructivism Architects 329

介绍解构主义的三位著名建筑师(盖里、艾森曼、里布斯金)的生平、设计理念以及代表作Article:Frank Gehry 329

Further Reading(1):Peter Eisenman 333

Further Reading(2):Daniel Libeskind 336

Chapter Eight:Recent Prizkter Prize Laureates 340

介绍近期获得普林茨克奖的三位著名建筑师(库哈斯、哈迪德、福斯特)的生平、设计理念以及代表作Article:Rem Koolhaas 340

Further Reading(1):Zaha Hadid 344

Further Reading(2):Norman Foster 348
